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Author dewismotorsport's Corsa gsi turbo track car

Registered: 16th Feb 08
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7th Dec 11 at 19:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

next came valve stem seal failiure on the 1.6

so decided to use that excuss to drop the LET in :thumb:

this was it before i removed it with the few bits i'd added over time

out she comes

Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

next came all the engine bay work i stripped all the sound deadening out and removed all un used studs, the battery tray went as well.
Then seam welded the front end and added the chassis strengthening plates as i'd already managed to split the cross member on the gearbox side just on 1.6 power
Then decided to remove any metal that will get in the way of the intercooler pipes etc, and then topped it all of with a lick of smooth hamerite paint, swapped the steering rack over from the R reg car as it had better gaiters and was a 2.7 turns lock to lock, the pump had to go as i couldn't get the 3" exhaust past it, pas was designed for women anyway msl:


Registered: 16th Feb 08
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7th Dec 11 at 19:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

swapped the gear selector box over as well as the other one would fall apart randomly and added other bits and bobs along the way

bought this for a fiver at VBOA spares day bargin it's not for a corsa though but made it fit anyway

modded the linkage

then decided to mod the airflow meter removing the cooling fins as there not needed in this country to be honest as they were added for the south african market


Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

then it was about time to get the engine in after re sealing the car looms

engine on it's way in so much easyer with a ramp :thumb:

XE inlet cam added and kent pullys added for both to save that extra little bit of weight

holes cut for the pullys and painted up

all fitted up


Registered: 16th Feb 08
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7th Dec 11 at 19:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As you can see i bolted the manifold and turbo up with the wastegate so now it was time to start the fabrication for the exhaust, screamer pipe and intercooler tubing :thumb:

yes that is a CAT but it's a 100 cell sports one :thumb:

always loved side exit exhausts for some reason and i didn't fancy trying to get it to bend up and over the rear beam cause it was bound to knock on it!

Now onto the head scratcher where to route all the intake piping

now was really struggling to find somewhere to mount the air filter out the heat from the engine so came up with this msl:

oh and had to mount this somewhere as well :cry:


Registered: 16th Feb 08
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7th Dec 11 at 19:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

next up i fitted the fuel system in the boot and hard piped it up from under the seat and fitted the battery in the boot, i mounted the wiring distribution block under the scuttle panel and chopped up a set of heavy duty jump leads and ran them through the car and into the boot

bought a phase 3.5 ecu off ebay so split it open to check for chips

also fitted the 525cc injectors


Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

once everything was connected up it was start up time started up and would idle fine but as soon as you revved it, it would cut out :cry:

tried driving it gentely but only got about 100 yards before the fueling and timing were all over the place so it was now a process of alimination :confused:

first port of call was to check for any air leaks etc then plug it into my mates Snap On Modus to check for fault codes some flashed up, low voltage from battery so charged that up and also changed the crank case sensor, still no joy checked all the plugs and leads and coil for spark and i was deffinatley getting fuel the workshop stank of it msl:
changed the dizzy cap and rotor arm but still no joy would idle all day but just would cut out when on the come down after being revved!

swapped back down to VXR injectors as it was overfuel and could of been causing the problem by putting the spark out with too much fuel.
i was stumped and posted on here but nothing could be tracked down, but i'd ran out of time for PVS 09 so hooked it up on the A frame and towed it back to Coventry where me and my mate spent a good few hours cleaning and polishing it for the show

I convoyed it down with Rich and Al and met up with mikker33 on the way at watford gap.
Come the day of the show though what a waste of time that cleaning was cause as everyone knows it pissed it down and the camp site was like a swamp! :cry:

Registered: 16th Feb 08
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7th Dec 11 at 19:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

At the show and chatting to mikker33 we came to the concluesion that my problem was caused by the airflow meter being too close to the turbo which was affecting the pulses being sent due to the turbo trying to suck the internals out of it msl:

Doh so disconected the air flow meter and bingo she would rev up sweet but was massively over fueling on the wide band though msl:

once car was back home after the show the AFM was moved next to the air filter and that sorted my problem :thumb:

once the car was back at work i took it out for the first time in anger on our base's runway which is 1 1/4 miles long so i could give it massive beans :thumb:

all was fine until about 18psi when the hoses kept blowing off, so back into the workshop to swage the pipe ends, also ordered the mikalor clamps as well £95 for all the ones i needed :cry:

once arrived all bolted up and back out onto the airfield few light runs and then into the business runs to set the A/F ratio up on the wideband!

something weren't right though don't get me wrong the fucking thing shiftted but the boost didn't stop rising i backed off at about 30psi cause it shouldn't be that high but i couldn't work out why it was going up that high cause the manual boost controller was only set low :confused:

turned out to be a knacker amal valve so i just wired it out of the loop and went back out this time i removed the controller so i could see what the gate preasure was which is 14psi :thumb: can tell this cause once it opens my car sounds like it's got a jet pack attached with the noise from the screamer pipe msl:

Controllers now back on and it's running 20psi at the mo but feels savagely quick

Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

car's been on the road now for about 3 months or so and it's a savage road car but still comfy to drive
Took rich williams out in it and scared the shit out of him msl: msl:
But as with all high powered engines you run into problems mine being blowing the welds on the exhaust manifold

so off it all came to be re welded while it was off i added another silencer to the exhaust as it was too loud and only just pasted the MOT

while it was off i found this which wasn't good so i replaced the pipe and heat wrap

this is the pipe that runs past the downpipe
also managed to blow a 2" hole in this pipe i've got no idea how as it's a tripple ply silicon pipe and i'm only running less than 1.5 bar :confused:

so as it's my daily driver i ghetto modded the pipe to get home at the weekend super glue and gaffa tap! :thumb:

lasted well till the new one turned up on the tuesday :thumb:

right i will post the latset stuff up soon cause i can't be arsed now, custom inlet and exhaust manifold still to come!!!!!!!!!!!

Registered: 16th Feb 08
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7th Dec 11 at 19:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the very next day whilst giving it full beans on the motorway the manifold cracked again but this time in a different place :cry:
I know when it's gone cause you get a back fire noise in the engine bay
so since then i've just been using the mig welder and and welding it in place cause it's an epic to take off, so 5 minutes with the MIG and a covering of high temp exhaust paste and it's job done :thumb:
whilst welding it up again i found this

so fitted a steel item instead this time

others disasters lately have been this

what you can't really see is it dented the roof and smashed the window in 3 places and even smashed the sunvisor bracket, interior light and trashed the scuttle panel still had spares of them as well msl:

good job i have my own vauxhall scrap yard in my garden and within 30 minutes i had this one on and i was back in the game :thumb:

Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got a few bits sorted while it was off the road for the week took the brakes off that i'd managed to warp after only about 2k miles :cry:
So got them on the lath to give them a skim

I also made a start on my new inlet manifold, i had a spare so set to work with the grinder

Welded the backing plate on purposely leaving it over size to reduce distortion before cutting it off after
welded both sides for extra strength not pretty but didn't matter as it was getting ground off anyway and then the flutes got ported

then welded the outside used 5% silicon rods to add with strength and help with flow as the GM casting isn't the best quality cast aluminium

could of made the exterior welds prettier but i was after this sort of penertration all the way round cause i've heard of other peoples cracking

I've tried to keep everything in the standard positions so it will bolt straight on ie the IDC valve position, oil breather etc. Also wanted to keep the standard fuel rail only had to add a 90 degree fitting for the fuel in hose.

Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

then added the end plate this was out of 6mm and cut it out for the V6 throttle bodie and then added the throttle cable mount

also welded a 3" pipe to the end as all my pipe work is that size and the standard V6 throttle is 64mm, and it was the worst bit of cast i've ever had the plessure to weld :cry:

all finished and off to the sand blasters for a clean up and bead blast polish

Registered: 16th Feb 08
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7th Dec 11 at 19:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

one of my other recent disasters was this

just doing a check over in the engine bay and noticed the pipe looked a bit dodgy at the turbo end turns out the plastic pipe had melted fully shut so no longer supplying the turbo with oil, this must of happen on the trip from Coventry down to Barnstaple but i'd used the car in the week so was now in a state of panic cause i now new id done at least 30 miles minium with no oil going to my turbo :cry:
So i took the intake piping off to inspect turbo expecting it to be seized solid but she was fine :clap: span freely and with no play in the shaft :thumb: could of been very expensive, so a quick look on ebay and i could only find oil feed pipes in Japan which take at least 2 weeks to arrive so i posted up on here and David Dixon came to the rescue as he was breaking his nova at the time so i bought his :thumb:

all fitted up


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7th Dec 11 at 19:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The car is coming of the road in the next few weeks as i've things that need fixing the main one is the diff bearings are now noisey on the F28 so that needs to come off and be overhauled and it'd be rude to not fit a Quaife while i was at it, as much as i love torque steer it has nearly killed me a few times pulling me into on coming traffic msl:
I've also got a oil leak from either the crank oil seal flywheel end or it's the sump down that end and to be honest other parts of the sump gasket are leaking as well dispite the 8V sump gasket.
so while i'm at it i'm gonna drop the engine and box out and do a small bit of tidying up in the bay, i'm gonna remove the ABS pump as it's not even in use as i was to lazy to redo all the brake lines and i was gonna run the speedo off one of the sensors but Dom off migweb hadn't made a converter at the time, but i've got round the lack of speedo now with a cool iPhone app called Speedbox cost £1.59 and it's brilliant as you can have HUD, digital or analog read out and the later goes to 260 mph :thumb:
This time i'm going for copper pipes all round.
Also gonna fit my new inlet manifold and when i've made my new exhaust manifold fit that as well, only got as far as unpacking the box so far

also thinking about making myself a fuel tank and swirl pot made this the other day for a MK1 Escort

nothing quite this big but will make to fit the boot area as for now i still want to keep it as a road car aswell so can't loose the back seats

Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got these back from the sand and bead blasters today come up really nice

also made a start on getting the heated seats hooked up seeing as winters closing in :cry:


Registered: 16th Feb 08
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7th Dec 11 at 19:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

little update bought Ben ev's head and block complete from Browney on Monday, have got it back to work now so will set about giving the block a paint, and then when I've got my engine out I'll swap all the parts over.



ported and polished
double valve springs
X20XEV lifters
breather mod

Block (XE converted to LET)

lightened and balanced XE crank
steel rods
Mahle 86.5mm pistons
ARP rod, main and head studs
under piston oil squirters
glyco heavy duty bearings
Z20LET oil pump and modified pick up pipe
8v sump gasket
1.9mm head gasket
new water pump
new tensioners

so pretty much everything I was gonna do but at a fraction of the price :thumb: :thumb:

Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Stripped my old F20 cause I needed the plastic speedo ring for my F28 which I'm gonna convert to mechanical while the engine's out


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7th Dec 11 at 19:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Decided to get my arse in gear and get some work done on the new engine, so I degreased the block and head then removed the sump, glad I did as 90% of the bolts were only just over finger tight so I have checked everything just to be on the safe side

glad to say everything was as it should be :clap:

so decided to have a look at the new Mahle pistons and rods and the balanced crank

and checked out the ARP's

then degreased everything else and removed the excess sealent on the 8v baffle plate.

also checked out the ports and valves

will paint the block next week as I left the paint at home like a nob msl:

Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Had to re port my inlet manifold to suit my new head today and after giving it a full clean out put it all together, put the 525cc injectors on for now but once I get my new management (not decided which yet swaying towards DTA S40 Pro) will have to upgrade to RC 750cc I think.

also made a blanking plate for the oil level sender as I've never used it in a conversion anyway, gave it a quick polish just to be flash msl:


Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Small update got on with painting the block

also gave all the pulleys a clean and resprayed the backing plate

just hoping my calibra goes through the mot alright then I can get my old engine out the Corsa and start smashing through the planned upgrades :

eccentric top mounts
all new brake lines to do away with my abs pump
make my new exhaust manifold
convert my F28 to mechanical clocks and fit a quaife ATB and new bearings
and just have a general tidy up in the bay

Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Update time, I've been looking into making a baffled sump, as it's the sort of mod I can easyly do at work and doesn't cost me anything :clap:

was gonna just do something really simple like this

then decided to go the whole hog so took it another step further

I then had a interesting chat with Spanish and decided to go a bit further with it

and to say it's GM cast alloy it welded really nice

still not finished as I've still got an upright to add just before the shallow end, hopefully get it finished tomorrow

Just wanna say a massive thank you to Spanish for his help/ideas of how to go about it! Cheers :beer:

Registered: 16th Feb 08
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7th Dec 11 at 19:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

here's the finished article

also done a little bit of shopping

magnetic sump bolt

and ARP flywheel bolts

Also managed to get my £100 Calibra through the MOT and only cost me £40 in parts to do so, so really happy with my new motorway bomber :thumb:

More importantly though is now that I've got a winter car I can get the Corsa stripped down and new engine put in and all the other mods I've got planned :clap:

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7th Dec 11 at 19:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Small update

now that the sumps all finished I fitted it back on with lots of oil resistant sealent as every XE/LET I've ever had has always leaked :cry: This one won't though i'm sure of it :dunno: also double checked that the new baffle doesn't interfear with anything by having a good look through the oil level sensor hole, all was sweet so sealed that up with the blanking plate.

Also painted the flywheel end of the block, don't know why really it just looked shit not, so couldn't resist

trial fitted the new inlet manifold as well


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7th Dec 11 at 19:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bit of shopping over Xmas

eccentric top mounts

and a nice polished dip stick/breather tube

wanna be getting the engine out in the next few weeks so I can get it all fitted up and the new exhaust manifold made before I splash out on management, also note to self order diff and bearings

Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: Coventry & Poole
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7th Dec 11 at 19:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Update time bought this at the weekend got it for a bargin £450 comes with a map on it already which will be useable to work off, came with a loom with omex plugs which was made for a nova turbo so shouldn't be to hard to get to fit mine

also ordered the mapping kit which should be here in a few days so I'll be able to have a better look at the map

made a start on my collector for the exhaust manifold haven't got a donkey or band saw so is a bit of a pain so will have to use grinder or plasma to cut them out here's my 5 minute mock up

also bought my cheapest mod to date off Don bargin at £2 for 4 :thumb:

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