Organiser: Scotland Premium Member
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And i'm sorry but if my box was laid out like that i would freak the fuck out
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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fair enough but the fact is that they wouldn't all fit in the drawer if they were set out, added to the fact that for all the work it'd be it wouldn't really be any easier to find anything
Get some pics up and show me how it's done then Archie, those pics of mine were taken as the box is used, no internet mock ups here
Organiser: Scotland Premium Member
Registered: 18th Dec 07
Location: South Ayrshire
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I havent any of my layouts of my new box but i've a couple of my old box (Identical cab to yours and matching topbox, with limited edition vinyls)

And my new box -
Registered: 16th Jan 06
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What line of work are you in Alan.. just out of intrest?
thats a typical tyrefitter/ quikfit box there Archie, look how neat and clean it all is!
Ive outgrown my 40" now.. looking at a 52" when funds allow.
Organiser: Scotland Premium Member
Registered: 18th Dec 07
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My toolbox has always been like that, even when i was working for the renailt dealership, i always hung on at 5 to tidy my tools and clean my ramp.
nothing worse than picking up a tool thats boggin or you cant find something, especially the price of some things
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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Snap on ratchet spanners new box looks the tits as well mate. I couldn't lay my spanners out like that if i wanted to unfortunately!
csweatherston, I'm a mechy fitter to trade, currently working for Howden Fans UK as a sub contractor. What is it you do yourself? Must be pretty serious to need the 52"!
Organiser: Scotland Premium Member
Registered: 18th Dec 07
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Aye there good spanners, lot of the boys a worked with at Renault/Nissan had the blue point ones and a didnt like them.
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i had all my box laid out nice and tidy like that when it was in the workshop but now its in the van its all over the place and putting the foam stuff in wastes too much space
[Edited on 28-02-2012 by craig8]
E36 328
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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I've been looking at the Blue Point ones Archie, didn't think there'd be much difference between them and yours. What is it you didn't like about them?
Craig, the shit I've used is just carved up packaging foam from Dell computers lol. I know what you mean about it being bulky but I've got plenty of room left in other drawers for new shit, the likes of the spanner drawer has every size I need in so won't need any more room. I'd quite like to get some light plate welded up and painted to replace the foam with, I'd like it solid if I was going to do that though so would probably mean drilling and riveting and I'm not up for that just yet!
[Edited on 28-02-2012 by alan-g-w]
Organiser: Scotland Premium Member
Registered: 18th Dec 07
Location: South Ayrshire
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Blue point ones are good for the money, just didnt like the setup on the 'switch' if you like, for changing direction.
Got my Snap-On ones on special at £170 about 3 years ago.
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why do you have to buy your own toolbox for work
Organiser: Scotland Premium Member
Registered: 18th Dec 07
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I dont know any mechanics who have been given tools and a box.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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shit jobs then imo, thats like me turning up to work and being expected to buy a PC and desk
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
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Much better having your own tools and box IMO. If I had one it would be OCD tidy and clean. I like Archie's box layout, but it's whatever you're happy with.
Organiser: Scotland Premium Member
Registered: 18th Dec 07
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I hate using other folks tools.
Dont mind people borrowing something here and there if i have something they dont, boy i work with is bad for helping himself then leaving it at his hole.
My new box is laid out a lot better, plenty of room for shiny new tools.
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I need to buy a box soon, starting to get a decent collection of tools now.
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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Aye Archie that's the case most of the time, I don't care what people say but snap on is definetely worth the money. Not that I've got too much of the stuff, for that reason!
quote: Originally posted by Steve
why do you have to buy your own toolbox for work
In my trade it's usually a case of employed by a company, company sets you up with tools to do the job at hand and buys new shit if need be.
Unfortunately I got laid off at the end of my apprenticeship, the point right before being issued with tools. I had built up a small kit with a few spanners and screwdrivers but nothing serious, so had the very basics. I then entered the world of sub contracting, where the only things issued to you are h+s equipment. I had to either get my own tools or borrow tools, so it just made absolute sense to build up a decent kit. It also means that if I ever get employed by a company who issue me tools I'll have a bangin box for up the road
Registered: 16th Jan 06
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quote: Originally posted by alan-g-w
Snap on ratchet spanners new box looks the tits as well mate. I couldn't lay my spanners out like that if i wanted to unfortunately!
csweatherston, I'm a mechy fitter to trade, currently working for Howden Fans UK as a sub contractor. What is it you do yourself? Must be pretty serious to need the 52"!
Im a spanner monkey by trade, however my last promotion now sees me doing fabricating/ engineering/ autoelectrics.. Which in tern means a lot more equipment.
Slowly building up for the last 9 years then this year ive gone a bit crazy on tools
Registered: 16th Jan 06
Location: Devon
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
shit jobs then imo, thats like me turning up to work and being expected to buy a PC and desk
If you wanted to take your pc and desk home at the weekend what would your boss/ company say?
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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That's the thing though mate, once you've got them you're pretty much set up for life as long as you have half decent stuff. A mechanic/ fabricator/ electrician's going to have some amount of kit right enough though
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Ignore steve, he's not got a fucking clue
E36 328
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
shit jobs then imo, thats like me turning up to work and being expected to buy a PC and desk
I have to say I used to work in garages/bodyshops and it fucked me off having to buy all the tools to do the job. Lets be honest they aint cheap.
I worked abroad and toolboxes are provided for you.
I worked in several factories and tools are provided.
In fact the place I'm at now do regular spot checks on tool boxes and all hell breaks loose if you have anything other than what's provided in you tool chest.
You don't find spray painters buying spraybooths or spray guns (well unless they're ghey) just what I've noticed over the years....
[Edited on 29-02-2012 by Jimbothebarbarian]
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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When I worked in Aggreko you werent allowed your own tools, they had company tool boards out. Means that if something's missing at the end of the shift you need to make sure it's not on/ in the job. Prime example of this not happening is in Rolls Royce before they had tool boards implemented - they sent a Pegasus jet engine that goes in a Harrier with a spanner in with it that someone had forgotten about. All hell broke loose and thats one of the reasons they have the boards now.
The fact is that a large company can afford to buy you £1500 worth of tools and then have them sitting if you suddenly decide to quit. Garages and bodyshops are usually one man run operations, so wouldn't be viable to buy everyone tools. The likes of main dealerships not buying tools is a bit of a weird one though, not sure how that works.
were you given any tools at Renault Archie?
Organiser: Scotland Premium Member
Registered: 18th Dec 07
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Nah mate i got nothing.
Bought a tread depth indicator & a pentorch the 1st time a Snap-On van came into my work, then about 2 months later i bought my 1st box for £800 (Already had some tools prior to starting the job anyway)
Was a year old, made sense to buy it early so it was paid off before my time was out.
[Edited on 29-02-2012 by Archie]
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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furnishing a place of work with tools for you to use out of your pocket is shit, no two ways about it.