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Author Albufeira - Portugal

Registered: 24th Mar 07
Location: Ilkeston
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7th Mar 12 at 15:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Joe
That's the Kareoke bar round the far end of the harbour, before you get to hole in one bar.

Portugal is the sole reason I can't drink gin anymore. Too many awful hangovers!

Go to wild and co steak house aswell carl, end of the strip. Cocktail bar downstairs and the restaurant upstairs is really good!

I had one of the worst ever. TBF we got the plane at 10 in the morning (que airport bar at 7.15 am) and was half cooked by 1 when we arrived at the hotel (the one opposite the casino). Decided i couldnt fit any more beer in me so went onto them. I was abit ill anyway before i went, but that, combind with drinking gin untill about 3 in the morning = worse headache in world and couldnt even speak next day I dont usually drink it but its so smooth and being shitfaced, i was drinking it like im use to it. Got a taxi to the hotel which was so close the meter didnt even change from the enitial fee. We said the next day we would go to albuferia, but due to the horrific hang over, made it to hole in one and spent the day in there

Registered: 9th May 04
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7th Mar 12 at 17:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by stuartmitchell
Not sure if it will be open Carl but I recall you like your music so if looking for a night out then try Kadoc. Usually attract some decent DJ's! Hopefully the Mrs pulls her finger out today so we can get booked up for 2 weeks end of June!

Nice one i'll have a look, wasn't expecting anything like that so might be a bit of a bonus! I'm in Ibiza 6 week after.

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