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Author difference between career/job?

Registered: 11th Apr 01
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7th Mar 12 at 21:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Colin
Career - you clock in each day ready to excel yourself and aspire to be better. You stay late with no extra pay because you want to. Increases promotion opportunities/salary increases.

Job - you clock in each day prepared to do the minimum just happy to take a wage. You clock watch and leave the minute you are due to finish.

big eck

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8th Mar 12 at 00:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A job is just something you have to do for money. A career is something you want to do for money. For example I hate my job with a passion but its good money. My missus loves her job and wants to climb the ladder regardless what the money is like.

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8th Mar 12 at 07:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

so people do really give most of their lives up to make someone else a fortune and be happy about being there?

sounds like people that have a career are naive, and people who do a job are more clued up to me
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8th Mar 12 at 08:14   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by MarkM
Originally posted by Colin
Career - you clock in each day ready to excel yourself and aspire to be better. You stay late with no extra pay because you want to. Increases promotion opportunities/salary increases.

Job - you clock in each day prepared to do the minimum just happy to take a wage. You clock watch and leave the minute you are due to finish.



Originally posted by fazza

the average person would probably see a trolly dolly at tesco as a job, others would see that as a step on the ladder to becoming management.

When I started sales, I did door2door for a while(that was a job) but I knew I wanted to be in sales and used my experience there to get the job/where I am today which I would say is a career(I went to sales exec, to store manager to now owning a franchise)

as i see it a "job" is something you can walk into with no "qualifications". by qualifications i don't necessarily mean academic, this includes relevant experience or demonstrated skills.
As such with a job all the training you required is provided, typically an interview and/or CV free application process which is replaced by simple form
a trolly dolly/till tart, window cleaner, bin man, postman etc needs no prior experience or a certain number of GCSEs

i do however understand and agree with those that refer to that job as part of the career path but it is still a job, duty manager (the next step for example) requires the previous experience of working on a shop floor - that experience in mind classes as a "qualification"
and is basically what Spencer88 is saying

a career is something you do after collecting qualifications (again not necessarily academic), Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, mechanic, teacher, duty manager, whatever.
all require some form or prior experience in a certain field to "qualify" for such a role, either time experiencing studying the subject at uni for a degree, college to get a qualification, working on the "shop floor"

this is a very generic view and generalization but i believe holds some truth
Cardiac Kid

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8th Mar 12 at 09:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I view a career as a progression of multiple roles. Within the career are jobs which you stop off at on the way.

I think if you view what you're doing as a career, you obviously have ambition to advance in that line of work and get higher up in social status.

I was watching The Apprentice once and you might have seen the lady who was once a cleaner. She went from being a cleaner, to having her own cleaning business etc. she will view it as a career, but someone else who doesn't have the drive to advance may just say "it's a job".

I think it depends on 'you' and what you're like.

[Edited on 08-03-2012 by Cardiac Kid]

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8th Mar 12 at 12:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by mattk
so people do really give most of their lives up to make someone else a fortune and be happy about being there?

sounds like people that have a career are naive, and people who do a job are more clued up to me

Again it's not all about money and not all jobs are in the private sector or involve making other people money.

Registered: 5th Mar 05
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9th Mar 12 at 07:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When writing covering letters etc for job applications I talk my career as a collection of all my jobs so far and then draw examples of experience from each previous role.

Agree with others who say that a job is that the stage of your career that you're currently at

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9th Mar 12 at 07:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cardiac Kid
I view a career as a progression of multiple roles. Within the career are jobs which you stop off at on the way.
[Edited on 08-03-2012 by Cardiac Kid]

I agree with this.

You wouldnt go up to someone and ask them what career theyre doing for a living. You would ask them what job they have or what theyre doing for a living. The career being how they got to that level or stage theyre at.

A paperboy isnt a job you would start off your career, but if one starter off as a paperboy and years later theyre now regional director of a chain of the same stores, i would say how he got there to begin with would be a good example of a career. Obviously wanted to be in retail and not thought to skip to various jobs that were total different.

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9th Mar 12 at 09:09   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Chris Rock will explain the difference for ya

pew pew pew pewwwww

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9th Mar 12 at 09:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by mattk
so people do really give most of their lives up to make someone else a fortune and be happy about being there?

sounds like people that have a career are naive, and people who do a job are more clued up to me

I don't really understand how people with a career are giving up more of their lives than people who do a job?

I work roughly the same hours as people I know that aren't interested in a career. Sometimes I put extra hours in to try and progress to the next stage of my career, but it doesn't happen very often.
Cardiac Kid

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9th Mar 12 at 16:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Being proactive is a good thing and whether it makes other people money or not, it's better to make them the money whilst furthering your own career than it is to not be ambitious whilst someone else earns them the money!

Graduates are being spewed out of unis at ten-a-penny, you might aswell benefit from your own ambition and forget who's making profit from you.

[Edited on 09-03-2012 by Cardiac Kid]

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9th Mar 12 at 16:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

to me, some people take whatever job they can get, some people are lucky enough to be able to work in the same area/field of work.

Career and a job is just another way of saying work

i also think a career is more something you have achieved or want to achieve, something you look back on, or something you plan forward towards.

either way you still need a job

Registered: 19th May 07
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9th Mar 12 at 20:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My current engineer job feels like just a job. Yesterday I was offered a place on an IT graduate scheme which I hope is the start of my career!

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