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Been with my girlfriend 6 months now and haven't changed it, can't be arsed with the whole broadcast your life type thing tbh.
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Ian's gone a bit weird on Facebook lately though
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
quote: Originally posted by emicen
How sad a world is it where this kind of shit actually matters and could end a relationship.
If that causes anything to finish, it wasn't going anywhere anyway, I'm happy to debate it in my mind and said girl can't do that, she clearly didn't have the cognitive capacity anyway. Doesn't matter to me. The ironic thing is that I would actually be doing it out of recognition of what might happen. If you're going to afford some effort in to making it work, should you not also be clear to the other people? Not about to try and get something under way and have that undermined by the fact that I'm not actually fully interested in it.
Not disputing that if it ends it, it wasn't going anywhere really, but the fact remains there are people who are influenced by it. Part of the whole attention seeking nature of social networks where everyone has to be told what's going on with you or it demerits what you're doing.
Its not about talking to your mates, its about being seen to be doing it. Its not about seeing the other person, its about being seen to.
It used to be the biggest threat was saying you were seeing someone when they thought it was more, now its the opposite because of the wider audience.
[Interesting you seem to share my drunken penchant for polysylabic gibberings ]
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quote: Originally posted by Wrighty
is facebook really this important? seriously?
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quote: Originally posted by ed
Ian's gone a bit weird lately though
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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essays about changing a relationship status on fb
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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Put it down as "complicated", play games and fuck with her head.
Women love that shit!
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quote: Originally posted by adiohead
Put it down as "complicated", play games and fuck with her head.
Women love that shit!
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Registered: 10th Nov 02
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Change it later on, never go on full strong. Discuss the status change once things get serious.
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I predict this thread will get deleted when Ian wakes up
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Change it on Twitter and G+ first.
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You could remove single and just have no relationship.
That way you're not on the market but not off it either.
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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I would quit facebook altogether and leave the morons to it.
Its basically the same as faceparty was 8yrs ago, except your talking shit to people who actually know you.
Your messing about like your at primary school still, you a 42yr old man ffs
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Removed the option after a while when i had facebook, as it's another way of being childish when you're having problems and also to gain more attention.
Can also cause people to know more about your relationship than you if they end the relationship on facebook and you haven't seen it then have pages of friends asking what happened 
If i go back on the book it definitely won't be there like a lot of personal info.
[Edited on 18-04-2012 by Fro]
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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I liked it at first, wanking over all the local girls i didn't want to be caught staring at in the pub.
But after a while i found the novelty worn off and i stopped fancying most of them, kinda saved me the hassle of the whole few year relationship with them until you get bored of doing the sex with each other.
Registered: 27th Jun 10
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I changed mine after a few days, but didnt put who with, tbh hers said she was in a relationship with another lad but she wasnt (one of them pointless ones where girls are in a relationship with a female friend thing), and she wouldnt change it for over a month. that pissed me off to be fair.
But yeah wouldnt want my missus to say shes single when shes clearly not.
Registered: 31st May 06
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I don't use facebook, my girlfriend does however I couldn't give a fuck what her relationship status is on there.
The fact that grown men worry about this makes me dispare at what the human race has become
[Edited on 18-04-2012 by Baskey]
Registered: 26th Jul 10
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quote: Originally posted by ed
Change it on Twitter and G+ first.
People, or attention seeking twats if you prefer, who do relationship pish on twitter should be sterilised. What need is there to share loves'n'kisses soppy shite between you and them with the rest of the world?
Closely followed by the twitter texter. Need to ask a mate something, organise a night out, ask how your mate is now their dog has died? Don't send a text which you know they'll receive or give them a call, send a tweet on the off chance they'll see it. Saw one the other night between 2 or 3 girls discussing how a mutual acquaintance had died
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quote: Originally posted by LiVe LeE
I predict this thread will get deleted when Ian wakes up
Not at all, I'd have posted it earlier if I remembered to do it and I'm not fussed whether I'm pissed or not. That improves my dancing but it doesn't depreciate my ability to wonder.
This isn't really about me, my point doesn't really stand true anyway because in that scenario I'm basically saying change it so other girls know I'm not available. Which of course is largely academic because they don't generally queue at the door.
The bigger one for me is people who've been in one for a while and don't change it. In terms of other people, that's like saying I'm in one but I'm still telling everyone I'm single. If you were in a relationship and in a bar and someone came up flirting, would you disclose you were in one? Would you act like you were in one?
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quote: Originally posted by BeetleGav
wouldnt want my missus to say shes single when shes clearly not.
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quote: Originally posted by James
Just don't bother. People only do it because they are smug cunts.
[Edited on 17-04-2012 by James]
Exactly, I was seeing a girl for 5 months over Christmas and didn't change it once. Still said I was single.
Then you just get your mates going 'didn't know you where together, doesn't say so on Facebook'
Just leave it.
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quote: Originally posted by AndyKent
Been with my girlfriend 6 months now and haven't changed it, can't be arsed with the whole broadcast your life type thing tbh.
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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So does your girlfriend tell people in bars that she's single?
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quote: Originally posted by Shelly
You could remove single and just have no relationship.
That way you're not on the market but not off it either.
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WTF so you obfuscate it instead.
What is the problem with telling the rest of the internet that you're not available?