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Author am i still to ignore it... parking ticket
Chris x

Registered: 11th Sep 08
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15th May 12 at 14:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I had about 4 reminders, then 3 debt recovery letters. The last letter was from the debt recovery company saying if I was to pay now they would reduce the fine!

Absolutely full of shit!
Chris x

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15th May 12 at 14:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Here was my thread...
Site Administrator


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15th May 12 at 14:17   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It hinges on two things -

Whether you entered a contract

Whether they can identify you

Identifying you is normally the way out because they've no way of getting driver details. If it were the Police, they can legally make you disclose who was driving. These private place can't. So while multiple people drive you car (could be anyone - I could on my insurance for example), you're not obligated to say who it was. Therefore they can't pursue anyone - even the keeper.

Problem here is that the woman has seen you driving.

So your only defence is that you didn't enter a contract to park there, there will be signs and they will be displayed prominently and you'll have a hard time arguing that one.

Contrary to CS advice (did we have the full facts last time?) I think this one might need paying.

I've had them and ignored them and nothing came of it, but they don't know what I look like, don't know who was driving and have no legal way to tie up my face to CCTV images etc.

Your case is a bit more intimate and I personally think you might struggle with it. I'm happy to be over-ruled.

Edit - although yes, their costs might only be the price of the ticket? Not clear. Normally make sure I don't get seen.

[Edited on 15-05-2012 by Ian]
Jed D

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15th May 12 at 14:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

what facts to you need to know Ian...

the fact i work/worked there at the time shouldn't have anything to do with it as i was in doing my shopping...
i arrived and there wasn't many spaces... i then found two, the car to my right was about 2ft over the white line and the car to my left was about an inch over the line on his rear wheel. so i parked slap bang in the middle of the two spaces...
when i came out and she was stood at my car issuing my ticket with no cars at ether side.
she never actually stuck the ticket on cos shes that much of an umpa lumpa she didn't get chance

cit advice also said i dont need to pay... i was never even given a ticket technically

obviously i haven't made any effort to dispute this but from the advice given (not just from here) i didn't see the point

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15th May 12 at 15:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So which companies DO we have to listen to? Or which situations are fine for us to flip them off?
Premium Member

Registered: 21st Nov 11
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15th May 12 at 15:28   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Krazeedude
So which companies DO we have to listen to?

Police and council mainly.

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » am i still to ignore it... parking ticket 22 database queries in 0.0146260 seconds