Registered: 12th Jun 01
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I guess that's got to be as accurate as GPS then which is pretty accurate isnt it?
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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It's probably a triangulated location from telephone masts, accuracy varies massively, from probably very close in the city centre to being not so close if it's in the country. Normally accurate to a few hundred meters I think.
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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I would expect the worst
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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Cheers for the positivity Barnshaw, I know it's becoming increasing more worrying but there could be a number of circumstances in which we shouldnt expect the worst.
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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I know no-one on here will know him but there's a few users local to Hinckley or the surrounding area.
Registered: 3rd Jun 08
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Hope he turns up safe and sound. I know exactly how it feels when someone you love just disappears out of the blue.
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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In a way, i can see the think the worst side of the story, i guess if your prepared for the worst, anything else is going to be a walk in the park.
I hope it doesnt come to that. Been a few lads go missing round here recently as well. :/
Hope you find him soon, as i dread to think what his family/friends are going through
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Registered: 24th Aug 03
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Sorry tiger but get of this website and get out looking for him, the weather is horrible and I would hate to think that if his head is in a bad place right now then he won't be thinking of getting into shelter.
I do hope he is safe and well though for his and his family's sake
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
I would expect the worst
bit harsh that mate. i know what you're saying but you always need to have some belief he'll turn up safe and sound.
Registered: 14th Feb 11
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Friend of mine was in a bad way recently, nearly went missing & if she did it would have been fatal. Hope he's found soon Tiger, I'm not religious but I hope God, or whoever he prays to, is with him.
Do the local peelers not have a helicopter with radar and heat-seeking equipment? That's how we found the last bloke (my mate) who went missing here.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Barnshaw is becoming a bit jake loxham recently tbh
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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There was a search this morning but turned up nothing. It's just a waiting game now.
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Registered: 5th Oct 01
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He might have just had enough of the shit world we live in and wants to get away for a short while, maybe even commando style? Is he at all like that? Or is he a pampered home type boy with no skills?
Just stay positive mate.
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Suppose him not being found can be a good thing in a way
Registered: 8th Oct 08
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I hope hes alright but generally when people say they are going to 'run away'/'kill them selves' they are just looking for attention and havent actually got the balls to do it.
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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I deal with missing persons all the time. Some run away from problems, others dont want to be where they are ( ie at home, in care etc) others do take their own lives - i have known (and found) several who have done this. Phone triangulation is a good sign. If there's a ping, it means the phone's on. If its on the move, then all the better, just a case of finding them. Police do everything they can to find 'mispers', but our resources are stretched without the extra workload. People dont realise this. not all forces have access to helicopters either - often they will try to get one, but the costs are horrendous - £1000s per hour.
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Registered: 22nd Apr 02
Location: Gorleston on Sea, Norfolk
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quote: Originally posted by gtitim
the costs are horrendous - £1000s per hour.
Which is more than worth someones life, if they are on the verge of suicide or mentally unstable etc.
Rather see my tax money being spent on people who need it, than the scum bags that abuse it
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Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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quote: Originally posted by sc0ott
Suppose him not being found can be a good thing in a way
No news is good news, so they say.
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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quote: Originally posted by Dan
quote: Originally posted by gtitim
the costs are horrendous - £1000s per hour.
Which is more than worth someones life, if they are on the verge of suicide or mentally unstable etc.
Rather see my tax money being spent on people who need it, than the scum bags that abuse it
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Dan
quote: Originally posted by gtitim
the costs are horrendous - £1000s per hour.
Which is more than worth someones life, if they are on the verge of suicide or mentally unstable etc.
Rather see my tax money being spent on people who need it, than the scum bags that abuse it
All very true but unfortunately they work to a budget so it's not always possible.
Tiger - hope they find him....
Registered: 13th Feb 05
Location: the boonies
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Unfortunately one isnt always available. We have asked for one on various occasions - both neighbouring forces have been out of service / committed / pilots out of hours / low on fuel etc. Have on occasion had Coastguard in too, but they have 100+ mile flight to enter our area, so are limited on time in the air, so generally wont come unless life/death. Missing persons are graded low/medium/high risk in my force. Unless theres a reason to grade high ie self harmer, suicide note, pills/knives missing etc, then most will be medium risk. Police will be looking and working through a series of tasks of enquiries, however, unless high risk, every officer will not be out looking. Harsh as that seems, its not an offence for someone to go missing, or for someone to decide they want a fresh start and to effectively 'disappear' from everyone they know.
Registered: 8th Nov 04
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Brothers mate done this, was found hanging from a tree 5 mins from home.
Prepare for the worst.
Registered: 7th Jul 09
Location: Essex
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People say 1000's is worth it per hour, you thi k how many people go missing for attention (not saying your mate is) if they sent a helicopter out everyone costs would be massive per year. It's silly for their POV.
Of course I hope your mate is fine, it will soon get to the point when hardest bit is not knowing if he is alive unfortunately