Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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how much does a spade cost? £10.
how much does 4 alloys and 4 winter tyres cost? £500+
it's not bait at all, it's common sense. seeing as i'm not the only one who thinks this, i think it's an entirely plausible reply.
Rich H
Registered: 26th Oct 05
Location: West Sussex Drives: E46 M3
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Why do you need a separate set of alloys? I'm not on the van, just changing the tyres across. Cost me £300 for the tyres, but could have got some for about £100 less.
Also depends where you'll be driving too tbh, I drive nearly all country roads which rarely see a gritter or plough etc. If you live in a town or near motorways etc then it's a bit different as you've usually only got a bit of slush to contend with!
Would still rather pay £300 and stay in the warm to get everywhere without any need for time consuming manual labour though, and also know that if I need to brake, I'll stand a better chance of stopping!
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Ben G
i understand for some people is a need rather than a want situation, but as said i have no problem driving slowly on icy/snowy roads.
for me, the only issue i had was getting up the hill onto the main road, hence for me, they're not needed.
i very much doubt i'd even be able to drive the z4 if the snows quite deep anyway as it has 97-120mm clearance underneath.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Id be sorely tempted but the cost is enormou. Second set of wheels, second set of tyres, storage etc.
No doubt they have benefits, but not £1500 worth of benefits
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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tbh i only got them as a guy quite local on corrado forum was moving house and needed them gone, he had used them, but to drive something like 1 mile down the road a few times.
I got 4 steel wheels (brand new, mk4 golf), the two alloys and 4 tyres for something like £150.
I think he had the 4 steels, then realised they don't fit over front brakes so got the alloys.
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
Location: Scotchland
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Im sure they do have their benefits but still, not for me. My tyres are probably barely good enough for the summer, never mind the winter, they cost me a tenner each and one of my wheels isnt even the same size as the other 3 
For me i just cant even justify the cost, I've never felt like I've never had enough grip, i know how much grip my tyres give me and i know how far i can push them in certain conditions before they let go (which isnt a lot )
The facts are with my car, if someone pulls out on e and i go into the side of them, they've done me a favour as it will be their fault and I'll be rid of my car and get some money for it
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
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I fitted a set of part worn tyres, and got a set of cheap steels, last year for the bird's Corsa. I found them great in heavy rain also. But they came into their own when it snowed.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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4x4 plus maxxis buckshot should see me well
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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had them on last year and got them put on again a couple of weeks ago.
as for all the people saying they have coped fine without them, i had too for the 5 years i had been driving however the difference between driving everywhere at 2 miles an hour because im summer tyres/getting stuck vs driving normally (still to the condtions) but not worrying about not being able to get moving/stopping.
yes you can drive to the conditions all you like but someone pulls out or skids towards you i would rather be in a better posistion to stop/avoid rather than 'letting the insurance deal with it'
honestly dont knock it till you try them is my advice.
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
Location: Scotchland
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quote: Originally posted by Matt L
had them on last year and got them put on again a couple of weeks ago.
as for all the people saying they have coped fine without them, i had too for the 5 years i had been driving however the difference between driving everywhere at 2 miles an hour because im summer tyres/getting stuck vs driving normally (still to the condtions) but not worrying about not being able to get moving/stopping.
yes you can drive to the conditions all you like but someone pulls out or skids towards you i would rather be in a better posistion to stop/avoid rather than 'letting the insurance deal with it'
honestly dont knock it till you try them is my advice.
I drove down a dual carriage way in heavy snow at 80 mph in my part worns the other winter, nae worries (it was 5am and deserted before i get any road do gooders on me) 
I cant say ive ever driven on roads in the snow where Ive found it difficult to stop or get moving. I live in probably the flattest place in the world though so maybe that helps.
I just dont see where you get your monies worth, they are probably massively useful for about 10 days a year. Its just people speak of them as if once you've got them on you're invincible in all cold weather
I'd be willing to bet there people who put these on and then think its ok to bomb around in any weather. You can still crash with them on and people can still pull out on you, you might have a bit more chance of stopping or swerving but how many of those situations are going to happen in that small window where they are more useful than most?
For me, not the £400's worth or whatever it is it would cost me. Especially seeing as that probably more than my car is worth 
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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i dont drive in the snow, we had maybe 2 or 3 days of it last year? I just dont drive them days if i can avoid it, even when i did it was no problem, even if you put them on and can drive faster surely you will just be stuck behind people like me with summer tyres going slow?
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
Location: Scotchland
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
i dont drive in the snow, we had maybe 2 or 3 days of it last year? I just dont drive them days if i can avoid it, even when i did it was no problem, even if you put them on and can drive faster surely you will just be stuck behind people like me with summer tyres going slow?
Nah, all the summer tyre guys are in hedges or wheel spinning on their driveway on full throttle at 2 mph.
[Edited on 08-11-2012 by JonnyJ]
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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I know, i make a flask of hot soup and pack flares in my car before i set off in anything sub 5 degrees
Registered: 6th Aug 05
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Got 4 nokian tyres to go on, heard good reviews about them
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
Location: Wigton, Cumbria
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Not for me! I'll keep my Dunlop SP9000 tyres on all year round, had them on the corsa, TT now Golf driven every day in temps down to -16
I used normal tyres to drive 20 miles to play in the snow...
5years ago how many people were swapping to winter tyres? Now they push them and advertise, BMW Merc etc offer to customers now it's a must have.
April '06' Corsasport Feature Car | Aug '08' Total Vauxhall Feature Car | Spring '09' Fast Car Feature Car
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
Location: Wigton, Cumbria
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
I know, I shave my fanny, make a flask of hot soup and pack flares in my car before i set off in anything sub 5 degrees

April '06' Corsasport Feature Car | Aug '08' Total Vauxhall Feature Car | Spring '09' Fast Car Feature Car
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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Been waxing them. Found it easiest to apply with my finger.
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Registered: 7th Apr 04
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What is all this talk about snow? Are people retarded?
"Insurance will handle it"?
Yeah sure, if you, a passenger or a pedestrian dies or is severely injured I'm sure that check from the insurance company will be like a warm hug with money. 
"I've been fine for the last X years"?
Seriously? I've smoked cigaretes for 10 years and haven't got lung cancer. Cancer must be a hoax.
I've driven 10 years without a seat belt and I've been fine. Seat belts are just for show.
I've fucked random women for 10 years without wearing a rubber and never had an STD. Aids is a hoax. 
You choose not to use winter tyres? That's fine, suit your self, don't wear a rubber, don't wear your seat belt, I couldn't care less.
You think winter tyres have little or no benefit? You are delusional. They CAN save the life of you and your passengers and I can't find that anything but priceless.
People will gladly spend £100's on small meaningless performance or visual upgrades, but not invest in proper tyres that can hugely improve the safety of their car? Get your priorities in order, most of you are not kids anymore...
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
Location: Wigton, Cumbria
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I invest in tyres for all year round, not two sets for part of it! People being brain washed into thinking they need them.
I know they are not for snow, they are for temps below 7. I'll risk my tyres for driving on the roads this winter and save my money, not buying special tyres.
April '06' Corsasport Feature Car | Aug '08' Total Vauxhall Feature Car | Spring '09' Fast Car Feature Car
Ian W
Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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I'll use the same wheels and tyres I use all year round 
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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I think you have some mega image of people nailing it around in the snow and on icy roads, when it was snowing and icy i dont think my speed exceeded 20mph for 5 days, hardly life threatening speeds...
As said earlier in the thread how have people managed without them for 30/40 years before recent years?
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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in the same boat 12 pot brakes will no doubt make you stop quicker then standard OEM brakes, does not mean everyone goes out and buys them does it?
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
Location: Scotchland
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quote: Originally posted by Balling
People will gladly spend £100's on small meaningless performance or visual upgrades, but not invest in proper tyres that can hugely improve the safety of their car? Get your priorities in order, most of you are not kids anymore...
No i dont, i dont think you realise how much of a bin my car is and how little its worth 
I begrudged buying a headlight for it the other day, could still see ok-ish. Just didnt want a police fine
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Registered: 7th Apr 04
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
I think you have some mega image of people nailing it around in the snow and on icy roads

I don't at all though.
And no, 12 pot brakes makes your wheels stop, tyres make your car stop. Hence proper tyres should have way higher priority than brakes. Unfortunately that isn't deemed as cool as a pair of huge discs with brightly coloured calipers.
And you think that nothing in the realm of driving safety has improved over the last 30/40 years? Right.
So if you could get a vaccine against cancer for a small price you'd go "Nah, lots of people survived without for years, I'll be fine"?
Surely you can see that all your arguments are completely flawed?
Again, sure, choose not to use winter tyres, what do I care?
Just don't go around thinking they have no effect as that is most certainly not the case.
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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i am sure it does help, still does not make it worth it though to me, I am unsure why you keep comparing things to cancer though, bit strange