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Author Out growing cars..

Registered: 11th Apr 02
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10th Dec 12 at 12:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i think people need to admit they are just average when it comes to their car choice etc

Average people with average cars, all in the same average position, making average decisions and soon getting fed up with their average stuff, but at least its reliable huh!
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10th Dec 12 at 12:27   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ferrari of any type is never going to be a main car, could you justify having up to £30k tied up in something sat in a garage barely being used, especially when you have a child?

[Edited on 10-12-2012 by LiVe LeE]

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10th Dec 12 at 12:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Here is a great bit of motoring opinion (imo) Was in an argument on corrado forum about the average drivers attitude towards us corrado drivers.

"Now, take for instance a Ferrari 308GTS/GTB. I think most people would agree that it is a sportscar. I think many people would say it is also a very nice looking car, if not one of the best looking cars ever.
Even I would like one.
But there is a problem: it's not fast.
Or rather, it is not fast enough compared to a brand new Focus ST or alike.
The Ferrari is for example a 1978 model, where as the Focus is only a couple of years old if not newer.
The question here is then: Is the Ferrari lesser of a sportscar, just because general development have taken a family shuttle to an even higher performance level?
And is the Focus ST a sportscar?
The answer is no.
Of course not. The Ferrari will allways be a sportscar, and the Focus will allways be a fast(er) family transporter in it's own right.
They were built for a purpose.
And at the end of the day the Ferrari will be way too much of a mouthfull for an ordinary car-driver. Both in driving and in maintenance and practicality.
Exactly the same with a Corrado, though it is not nearly as limited as a 308. But a 4 person car? Never been that.
HGP in Germany have released a new 730 Hp turbo version of the Golf. I know the 650 Hp model of the Golf 4 very well, and it's never been a sportscar, even though it's faster than most.
What it represent is a compromise for the ordinary man, who want something fast, underdog styled, and yet very versatile in doing what ordinary cars do most: bring people to their job or carrying a lot of crap.
I think it is this fact that some prople cannot accept with their ego. Why not just enjoy it and smile to the people who sacrifice a lot of what normal cars do, to drive a sportscar. And knowing that they at some point in their life may debate this standpoint of driving a sportscar with their partner etc. etc.
And then there's the other problem.
The thing is that sometimes some sportscar drivers (or owners, because they don't dare to use the car for what it was made for) look down on the fact that the Corrado for example, were after all a VW, a carmaker that built for the people, even though it is made by Karmann.
That is where the smell of the Italian horse hits your nose.
Where the Ferrari 308, the Corrado, the Elise and many other special made cars excell is not that they are good at doing everything. Not at all. But that they are good in doing ONE thing only. Driving with no compromise.


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10th Dec 12 at 12:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What i'm saying, is your top of range focus or sporty saloon will soon be superseded and no longer have the same appeal anymore. A newer focus will be better in every single way apart from the price.

Registered: 8th Apr 02
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10th Dec 12 at 12:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE
Ferrari of any type is never going to be a main car, could you justify having up to £30k tied up in something sat in a garage barely being used, especially when you have a child?

Sure. It's not too different to having £30k sitting in a bank not being used.
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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10th Dec 12 at 12:32   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There aren't many people with a £60k household income with £30k sat in a bank account though - I would (possibly incorrectly) assume that if John wanted a Ferrari at £30k, some of that would be funded through a loan. Its probably not as simple as £30k in the bank or £30k play car

[Edited on 10-12-2012 by LiVe LeE]

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10th Dec 12 at 12:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

60k joint income isn't even close to buying and running anything like a ferrari, even a 30k one..
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10th Dec 12 at 12:33   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

£30k in the bank makes money, a £30k Ferrari won't.
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10th Dec 12 at 12:34   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think that's possibly the first time that you and I have argued the same point John; probably won't ever happen again...

[Edited on 10-12-2012 by LiVe LeE]
Ben G

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10th Dec 12 at 12:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

60k joint income with a ferrari in the garage

I suppose if you have no mortgage then it's do-able.

Registered: 13th Apr 08
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10th Dec 12 at 12:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If his council estate styled ///M3 is anything to go by, he shouldn't be allowed near any of the cars he fancies buying. Especially if he plans on modifying them.

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10th Dec 12 at 12:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Does anyone here actually have an interesting point of view at all? An argument with any kind of substance behind it?

Or are people in crappy cars going to sit about telling someone what they can and can't afford


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10th Dec 12 at 12:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
If his council estate styled ///M3 is anything to go by, he shouldn't be allowed near any of the cars he fancies buying. Especially if he plans on modifying them.

Where is John-D from?
Ben G

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10th Dec 12 at 12:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
Does anyone here actually have an interesting point of view at all? An argument with any kind of substance behind it?

Or are people in crappy cars going to sit about telling someone what they can and can't afford

What car do you own mate? It is mass produced by a mass producing german marque?

Registered: 8th Apr 02
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10th Dec 12 at 12:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Robin
£30k in the bank makes money, a £30k Ferrari won't.

Keep it long enough at it might. As long as maintenance isn't too absurd

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10th Dec 12 at 12:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
Does anyone here actually have an interesting point of view at all? An argument with any kind of substance behind it?

Or are people in crappy cars going to sit about telling someone what they can and can't afford

The substance will be coming from people who have at least that sort of income and know that when you aren't getting your mum to do the washing, there's not enough left over to have a Ferrari.

Registered: 11th Apr 02
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10th Dec 12 at 12:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
Does anyone here actually have an interesting point of view at all? An argument with any kind of substance behind it?

Or are people in crappy cars going to sit about telling someone what they can and can't afford

What car do you own mate? It is mass produced by a mass producing german marque?

What car do you own mate? VW Corrado VR6
It is mass produced? Not really, hand built, under 100,000 made
by a mass producing german marque? no, carries the VW badge, but actually made by Karmann

Thanks for asking
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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10th Dec 12 at 12:54   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
Does anyone here actually have an interesting point of view at all? An argument with any kind of substance behind it?

Or are people in crappy cars going to sit about telling someone what they can and can't afford

I could legitimitely afford to go and buy, insure and run an AM V8 Vantage today, however, as I don't have a kitchen, living room or dining room in my house - I couldn't justify it and that's what my argument comes down to - Justification.

I have a pretty boring car but then I have a Hovercraft and a Sinclair C5 which are ultimately more alluring than your Corrado.

Why have a £30k car sat in the garage when you have a kid and a £60k joint income. £60k goes nowhere in this day and age.

Registered: 25th Oct 07
Location: Basingstoke Drives: Audi A4 Avant, Mk1 Caddy
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10th Dec 12 at 12:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Pip308
Originally posted by BluKoo
Originally posted by Robin
£30k in the bank makes money, a £30k Ferrari won't.

Keep it long enough at it might. As long as maintenance isn't too absurd

My dad's 308gtsi was bought 5 or 6 years ago for £25k, its had a service when needed and now is worth in the region of £30-35k

like to see £30k make £10k in the bank in 5/6years...
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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10th Dec 12 at 12:58   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

How much did the services cost - assuming it was serviced at least annually? and insurance, MoT and Tax for the duration that it appreciated from £25k to £30-£35k.

[Edited on 10-12-2012 by LiVe LeE]

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10th Dec 12 at 12:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
Does anyone here actually have an interesting point of view at all? An argument with any kind of substance behind it?

Or are people in crappy cars going to sit about telling someone what they can and can't afford

The substance will be coming from people who have at least that sort of income and know that when you aren't getting your mum to do the washing, there's not enough left over to have a Ferrari.

Exactly the sort of bollocky statement i expected really.

People don't know my income, it has nothing to do with this, thats what i'm trying to get across, you don't need to spend thousands or be rich or have the latest car with expensive wheels. You will get bored and waste your money trying to like a car for its costs and the status it may give you among other money enthusiasts. I spend more on other things than my car, yet i feel my car is cool and respected by the right people.

You can buy the correct £500 car and get respect from motoring enthusiasts. We have a client here, he owns a ferrari F40 a scuderia, caterhams, land rovers etc, yet he still loves the corrado and is interested in it. It never comes up how much things are worth or what they cost, or an bhp or 0-60 figure. Mindless people are interested in those things, people with 500bhp ford focus's etc

Registered: 11th Apr 02
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10th Dec 12 at 13:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE
Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
Does anyone here actually have an interesting point of view at all? An argument with any kind of substance behind it?

Or are people in crappy cars going to sit about telling someone what they can and can't afford

I could legitimitely afford to go and buy, insure and run an AM V8 Vantage today, however, as I don't have a kitchen, living room or dining room in my house - I couldn't justify it and that's what my argument comes down to - Justification.

I have a pretty boring car but then I have a Hovercraft and a Sinclair C5 which are ultimately more alluring than your Corrado.

See i appreciate your opinion, a hovercraft is cool (not sure about the C5) am sure you would rather be enjoying the hovercraft than buying something like a BMW M3 and getting bored of it or having to spend thousands to make it seem special.

I would prefer my corrado to a hovercraft though.

Registered: 25th Oct 07
Location: Basingstoke Drives: Audi A4 Avant, Mk1 Caddy
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10th Dec 12 at 13:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE
How much did the services cost - assuming it was serviced at least annually? and insurance, MoT and Tax for the duration that it appreciated from £25k to £30-£35k.

[Edited on 10-12-2012 by LiVe LeE]

insurance is covered under all 4 of his and mum's cars at around £600 and servicing is the same as your average saloon apart from a major with all belts and oil seals (engine out job) which was around £1k

for a car he uses as much as possible, he enjoys and drives it properly I'd say that's not too bad.

still cheaper than the depreciation and servicing (combined) on a new car
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10th Dec 12 at 13:06   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hovercraft has collectively cost <£600 between us and been a lot of fun to rebuild - However, we're not talking about cheap toys in this instance, we're talking about having a £30k car in the garage barely being used; aside from bragging rights, how would that bring any sort of contentment or happiness bar the few days it may actually get used?

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10th Dec 12 at 13:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

3cm what the fuck are you on about?

He doesn't even want a Ferrari anyways, but I think you lot vastly over price things like running costs. His m3 is no where near as bad as made out. £60k is a lot up here, you can buy a family home for that.

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