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Author self teaching on a guitar

Registered: 3rd Feb 07
Location: Kidderminster Drives: Evo (you can't afford one)
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8th Mar 13 at 18:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeh I've been playing around 13 years and am completely self taught. I think you really need to be into it to make it work and seriously into your Rock or guitar based music. Also, if you start and can't pick it up that quickly, I should imagine that you'll just get bored and it'll fizzle out along with other fads. I was lucky and seemed to pick it up well but as a Metalhead, I've only ever taught myself Metal! Wish I'd concentrated more on Spanish and acoustic but I have passed some grade 8 work whilst doing Music A level.

Check out my YouTube channel "jcorsa" for covers and stuff.

Registered: 7th Jan 13
Location: York
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8th Mar 13 at 18:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by thegsi
Yeh I've been playing around 13 years and am completely self taught. I think you really need to be into it to make it work and seriously into your Rock or guitar based music. Also, if you start and can't pick it up that quickly, I should imagine that you'll just get bored and it'll fizzle out along with other fads. I was lucky and seemed to pick it up well but as a Metalhead, I've only ever taught myself Metal! Wish I'd concentrated more on Spanish and acoustic but I have passed some grade 8 work whilst doing Music A level.

Check out my YouTube channel "jcorsa" for covers and stuff.

good guitar playing there brroo, pitty i have no idea what songs you were covering .
im into all types of music, it just depends on what type of mood i am in.
im gonna give it a wirll, and just keep practising when ever i can

Registered: 7th Jan 13
Location: York
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8th Mar 13 at 18:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Carl
bought an acoustic for 30 quid off a mate, learn the first bar to ode to joy and then gave in, keep saying i'm going to learn! All them years wasted playing computer games could have been put to better use learning things like how to play the guitar etc.

thats what i was thinking, i say im gonna do something more productive when i finish work, but when the time comes to it, i can never seem to be assed, at least now hopefully if i see the guitar sat in my room i wont have to move far
Ian W

Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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9th Mar 13 at 01:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Been learning this the last week or so, bit more involved than chords and strumming but enjoying learning it, but more on the classical side.

Jeff Beck is a fucking legend

[Edited on 09-03-2013 by Ian W]

[Edited on 09-03-2013 by Ian W]
Jamie Walby

Registered: 15th Nov 04
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9th Mar 13 at 10:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by KeiranG
Originally posted by Jamie Walby
Not quite the same but I taught myself bass. Only when I started losing interest through feeling like I wasnt progressing any further did I get some lessons.

I havent played for years and have probably forgotten now. Bought a new amp last year with intention to getting back into it properly but playing bass alone gets boring

were the lessons good. did they like expand your knowledge of playing the bass, or was it stuff you had already taught yourself.

He went over a few basics just to figure out what kind of level I was at and to beat out the bad habits I had.

I felt they taught me a little bit and were worth it but if I was to start playing again now I imagine I would just go back to my old ways. My main problem is having a little finger that just wont do as its told on my left hand

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