Registered: 7th Aug 01
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I ain't cheated to clear up matters incase Kat reads this, just I think all blokes would in certain situations
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I know what blokes are like....
Registered: 7th Aug 01
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So you agree Shelly
sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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i agree, this was my first n last time of cheatin on me lass, feel guilty as fuk
Registered: 30th Aug 02
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If any fella i was with cheated on me even if it was sum1 better came along itd chop it off!!!!! and i mean it iv never cheated and i wouldnt always been cheated on tho and so the next bloke who does is goin 2 get his manhood chopped off
Registered: 21st Oct 02
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"noone is perfect - we all do our mistakes..." and all that bull'shit we all use to justify ourselves - if you are cheating being in a relationship, there are two options:
1. you are in love but extremely stupid or drunk or whatever and going to hurt the person you love, destroy everything and be very sorry for everything you have done(yeah, try going for as many chicks afterwards as possible just to prove something) - looser
2. you are not in love, already hurting someone who loves you and going to hurt more - bastard(or just weak if there is nothing left in the relationship and you are not strong enough just to face the truth).
same goes for women and I generally think that those who are cheating are just weak and not worth looking at. Why would I want a weak man next to me?
ps. been there, done that. never got cought - never going to do it again.
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
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The majority of blokes justw ant to shake their stick in a bucket and will go to any lengths to do it... but when they grow up and find someone decent they learn the values of commitment.
Registered: 19th Jun 00
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well said Shell. Fact is most the people on this site are little boys and need a few years to learn what life is all about
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Registered: 21st Apr 00
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But wouldn't you feel guilty before/while you were cheating? I know the first thing that goes through my mind when I get an 'opportunity' is the girl I'm with... Surely it would make it completely unenjoyable...
Registered: 28th Dec 00
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totally agree with nik and shelly., imagine how your bird would feel if she find out? do you wanna be the guy that smashes her heart into a thousand pieces? oh and they always find out in the end.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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If ur birds fit in 1st place then surely u wouldnt need to get tepmted?...
Registered: 25th Jun 02
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I dont get tempted with other girls, but saying that my current girl is exactly what I want.
I have liked her for 3 years, went out with her 3 years ago for a short time, we fell out and split up and I got with someone else but kept in contact with her, then when me and the other bird split up we got back together, I dont really even think about other girls now, she is soooo fit, nice body, great personality etc.
I aint interested in anyone else at the moment. I look but never touch.
Registered: 19th Feb 03
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I'd say if no-one cud find out about it and its bein offered on a pl8 then u wud b crazy to turn it down...but on the other hand if u can actually go behind ur partners bak that must suggest that sumfin is wrong in the relationship..u just dont realise it
Also i reckon girls are prob as bad as the blokes wiv cheating. I no of a few 
[Edited on 11-05-2003 by kinkycorsa]
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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quote: Originally posted by GIBBS
quote: Originally posted by Ben- (yorkshire)
i cud angelina jolie ,MMMMmmmm!!!!
She is my fave 
i lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrve her
got like 900 pics on my work comp of her
pervert ,
i wunt cheat on my bird i dont think , (inless it was some1 like britney , christina or angelina jolie !!) ----but i rekon if any of them 3 were layed there or were in a club and u rekon u cud pull em u wud def try to!!!!!!
whateva any lad says i rekon u wud , well i know i wud in that case
.But i wunt do it to anyone normal
[Edited on 120102 by Ben- (yorkshire)]
Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
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If it were offered on a plate and it was definate that no1 will find out, and the woman was perfect or just really fit then I may consider it, but the thing is that if I were to do it then it would mean that something isn't quite right in my relationship, and if thats the case I may as well not be going out with anyone, so its not really cheating its making a statement.
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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suppose so
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I see the point that if you're offered it on a plate you'd take it - but that does beg the question; when are you likely to be offered it on a plate anyway and what were you doing to even get that far? Signals? Flirting? You shouldn't be tested so outright unless you're halfway to cheating anyway.
My particular slant, I'm going to be all righteous and say that nope, I'd be completely faithful. Obviously made easier by the fact that if I were in a relationship I'd try and avoid giving out signs that may lead a girl to test me.