Registered: 15th Apr 02
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at Evisu theres always some cunt!!!!! (as i write down that txt)
Registered: 21st Oct 02
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I aint no Cnut!
Im a Deviant!!
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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im glad i opened this thread now thanks guys,
evisu - thats the way i think it wud go, accept it will be "fuk me thats good shag, wen we doin it again"  only jokin,
she was talking to me for bout 2 hours i reckon. she is goin thru a patch wiv her bloke even tho she is getting married and is preggers,
but one thing that made it worse our cd player plays everywhere in the shop upstairs and down, the sean paul album had just finished, and then the cd i made while iwas wiv her came on, i was like shit shit shit go on fuk off b4 our song came on,
bryan admas - ewverything i do i do it for u, thats wen she started goin on bout our past, i think it mightof been the thought of it bein 3yras since we split up, and id still got our cd, think that made her think more then,
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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deviants r good.
ill try and get a pic, then i think most of ya will say fuk her fuk her fuk her
ill ave to ave a think bout it, maybe ill txt her tomoro,
if i do it today, she'll might think theres summat in it
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Wot a tune!
Be cautious mate

[Edited on 29-07-2003 by Evisu]
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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bad timing with the cd : says the sensible head
good timing for the cd: says the devious head 
you decide 
Nah, seriouslly mate. Shes clearly been through alot to get married n so on....
But, i think its going to be one of those things that you'll never find out for sure "what her feelings really are". If u ask, she might take offence n run away, make u feel like shit. However, if she tells u what you want to here, then your in some spot of bother. Everyone around you is kinda lost if you turn your back on kez, for ur ex. Shes in a fucked up situation as it is. It may just be that shes wanting someone back that she could comfortably tell everything, or it may well be that she's been thinking about you for ages n ages and maybe pondered on the idea of getting you back, but cos of the baby n all, has kinda put a dampener on her thoughts. Suppose its realy down to her to decide, but just think carefully about everything. Good luck mate.
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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i wont go bak wiv her im definatly over her. 4 that, the reason that hurt me the most was me just lost total contact, and that gutted me.
i wudnt say no to **ahem** but only if she realises that. i just wanna show her im there for her, and wanna be friends, really wanna be friends, i dunno y, but want us to be like wot we were b4 we went out wiv each other,
i used to love it. it was great, i started goin wiv her in yr 8
and split up in yr 11 
fuked my exmas up   
i dunno its well weird. i cant explain,
Registered: 6th Jan 03
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Have a wank on the computer make things all better!
Registered: 6th Jan 03
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Have a wank on the computer make things all better!
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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  might help
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
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Ah well don't bother with her! your gonna stew over this one for a while now but get out have a drink and pull a bird!
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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Good good mate. At least you've got yourself focussed on what you want to happen. If your going to txt her, just tell her that. Tell her that you enjoyed catching upon times. But dont write anything that she could possibly take as if u want her back or whatever. Good luck mate. There all twistit, awkward, arseholes at times, but thats life i suppose. Oh, and as for Kerrys', i hope yours aint as twistit as mines!!
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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quote: Originally posted by -Aliba-
Good good mate. At least you've got yourself focussed on what you want to happen. If your going to txt her, just tell her that. Tell her that you enjoyed catching upon times. But dont write anything that she could possibly take as if u want her back or whatever. Good luck mate. There all twistit, awkward, arseholes at times, but thats life i suppose. Oh, and as for Kerrys', i hope yours aint as twistit as mines!!
sounds interesting care to share m8?
we're all one ere 
im definetly focused on wot i want hope she is, or maybe not, she might be focussed on one thing and thats me
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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right then i just txted her telling her wot i want, awating reply
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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WTF I go away for a few mins and your txtin her?!?!?!?!?!?!
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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sorry, cudnt resist, was just sat there stare at me, saying "txt me txt me txt me touxh my b=uttons"
Registered: 27th Aug 02
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wot did the txt say?
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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fuck sharing 
At the end of the day, time will tell. She'll likely txt u apollogising for turning up out of the blue, but you never know. There that bloody unpredictable at times!!! If she does come running for you, then fair be, have your fun if u like, but just remember that shes in a dilema, and it'll unlikely work out. Stick to your guns mate. Oh, and that'll be £1500 for the consultation and advice given
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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quote: Originally posted by BigSte
wot did the txt say?
Yes wot did you say in your txt????
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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quote: Originally posted by -Aliba-
fuck sharing 
At the end of the day, time will tell. She'll likely txt u apollogising for turning up out of the blue, but you never know. There that bloody unpredictable at times!!! If she does come running for you, then fair be, have your fun if u like, but just remember that shes in a dilema, and it'll unlikely work out. Stick to your guns mate. Oh, and that'll be £1500 for the consultation and advice given
at least she cant say its be that gopt her up the duff
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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txt me, txt me, touch my buttons!!! quality. Keep us posted.
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: west mids, corsa C20LET
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in txt terms
hi lau, fanx 4 popin in, i realy hope we can kep in touch, an want u 2 no that i wil always b ere 4 u, let me no if u want 2 go out 4 a drink 2 catch up on tings, chris.
Registered: 27th Aug 02
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any reply yet?
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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Registered: 15th Apr 02
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drink n preegers dont go!