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quote: Originally posted by Nic Barnes
Getaway - 1/10
Yup! Basically a 90min GoPro advert with a Mustang
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band of brothers set
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Bone Collector 4/10
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Paranoia (2013) - 7/10
Enjoyed this, deffinatly worth a watch
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2 Guns - 6/10 - Offers an OK storyline and reasonable characters, so it's worth a watch. Although i did think it'd be better considering the cast.
Red 2 - 7/10 - Generally it's a good film and worth watching. But the story is a little weak, the film felt a little rushed in how it unravelled and overall it seemed to rely on the first film a lot more than it should have - essentially, it's not as good as the first.
The Worlds End - 7/10 - I thought it follows 'Paul' in that it's an alright film but it's no where near up-to-par as 'Shaun of the Dead' or 'Hot Fuzz' - not even close.
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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jobs - 3/10
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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Spike island - 5/10
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Elysium (2013) - 4/10
enjoyed the first 1/2 but the rest just seemed rushed.. could of been much better.
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Thor 2 - 7 out of ten, feels a bit starwars in parts but decent
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Hunger games 2
Really enjoyed, bit of a slow starter.
I watched 1+2 in a row in the cinema (only just got in) long stint, but I'd recommend watching first one beforehand
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Catching Fire won't make any sense without having watched/read Hunger Games.
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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Machete kills - 7/10
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Prisoners - 9/10 - amazing even if it is 2 and half hours long.
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The Counsellor 7/10 undoubtedly very clever and very goiod but the plt was difficult to keep up with when suffering a 2 day hangover and watchign late at night
Reminds me of the gambling film with affleck/timbersnake in that the situ goes form hunky dory to tragedy in seconds
Probs worht an extra pooint for the windscreen scene tbh
Registered: 19th Jul 07
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JCVD 9/10
Hilarious and moving.
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Thor 2 - 7/10
Django Unchained - 8/10 - Only thing I could fault is they could of cut half an hour off the film in the middle without losing anything from the story.
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The eagle 1/10 my god so boring!!!!
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The great Gatsby, after twenty minutes of wondering Wtf I was watching I quite enjoyed it 7/10
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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Tomorrow never dies - 7/10
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The Counsellor - 4/10 - Some brilliant characters and cast (apart from Diaz; completely the wrong person for the role) and the premise could have made for an absolutely brilliant film, you even get hints of it a few times. But what you get, for the most part, is an extremely slow moving confusing storyline that lacks any real direction which never really resolves or ends.
It felt like Ridley Scott tried too hard to make another Revolver; difference is, Revolver is worth watching
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House at the end of the street (2012) - 5/10
Not as bad as i thought, worth a watch if you've nowt else t'do.
Registered: 23rd Nov 13
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Gravity 4/10. What you see on the adverts is proberly best bits. Very long winded and not a bad ending could of been better all round though.
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The Wee Man - 6/10 because it's a Glasgow Story. Although I never took much interest in any of the gangster stuff, I don't think it happened the way it's portrayed in the film.
Good guy pushed into being a bad guy because of big bad bullies.
Y869 SRA
Registered: 22nd Jul 12
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Smiley 4/10.
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
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the world is not enough - 8/10
bounty killer - 6/10