Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by Matt H
quote: Originally posted by jr
what does that mean
matt me talking to you about phones is like you talking to me about fords
If it has a large O2 symbol at the top of the bill then its a large turbo...

James, go with 3. Then I can reccomend you as a friend & we both get £30
3 are shit, go with vodaofne and i'll even give you the £25 i get from it (cos of the golf of course ) so that would be £50
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Robbo
quote: Originally posted by mav
I had 4 months to go on my vodafone contract and my phone was shagged and they wouldn't upgrade me..
Went into phones4u and got a brand new sony phone with a good contract, more calls and more txts etc and £80 cash to pay off my vodafone contract..On 3 tarif.
can't argue with that.
I'm gonna report P4U for that
why i was happy 
Had no problems either with 3 (as yet)
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
User status: Offline
They shouldn't be doing that though, cheeky beggars!! We recently unceremonously dumped Carphone Warehosue as a retailer of new contracts because they were doing things like that and basically not serviong us very well... about to start a trend as well as other networks are lookign to do similar things!
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
well they served my needs when vodafone woudn't help me out at all...
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
User status: Offline
well, thats why they offer phone insurance 
That said, i fully agree with you!!
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
Phone got damaged in car crash...
I never take insurance out on my phone, should really but...
I was willing to pay that wee but extra to upgrade me a bit early as well etc etc...
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
User status: Offline
Its stupid tho, like £5 a month or summat stupid!! Altho working for a network i can see why they dont give out free phones... HUGE subsidies on handsets, its unreal!
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
aye I know it's not much but never do....
I was only looking at handsets in P4U and they came over and I explained what i was doing and 30 mins later £80 cash, better contract, cheaper more calls etc and new phone
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Robbo
They shouldn't be doing that though, cheeky beggars!! We recently unceremonously dumped Carphone Warehosue as a retailer of new contracts because they were doing things like that and basically not serviong us very well... about to start a trend as well as other networks are lookign to do similar things!
They are allowed to do that actually 
Carphone are the biggest independant company in the UK, they stopped selling Vodafone offically when Vodafone spat the dummy out. Fact is that they stopped selling Vodafone because they weren't as good as the other networks (profit wise). Carphone have NEVER done cash in hand deals
Whats so shit about 3 anyway? I always said I'd never go with them but they've been great so far! Get lots for my money & the services are better than any other network I've been on (I've been with all the Networks excluding Virgin)
Registered: 6th Aug 02
Location: London
User status: Offline
No dude, we cut their contract, not the other way round... all the other networks had been trying to do this for ages and didnt have the balls to... everyone else will follow suit over the next year or so... I hate 3 cos of the experience i had when i used them back when they started up but i only say they r shit now to wind you up
Registered: 12th Oct 05
Location: Scotland
User status: Offline
Orange hasnt been mentioned 
Only thing with 3 is you need to live in a big city or near one to get the benefits. If you live in a small town in the NE of Scotland you dont get an awful lot
By that im meaning 3G etc, the internet
Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Northamptonshire
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Since we're on the phones subject how do companies like work? I can't understand how they make money....