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I thought over 100 was a ban, or is that some shitty urban myth?
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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quote: Originally posted by Nath
I thought over 100 was a ban, or is that some shitty urban myth?
I think its basically because more and more people are creeping over, its becominga little bit more leniant?
Registered: 7th Oct 07
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I got done for 109 MPH on M1.
3 week ban
0 Points
£100 fine
£35 Court fees.
I stick to the limits now. Was a stupid thing to do.
Registered: 14th Nov 07
Location: Bedfordshire
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I was told over 100mph=automatic ban.
Must be a lie
Registered: 13th Dec 00
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it is. if it was automatic ban then you wouldnt go to court and all that shit.
Registered: 15th May 07
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Speaking of speeding... I have noticed something of the opposite!
A lot of people seem to be driving at 50 on a 60? 
good reason to overtake I suppose lol
Registered: 22nd Feb 04
Location: Norton, North Yorkshire
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I went to court for 100.9mph
5 points and a £80 fine
but that was the average speed
had a cav turbo at the time and it was a night in december
had a car right on my bumper doing 70mph on duel carrigeway
now i am a little older I just slow down and make them go past
but this time I dropped it into 4th and floored it to about 130
now the car behind was doing quite well to keep up and so it should as it was a dirty great big T5
always let someone past if they are tailgating!
you can always pass them again if its not a copper!
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Very, very very good advice burgess
I shall be doing the same from now on!
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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haha too true burgess!
I get paranoid about every set of lights I see behind me on the motorway these days and if I think someone following me, I just slow down, let them go past 'Look at who's driving' - see like a bloke with slippers and a pipe and just nail it back infront
Tom J
Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
Registered: 8th Sep 03
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100 plus around here is usually a ban, but it all depends on how the judges are around your way tbh
Registered: 4th Mar 01
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i got caught at 136 in my old mans xjr8 and i didnt get a ban just got 3 points and £60 fine
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
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Unlucky that you got caught mate 
Personally I ignore the petty members of CS that like to remind us of what speed we should have been doing. I didn't build my car to sit at 70 on the motorway haha. I'm sure that's one of the reasons you bought the S4 too...
Hope it all works out for you though mate. You got any other convictions? Copper didn't mention a ban? Is the rule still in place where you are caught at over 100 it's an auto ban?
Another point as Robin mentioned, if you did a top speed run in a car to say 120mph, and let it come back down (I would hope a driver wouldn't jam on the brakes at those speeds) you would be doing over 100mph for a considerable amount of time... and most probably over a period of a mile or two.
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
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Registered: 29th Nov 05
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i think they will lose your file in court and you will get off with it
Registered: 8th Nov 04
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i reckon a ban tbh
Registered: 24th Mar 07
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Good lad 
Near i aint got no problem with folk who speed on the motorway - It winds me up more when everybody sits in the middle lane, causing everybody to slow.
I love it occasionly when yo get the sensible person who realise you want to cruise at a decent speed, and moves over into the other lanes for you 
If everybody moved over to the left all the time it would be no problem at all!