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Sorry to the people who don't wear one, but was CorsaSport14 said, it has more chance of saving you than you having some crazy accident where not wearing one will save you.
If you have a head-on crash then you'll be glad you're not through the windscreen.
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 26th Aug 07
Location: Brawdy/Wirral
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harnesses...i dont even trust seatbelts!
dont feel safe in them at all!
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
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I feel naked without a seatbelt. I woudln't of been put into a coma if my seatbelt didn't fail. I ALWAYS wear mine, without a doubt, even with my nan.
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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Always wear your seatbelt when riding your nan
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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quote: Originally posted by Cole
i never wear a seat belt awaits a slating but not wearing one saved my life i rolled my old clio16v 6 yrs ago i was ejected from the car i was 50ft from the car in a bush dislocated knee snapped my right arm in 2 bruised my lungs etc etc was in intensive care for 3 days but if i had my seatbelt on i would been impaled on a wooden fence post which went straight through the roof and through the drivers seat i know its wrong but not wearing it saved my life
Some dense comments in here I swear.
You could've quite easily have been "ejected" onto a wooden fence post.
Seat belts save more lives than they take, and when lives are taken, 9 times out of 10 it's because of dickhead driving.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by Lawrah
Seatbelt is habbit now, dont even have to think about it.
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: South Wales Drives: The Bandwagon
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quote: Originally posted by loafofbrett
quote: Originally posted by Cole
i never wear a seat belt awaits a slating but not wearing one saved my life i rolled my old clio16v 6 yrs ago i was ejected from the car i was 50ft from the car in a bush dislocated knee snapped my right arm in 2 bruised my lungs etc etc was in intensive care for 3 days but if i had my seatbelt on i would been impaled on a wooden fence post which went straight through the roof and through the drivers seat i know its wrong but not wearing it saved my life
Some dense comments in here I swear.
You could've quite easily have been "ejected" onto a wooden fence post.
Seat belts save more lives than they take, and when lives are taken, 9 times out of 10 it's because of dickhead driving.
but if he got impaled while inside the car they would have had to cut the car where as hed probably had bled to death if he was still alive. while they where cutting the car and then the post.
if he was thrown and impaled they could just cut the fence post and be off to hospital.
and id rather be thrown from a car than crushed inside
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Manchester
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You're argument is based on freak occurances as usual, mate.
You carry on not wearing your belt, i'm not too assed tbh.
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: South Wales Drives: The Bandwagon
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quote: Originally posted by loafofbrett
You're argument is based on freak occurances as usual, mate.
You carry on not wearing your belt, i'm not too assed tbh.
Neither am i tbh.
We all have to die somehow 
If seatbelts where everything why dont public buses have them?
Why dont criminals in the back of police vans have them?
Registered: 15th Mar 07
Location: Preston, LANCS
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quote: Originally posted by Lawrah
Seatbelt is habbit now, dont even have to think about it.
ALLways drive with my belt on.
Ask passengers too aswell 
Balls to going threw the window
Registered: 13th Dec 05
Location: Downham Market, Norfolk
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quote: Originally posted by nova_gteuk
Why dont criminals in the back of police vans have them?
Because off film the police find it funny slamming on their brakes from 40 and going on 2 wheels round corners......seriously
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: MK
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quote: Originally posted by nova_gteuk
quote: Originally posted by loafofbrett
You're argument is based on freak occurances as usual, mate.
You carry on not wearing your belt, i'm not too assed tbh.
Neither am i tbh.
We all have to die somehow 
If seatbelts where everything why dont public buses have them?
Why dont criminals in the back of police vans have them?
Why is it law to wear them then? If its really no big deal?
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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quote: Originally posted by nova_gteuk
Neither am i tbh.
We all have to die somehow 
If seatbelts where everything why dont public buses have them?
Why dont criminals in the back of police vans have them?
Do I really have to give reasons to those? Seriously 
Buses for one tend to stay at the speed limit. For two, if they crash into a car, which one do you think is gonna feel the impact, the bus or the car? The people on the bus will be like "what was that?" and be looking round, where as the beltless people in the car will have been "ejected" through the windscreen.
Who's gonna crash into a police van? Not to mention they're not going to get "ejected" anywhere inside a steel cage lined with perspex (or whatever it is).
Again, you raise daft things to prove points.
You carry on seatbeltless, mate, you don't need to prove your silly point.
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: South Wales Drives: The Bandwagon
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public buses use dual carriageways and motorways,i doubt 70mph into a car they would just be like "oh we felt a bump" 
and youve never seen people thrown from a bus window,i have in swansea quite a few times.
People die on buses all the time,yet they have no belts?
And what about other lorries and buses that hit a bus it would be a lot more than just a bump 
and yes because sitting in a piggy van surrounded by a steel cage wouldnt hurt/kill you in an accident.one fatal blow to the head would kill you e.g smacking head on metal cage 
and i will carry on
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Manchester
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Mate, you've seen it all. You've got criminal mate and copper mates. Who could ever prove a point to you? Like I said, carry on your way and stop trying to prove your silly facts with all these random freak occurances that you have all been a witness to. What an amazing life you lead.
Somebody summed you up well when they said "against the grain". You should get that tattoo'd on your forehead.
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: South Wales Drives: The Bandwagon
User status: Offline
So people have never died on buses its in the news all the time, i see most things from watching the news like most people? 
And i love having a diffrence of opinion it seems to rile people up,which i find sad tbh.
You might find seatbelts save lives but they also take lives,imo it should be down to the person if he or she want to wear one.
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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Wales must have some very bad bus drivers then, that's all i'll say.
Registered: 19th May 06
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doesnt have to be wales mate......happens all over the place.....it's just doesnt happen as often as cars
Kyle T
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Registered: 11th Sep 04
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* 80% of all death to children in a motor vehicle accident could be prevented by properly securing the safety harnesses and seatbelts. (James Madison University)
* As many as 17,000 people could be saved every year by wearing a seatbelt. (James Madison University)
* For survivors, average medical costs are 50% higher for those not wearing a seatbelt. (Car-Accidents.com)
* Of the 32,598 passengers killed in 2002 as the result of an automobile crash, almost 60% were not wearing seatbelts. (Naval Safety Center)
* Only 1% of passengers who were restrained were ejected from car seats during a car crash. Of those ejected (restrained and unrestrained), 73% were killed. (Naval Safety Center)
*Unfortunately, we can’t be sure how many people have died or have been injured due to seatbelt failure. The statistics tracked only cover seatbelt failure and improper seatbelt usage as a combined statistic. In other words, we can’t know for sure how many deaths are due to human error versus how many deaths are due to manufacturer problems. What we do know is that stronger regulations regarding the manufacturing and testing of seatbelts can save lives. Talk to a lawyer today to learn more about your rights if you’ve been injured in car crash due to seatbelt problems.
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Kyle T
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Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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I think I'll keep my belt on.
Then again, when robbing people, beating random blokes up and generally topping up my list of offences (which happens to be the length of my arm) whilst still delivering my parcels - it would probably be easier just to keep the damn thing unbuckled
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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quote: Originally posted by DYL
doesnt have to be wales mate......happens all over the place.....it's just doesnt happen as often as cars
Says the guy from Wales 
Look, I CBA anymore. There's never going to be a winner in these arguments. They just lead no where at all.
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: South Wales Drives: The Bandwagon
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Kyle T
I think I'll keep my belt on.
Then again, when robbing people, beating random blokes up and generally topping up my list of offences (which happens to be the length of my arm) whilst still delivering my parcels - it would probably be easier just to keep the damn thing unbuckled
Got it in one
Registered: 19th May 06
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seat belts are designed to save lives.......but on the other hand.....they CAN be dangerous....depending on the impact/colision.
IF there was a Seatbelt fitted in the car my brother was in when they had the accident it would have killed him.....according to the inspectors, (but he COULD be wrong....) it's all down to personal opinions.
Registered: 15th May 08
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I dont wear them and to be fair im that bad that wen i drive r lasses car it makes a pinging noise wen not connected so i plug the belt in then drive it its not big or clever just me being stoopid!
Registered: 8th Sep 07
Location: Nottingham
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You could get hit by a asteriod while watching TV, but you dont wear a crash helmet at home do you? Freak accidents that you cant do anything about, get over it.