Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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people who dont move over when theres a slip road joining the mway and nothing in the other lanes then get pissed or try to block you joining 
People who jump out infront then drive slow when there was nothing behind you
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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There is no MattB in a Calibra option
Registered: 14th Sep 06
Location: formby Drives: Company Cars
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buses with the sticker "this is a low c02 emisons bus" then get covered in black smoke....... boy racers.... middle line hoggers.... taxi drivers.....foreign people.... old people in micras
people who sit on your arse when your doing the speed limit.
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Tamworth,staffordshire Drives: rover coupe
User status: Offline
what i mean by diesel drivers is mainly sales reps.they have these audi a3's and golf tdi's and drive like knobheads.had 3 so far nearly hit me on junctions even though its give way from the right 
quote: Originally posted by Corsa Matt
Bus Drivers, Also no I wont let a bus pull out infront on me
i used to train to be one,theres a dissorder people suffer from apparently called "beat the bus" basically what you said,they dont let buses pull out and if a bis does they soon over take
Registered: 15th Jul 02
Location: Up in the clouds
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quote: Originally posted by ed
There is no MattB in a Calibra option
that was THE most terrifing thing ever.. i actually feared getting in the car with him at one point. glad he has calmed down now 
matt will remember me preying for my life round a tight bend in reading while he was racing a Merc.. was pooing it 
ok so should have included a few more poll options. like "public transport" "leather clad kamikazes"
Adam C
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Registered: 10th Jan 07
Location: Cornwall UK Drives:Arden Blue Gsi T
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I voted white van man/couriers, but I must say Taxi's are also just as bad, around here its like they want to race you and always sitting on your rear bumper.
My Arden Blue Astra GSi MK4 on BBS LM's Project Thread
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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corsa LET owners
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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there is photographic evidence to show what happens when Mattb drives a calibra turbo
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: South Wales Drives: The Bandwagon
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Motorbike, without a doubt.
Robin put it sooo well, you shouldn't have to look 7 times each way to look for Daimo coming down a 30 road doing 73mph. Cunts.
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Registered: 1st Aug 08
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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people who think they can do whatever they want on the road.. dont check mirrors, do half the speed limit. today on my way back from college, old man was doing 20 miles an hour, and there were HGv, land rover and about 5 more light cars.. most overtook this man dangerously.. only me, and corsa behind me stayed behind.. until it cleared more or less.. then the man decided to speed up :S
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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'Boy racers' are the worst drivers on the road, I dont agree with speeding through built up areas, dont really give a fuck on roads built for speed, like motorways
Old people / foreigners as has been said are the most annoying as they either dont know or dont understand the rules (or just dont stick to them)
I really hate people who hesitate, they are the worst, especially the twat in front of me the other day trying to join the motorway at 40mph
edit - little_duke doesnt like us diesel drivers because we blow him away with our torque 
[Edited on 16-09-2008 by dannymccann]
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
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my top 3 are:
old people
mothers with big cars that cant drive them
Registered: 11th Sep 07
Location: Aberdeenshire
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Females driving husband's massive motor
jimmy 2.1
Registered: 17th Oct 05
Location: Shipley, West Yorkshire
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Taxi drivers and chavs
Registered: 16th Apr 07
Location: South East Kent Drives: E46 M3
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at all the ones about bikes.
Also people who sit in the middle/outside lane is irritating
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Registered: 12th Mar 07
Location: Glascote, Staffordshire
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Old people and chavs are the worst for me
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: nr. Skipton, North Yorkshire
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Where do I start? 
Middle and outside lane hoggers
Old people
People who don't realise that a mini roundabout is the same concept as a normal roundabout
People who don't know how to use any roundabouts
People who sit on your back bumper when you're doing the speed limit
People with badly adjusted headlights
People who drive with their full beam on at any time, night or day
I find a lot of Golf GTTDI drivers can be knobs, that feel the need to beat you away from every set of lights and if you overtake them on a quiet motorway, simply because your cruising slighly faster than them, they insist on re overtaking at some stupid speed, whilst giving you a dirty look
People that pull out on you then start giving you abuse as if you was in the wrong 
Bikers who seem to think that the rules of the road don't apply to them and it's perfectly fine to do 70+ mph in a 30, then get compensation because someone pulls out who hadn't seen them cos they can't see round bends 
Chavs that decide to ride their moto-x bikes down a busy main road when it's pitch black and the only way you know they're there is cos you hear them as they overtake at silly speeds yet you still can't see them Fair do's if they wanna kill theirselves but don't risk anyone elses life why you're doing it
Registered: 3rd Oct 07
Location: East Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Corsa_phi
mums in their stupid range rovers etc...
was jst going to say that
women in 4x4's
watch out 
[Edited on 16-09-2008 by S@M]
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
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people who drive corsas.
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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quote: Originally posted by MatthewR
Registered: 24th Mar 07
Location: Ilkeston
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quote: Originally posted by Robin
Motorcyclists. I shouldn't have to look 7 times each way at a t junction incase someone comes along the high street at 73mph in a leather jumpsuit.
I love bikes but i totally understand what you are saying! I noticed this the other day - best thing is they arnt you lads - they are full grown 'mature blokes'

But back to the question
People who sit in the middle lane and outside lane and dont move over!
Lorry drivers overtaking
People who just indicate and move over reguardless of how fast/far the car is comming up to them.
Just a few from my travels around the country today
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Tamworth,staffordshire Drives: rover coupe
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Mike B
I find a lot of Golf GTTDI drivers can be knobs, that feel the need to beat you away from every set of lights and if you overtake them on a quiet motorway, simply because your cruising slighly faster than them, they insist on re overtaking at some stupid speed, whilst giving you a dirty look
it's not only me that notices then to everyone else
Registered: 24th Mar 07
Location: Ilkeston
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Jambo
wtf did diesel drivers do? What happens when there driving a de-badged diesel? Do they anoy you?

Ner i know what he means - Alot of people on the motorway who tail gate etc tend to regular users and because of this they want MPG so buy a diesel