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Author CS on Facebook, not asking for likes this time
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11th Dec 11 at 18:12   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im far from doom and gloom, i dont wanna see the site go downhill.

I saw the suggestions/plans a while back, but havent got a clue now what they were, ill look at those again shortly.

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Nic Barnes

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11th Dec 11 at 18:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

no doom and gloom. id like to think you can turn this site around.
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11th Dec 11 at 18:13   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ah, im with you, didnt realise it was for them

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11th Dec 11 at 18:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

And it doesnt have to be good. When i was a member of Club Irmscher they were meant to send out monthly magazines/booklets with info about whats going on in the club to their members. I think i received 2 in total but it got them in the VBOA.

I'd be very surprised if CS didnt get accepted somewhere along the line, hopefully sooner rather than later.
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11th Dec 11 at 18:28   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Defo needs splitting up a bit, and getting more on track in the relevant sub forums.

I think the main problem is the piss takes constantly at people like doyle ( i know he brings it on himself). Although if that problem was removed, it would make the site less entertaining for the ex corsa owners (who have been involved with the site alot before moving on to other makes/model)

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11th Dec 11 at 18:41   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The troll problem is a lot more about the people who reply, which on the whole are people who should know what to expect.

There will always be new people or victims who can't spell, just needs a wider berth.

Will be stricter in moderation in the Corsa sections as well.

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11th Dec 11 at 19:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dan
I think with the corsa owners getting less and less (i barely see any modified or similar corsas locally now) it is not the time to sit back and let them come to us.

I never give any input for anything corsa related. I dont think i have in 2 or 3 years, but i still pay my 12.50 every year, and enjoy coming on here. I dont go a day without coming on, but I dont think it would be easy to attract non corsa owners, due to the bad attitude of some members, and due to them thinking it is only for corsa owners.


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11th Dec 11 at 19:43   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thanks m8

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11th Dec 11 at 22:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I don't see how people can say the site is at risk of dying off. I've been on here for years and it's still going as strong as when I first joined up, you can get an answer about pretty much any car on here too which I think is what seperates it from other forums.

I don't think things should change in the sense of what's posted, I just think maybe specific sections rather than all car subjects in one place, as then if people don't want to read about 'other cars' like Nic Barnes, then he doesn't have too.
Nic Barnes

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11th Dec 11 at 22:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Graham88
you can get an answer about pretty much any car on here too which I think is what seperates it from other forums.

seriously, ive had a few people ask me stuff lately, as they post up a corsa question, on a corsa site, and get no response, yet a one for a 106 will get pages. wtf is going on with that?

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11th Dec 11 at 22:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's getting to the point the name corsasport doesn't really apply.
Paul W
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11th Dec 11 at 23:21   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AlunJ
It's getting to the point the name corsasport doesn't really apply.

This tbh. And it really shouldn't have to be that way. It's corsasport for a reason. It doesn't help when you have the same group of piss taking cunts in every other thread with nothing to do with corsas. I mean fair enough having forum diversity and the likes but at the end of the day, it's a site for corsas, about corsas right? Maybe having a sub forum for corsa b, c, d or whatever and a 'other marques' sub forum for everything else might sort that out a bit i don't know. I just don't see why the forum should lose it's identity because some 'regular' elitist members think this is a pally chat forum and drive off new members with the same monotonous piss taking drivvle.

But i know nothing about running a successful forum so that's just my two pennies.

[Edited on 11-12-2011 by Paul W]

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11th Dec 11 at 23:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

half the regular users
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11th Dec 11 at 23:55   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It doesn't necessarily have to be about losing members who've moved on from Corsas. That's potentially one of the plus points of the seperate Corsa/non-Corsa forums. Atm when someone signs up and makes a newbie post, it's usually in GC so it would make sense that if a Corsa C owner signed up, they'd go to the Corsa C chat forum and put their newbie post in there, which is then out of the way of the Corsa hating regulars so the newbie threads get replies from the people who are interested in Corsas rather than someone posting purely to tell them they 'bought' a Corsa, they didn't 'bring' it, and not in anyway try to welcome them.

[Edited on 11-12-2011 by Mike]
Rob B

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12th Dec 11 at 01:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Forum will be rubbish if there is to many sub forums IMO.

PS - Ian, i've got a forum you can have for free beans.

I think the layouts great, i've been here 8 - 9 years FFS a 3rd of my life. Ouch that's not good actually.

[Edited on 12-12-2011 by Rob B]
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12th Dec 11 at 01:32   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bore off nic Barnes with your whinging trolling bullshit, if you sold your corsa you'd still come here so Stfu.

Back to original question. Corsa scene has hit a plateu really I don't think you will make any busier a corsa focused website I think what you have is good and as good as it possibly is likely to be. If you want more imo the only way is to turn it into a generic car forum ala pistonheads, but we've been there before and I understand that isn't happening.

[Edited on 12-12-2011 by Steve]
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12th Dec 11 at 01:40   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fresh graphics would help with corsa d's in

[Edited on 12-12-2011 by Steve]

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12th Dec 11 at 07:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah I woulnt sub fourm every make of Corsa one single place would do the job, you could alway trial it ?

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12th Dec 11 at 08:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Steve
Fresh graphics would help with corsa d's in

[Edited on 12-12-2011 by Steve]

That could be part of the problem, it's only B's in the picture, when the C has been out for the best part of 10/11 years and the D about 5/6 years and the fact vauxhall didn't do another corsa sport surely it gives off the image that all we're about is B's.

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12th Dec 11 at 13:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Steve
Bore off nic Barnes with your whinging trolling bullshit, if you sold your corsa you'd still come here so Stfu.

I enjoy his high horse routine. Makes himself feel better too I suspect. Bless his cotton socks.

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12th Dec 11 at 14:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

when people say its not enough about corsas, what more do they actually want?

apart from suggesting names for forums?

More pictures of corsas?, more facts?, people with more knowledge?

I think there's only so much you can do really, the rest is down to the members.

I have to compare with corrado club as its the only other regular club i use, and you do get the forums all named nicely, but really its the members who make it great for technical knowledge, interesting facts, great guides for modifications that actually improve the car and sometimes save money.

Maybe its the difference in nature of the two cars though?

What does Nic Barnes want out of this apart from him just complaining, i think his car is quite well shared on and lots of people appreciate it. I don't think anyone has ruined that for him.

I think the projects section is really good and don't see anything ruined by anyone in there.

I have always felt the main let down on the site is techincal car help, and don't see many of the people who have ripped a corsa to bits and rebuilt it offering much help or advice. (they just choose to show off, thats because your not real fans of the corsa, just fast cheap fun imo, the fact you own a corsa and part of a corsa club is just random fate that you ended up or started off with a corsa)

[Edited on 12-12-2011 by 3CorsaMeal]
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12th Dec 11 at 16:08   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Graham88
My opinion of having Facebook accounts is that it's a very 'amateur' thing to do & I see Corsasport as being way above that.
If people want to join a forum they will go looking themselves but I think the only thing this forum lacks is a section for a particular model.
For example, the Mazda MPS forum had its own section for the 3 MPS & it was full of useful threads & things specific to that model so you didn't have several of the same topics being posted over & over.
Whereas now M3cutters doesn't quite have the same system and I do miss being able to find out bits & pieces I didn't know about. I post up a thread and get told to do a search as its been talked about before, but it's not clear & because it's a busy forum (like this) a topic talked about 3 days ago is already pushed a few pages back.
In short I think the re-design with model specific sub forums will attract more users.

i very much agree with this.
as an internet based forum, which is well established and successful i see no reason why CS would take a step backward by incorporating a Facebook page. That said if managed well, i think it could work well.
if it was treated more like bulletin board with up coming events CS is attending, which can include the unofficial yet annual May trip to the 'Ring, and all the shows we visit, the meets in various regions, Rolling Roads and the like, and of course photos publishing the event showing the fun had by all.

I dont agree it [Facebook page] should be used to advertised to potential new members, a successful FB page may have 4000 likes and members, but if they aren't visiting the forum it is a waste of time. personally i think it should advertise the club, anyone who finds the FB Page and likes it will look further and deeper and find the forum. FB could become a lazy way of collecting interest that doesn't go anywhere.

i dont have Facebook access at work so you'll have to excuse the lack of link.

some know i am a Staff member in the Air Cadets, in our Wing (Thames Valley) we have a FB page. being a youth organisation there are strict rules on who can be "friends" with who (namely not allowed for staff and cadets) so it simply publicizes the Wing activities. camps, flying, trips away, mainly in photo form and a small write up.

obviously we are always looking for new recruits to boost numbers but this site doesn't do that, it simply allows people to visit and flick through what has gone on.

i think CS should and could easily do the same
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12th Dec 11 at 16:50   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
The troll problem is a lot more about the people who reply, which on the whole are people who should know what to expect.

There will always be new people or victims who can't spell, just needs a wider berth.

Will be stricter in moderation in the Corsa sections as well.

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12th Dec 11 at 17:07   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
I have always felt the main let down on the site is techincal car help, and don't see many of the people who have ripped a corsa to bits and rebuilt it offering much help or advice.
Three things there, visibility of HZ threads, people's willingness to reply and people's ability to reply.

First one we're going to sort, second one I've no real issue with, sure this isn't deliberate? Third one improves as the car gets older. B is very well placed to do well there, C less so although that is improving and D least of all because of the demographic of that owner. But that gets better as the cars get older. But yeah, that's a 'type of person' question.

I'm fairly happy with HZ threads on the whole though, not much goes unanswered and most of the advice is good. I know there are examples to the contrary but we can work on that.

Were there any specific Corrado examples that wouldn't work on here?

[Edited on 12-12-2011 by Ian]

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12th Dec 11 at 17:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think the visibility of HZ threads is fundamental to the reason that it "appears" that the forum is less about Corsas these days.

I also think that an update to the forum structure will solve that to a certain extent. If you look in HZ now, not a single thread is longer than one page (possibly because of the nature of the threads only require a handful of responses, possibly because no-one uses the forum).

Removing general chat (which just seems to be a catch-all sub forum these days) and replacing it with Corsa/Non-Corsa chat type sub forums will make it appear more Corsa focused IMO as the traffic in the new Corsa specific sub forums will most probably be more significant than what is currently in HZ.

[Edited on 12-12-2011 by James]

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