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Author iPhone 5

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1st Jun 12 at 09:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Temperature gauge in a phone is useless, unless you want to know the temperature of your pocket or your hand.

Better battery is always good, a day of normal use is kind of standard now.

Camera is a technology issue, unless you fit a massive sensor or the smaller sensors improve to match larger ones, they can't collect any more light.

Reception seems to have been fixed with the 4S, and I've never personally had an issue with GPS.

Won't have wireless charging in this revision, again technology limited, when it's available, efficient, cheap and small it'll be in everything.
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1st Jun 12 at 09:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Whenever I take pics on my iPhone they always show up in iPhoto on my MBP.

I don't know if there's another application you can use for that as I don't really like iPhoto, but it's not something that really bugs me so meh.

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1st Jun 12 at 09:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ed
Funnily, iPhone's sync photos beautifully with iPhoto

It syncs FROM Mac iPhoto yes but does it go the other way

On the phone / ipad you can't put photos into an event and then sync that event TO iPhone / Aperture on a Mac. You also can't put photos into an Album and then sync that back to your computer

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1st Jun 12 at 09:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ah, I get what you mean now. That wasn't a problem with me before I got an iPad - didn't want to put photos on my phone. But it would be good if I could sync photos from my phone to my iPad easily - iCloud photostream doesn't really cut it.

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1st Jun 12 at 09:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
Temperature gauge in a phone is useless, unless you want to know the temperature of your pocket or your hand.

So innovate and find a way round that.

Originally posted by John
Better battery is always good, a day of normal use is kind of standard now.

Standard - who cares whats standard. Lets try and push some boundaries. A long weekend of use is a much better target to be aiming for

Originally posted by John
Camera is a technology issue, unless you fit a massive sensor or the smaller sensors improve to match larger ones, they can't collect any more light.

They made improvements in the 4S so lets make some more - Again pushing the boundaries

Originally posted by John
Reception seems to have been fixed with the 4S, and I've never personally had an issue with GPS.

Guessing you only use it for slow stuff or navigation which has been massively coded to make up for the poor GPS. Go out and use it on a ski run and see how true it is. Go in a straight line at a constant speed and see how straight your track is (or should I say zig zag is). Compared to my £25 minute gps nugget its fairly poor.

Originally posted by John
Won't have wireless charging in this revision, again technology limited, when it's available, efficient, cheap and small it'll be in everything.

They have their own secret labs - get developing. Get innovating.

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1st Jun 12 at 09:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ed
Ah, I get what you mean now. That wasn't a problem with me before I got an iPad - didn't want to put photos on my phone. But it would be good if I could sync photos from my phone to my iPad easily - iCloud photostream doesn't really cut it.

Thats the thing. Last weekend, was away. I took some photos. Wanted to add them into an event and make a journal from that event. I was able to make the journal but could not do the event. Instead I would have to sync the photos back to my laptop, do it on there, to then sync it back to the phone. Its all more complicated than it needs to be

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1st Jun 12 at 09:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Rob_Quads
Guessing you only use it for slow stuff or navigation which has been massively coded to make up for the poor GPS. Go out and use it on a ski run and see how true it is. Go in a straight line at a constant speed and see how straight your track is (or should I say zig zag is). Compared to my £25 minute gps nugget its fairly poor.

Seemed to work fine for me when skiing - only bothered to try a few times and I can only see one glitch on this one:

Same GPS as in an iPad 2 too (I assume) which seems to work fine in aeroplanes at 140mph.
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1st Jun 12 at 09:33   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Rob_Quads
Get developing. Get innovating.

That's their problem..

They've not had someone like you to tell them to "get innovating".

That's why we don't have this technology.

>>>> Chris <<<<


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1st Jun 12 at 09:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Mine is on its last legs, so I hope they bring it out asap.

Big fucking chunk missing off the back of it now too

Looks good.

Regarding the jack being where you charge, it, its annoying as hell for me, i've got a sony alarm clock, where it charges the phone, and the wire goes in the top, won't fit in the botton, so yes, can see that being annoying.

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1st Jun 12 at 09:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The glass is falling out the back of mine I don't think I've made a successful phone call indoors on it for ages either

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1st Jun 12 at 09:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ed

Seemed to work fine for me when skiing - only bothered to try a few times and I can only see one glitch on this one:

Same GPS as in an iPad 2 too (I assume) which seems to work fine in aeroplanes at 140mph.

As said the applications are coded to work around the poor level of detail. That map is a perfect example - its only mapping every 50m or so.
Even better actually zoom in what you linked to - I just did on just near 42km and you seem to have been waiting to get on a chair lift but the GPS has show you running up a steep hill - then back to the other size of the little valley then onto the chair. Perfect example of where its all over the shop Also look at the track while your on the lift - that is FAR from straight yet I bet the lift was fairly straight

[Edited on 01-06-2012 by Rob_Quads]

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1st Jun 12 at 10:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I could make up a massive innovative wishlist.

That's not how the world works, or how apple has ever worked really.

They make stuff that's already there a bit better.

You can't innovate physics for the temperature sensor.
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1st Jun 12 at 10:17   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
They make stuff that's already there a bit better.

Exactly. They don't just make stuff for the sake of making it (temperature sensor in a phone).

>>>> Chris <<<<


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1st Jun 12 at 10:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Temperatue sensor...there already is one it's called the weather app

Never had a problem with GPS for day to day use, Sat Nav etc. It's not supposed to be a pin point accurate north pole naviation device.

Done all my business product photos using the camera on my iPhone 4 and get people asking what company did them for us, as I understand it the 4S one is even better.

I can get two days out of my battery, reckon I could get 3 if I turned 3G/Wifi off. Regardless it's still beyond what you get from a lot of other modern smartphones and reports of 5.1.1 being even better.

In terms of the unibody design and the antenna, Apple got round that 3 years ago with the iPhone 4 when they put the antenna on the outside (which I'm sure I've read reports of Samsung starting to do).

[Edited on 01-06-2012 by A2H GO]

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1st Jun 12 at 10:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ed
Funnily, iPhone's sync photos beautifully with iPhoto
yup, nobody with OSX will complain about photo syncing

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1st Jun 12 at 10:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Chrissy
Originally posted by John
They make stuff that's already there a bit better.

Exactly. They don't just make stuff for the sake of making it (temperature sensor in a phone).


by their own admission

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1st Jun 12 at 10:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Russ
Originally posted by ed
Funnily, iPhone's sync photos beautifully with iPhoto
yup, nobody with OSX will complain about photo syncing

Wrong - i have OSX on 2 machines and complain. Its a 1 way sync. Give me 2 way syncing.

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1st Jun 12 at 10:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Rob_Quads
Originally posted by Russ
Originally posted by ed
Funnily, iPhone's sync photos beautifully with iPhoto
yup, nobody with OSX will complain about photo syncing

Wrong - i have OSX on 2 machines and complain. Its a 1 way sync. Give me 2 way syncing.
use aperture?

it looks what photos are on my phone that arent on my mac, then asks where i want to import each one too
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1st Jun 12 at 10:59   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by A2H GO
In terms of the unibody design and the antenna, Apple got round that 3 years ago with the iPhone 4 when they put the antenna on the outside (which I'm sure I've read reports of Samsung starting to do).

[Edited on 01-06-2012 by A2H GO]

I'm sure the only reason that worked was because it was a sectioned band and they could therefore use it as an antenna.. Don't think they could utilize a fully aluminium/stainless back as an antenna otherwise they'd have done it already with the iPad instead of the black plastic rectangle at the top. Even the wifi antenna has to be mounted behind the plastic Apple on the back to let reception pass through.

>>>> Chris <<<<


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1st Jun 12 at 11:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This made me laugh.... Same image on Daily Mail website

This text was underneath...

Features that can be spotted include a much larger screen


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1st Jun 12 at 11:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Russ
use aperture?

it looks what photos are on my phone that arent on my mac, then asks where i want to import each one too

Thats now different to any application at the moment. They can all download the camera roll. There are lots of ways to do it if you want do it all on your mac but now they have introduced iPhoto for the iPhone you are more likely to also want to manage your photos on the iPhone/iPad

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1st Jun 12 at 11:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Interesting to see they have moved the LED further away from the camera too

Registered: 17th Jul 01
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1st Jun 12 at 11:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

has this been officially leaked?!

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1st Jun 12 at 11:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Munchie
has this been officially leaked?!

I don't think you will get someone to confirm that something is officially leaked

It matches up with enough other leaks to suggest it may be genuine. That said apple are apparently running multiple prototypes of stuff to try and make it less obvious which is the real design in case they are leaked.

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1st Jun 12 at 11:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Chrissy
Originally posted by A2H GO
In terms of the unibody design and the antenna, Apple got round that 3 years ago with the iPhone 4 when they put the antenna on the outside (which I'm sure I've read reports of Samsung starting to do).

[Edited on 01-06-2012 by A2H GO]

I'm sure the only reason that worked was because it was a sectioned band and they could therefore use it as an antenna.. Don't think they could utilize a fully aluminium/stainless back as an antenna otherwise they'd have done it already with the iPad instead of the black plastic rectangle at the top. Even the wifi antenna has to be mounted behind the plastic Apple on the back to let reception pass through.

The band around the outside is seconded on the unibody but I get what you're saying. The wifi antenna isn't behind a plactic apple logo on any of the products

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