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Author TOOLS

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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28th Jun 12 at 10:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Anyone who says halfords is as good as snap on has never touched a snap on ratchet imo, they're worlds apart.
A friend of mine is a brand whore and all his stuff is snap on, but I'll let him off because it's worth the cash

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28th Jun 12 at 10:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LeeM
Anyone who says halfords is as good as snap on has never touched a snap on ratchet imo, they're worlds apart.
A friend of mine is a brand whore and all his stuff is snap on, but I'll let him off because it's worth the cash

All of my mates tools are bluepoint/snap-on and I agree the older halfords advanced were no where near as smooth but the new stuff is easilly as slick as the standard snap-on gear.. Have tried the new gear?

Registered: 19th Apr 07
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28th Jun 12 at 12:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Worked for several year in the trade and had all the snap-on stuff. Cost a fortune and broke a lot. Changed every time.

Got robbed replaced it all with Halfords advanced/professional gear never bust anything bar a reducer that was replaced no questions. Also I'm several thousand pounds better off so I could likely replicate the Halfords stuff 5 times over for the cost of my old Snap-on/blue point gear.

All IMHO of course.

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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28th Jun 12 at 12:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
Originally posted by LeeM
Anyone who says halfords is as good as snap on has never touched a snap on ratchet imo, they're worlds apart.
A friend of mine is a brand whore and all his stuff is snap on, but I'll let him off because it's worth the cash

All of my mates tools are bluepoint/snap-on and I agree the older halfords advanced were no where near as smooth but the new stuff is easilly as slick as the standard snap-on gear.. Have tried the new gear?

No I'll go try it, my medium ratchet is fucked and could do with replacing

Registered: 30th Oct 08
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28th Jun 12 at 12:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Another vote for halfords pro stuff - although i'm not in the trade my stuff does get hard diy use, and i've yet to break a ratchet or spanner.

Registered: 9th Nov 07
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28th Jun 12 at 12:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not to sound like a dick but comparing hard DIY to industrial use is a bit like comparing a weekend toy to a daily driver

Registered: 8th May 10
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28th Jun 12 at 16:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Snap-On for me, and I only use my tools on the drive.

Although for £100 when of offer, those multi-tool boxes from Halfords are quality to just pop in the boot of a car.

Registered: 29th Nov 07
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28th Jun 12 at 16:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ur whatever you feel co,for table with but personally I have a mixture of snap-on, mac, halfords, sealey, laser etc etc...

Hand tool wise you will not best snap on it's a proven fact! Shame the stuff has climbed in price over the past few years, can't beat the dealer back up from them either.

Registered: 12th Oct 05
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28th Jun 12 at 18:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Only way alot of folk start off with snap on is probably when their new into the trade, no money and on shit wages so get it from snap on through finance and then they just end up sticking with snap on.
Use halfords pro stuff on the drive and at the farm and no problems at all
Worked with snap on stuff before, remember going to the snap on van when it came into the yard and thought id go price a ratchet. was over £100 Im sure and that was with a trade in with an old one. No thanks, my whole halfords set cost that!

[Edited on 28-06-2012 by Mertin]

Registered: 30th Jun 02
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28th Jun 12 at 18:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I was told the best thing to do is buy your 1st tool set from Halfords.. then as items break, replace them with Snap-On. That way you'll be left with good quality tools that you use regular, and the box-fillers from Halfords.
Worked for me so far, and doesn't feel like I've busted the bank.
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28th Jun 12 at 18:40   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

..or just replace the broken halfords stuff for free

Registered: 30th Jun 02
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28th Jun 12 at 19:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Steve
..or just replace the broken halfords stuff for free

True, but if it keeps breaking time and time again... then upgrade

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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28th Jun 12 at 19:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm not a mechanic so haven't used the halfords stuff day in day out, I have used it with the help of hammers and in some pretty rusted up stuck on stuff, the same as you'd see in a garage, just not every day. Couple of sockets have broken and a couple of torx bits. Knowing they'll get replaced free contributes to that though, you'll treat them worse.

Doing it as a profession, probably the better stuff. Unless you have unlimited supplies of money, halfords advanced is a great compromise for diy.

Registered: 14th Sep 10
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28th Jun 12 at 21:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Snap on, not been in the trade long being 19... but all the tools I have in my box are snap on/bluepoint, sockets, screwdrivers, spanners and ratchet spanners all the basics for starting out, did buy a Bergen plier set for £20 and they were shit so bought a snap on set for £90 and they were a million times better Bergen impact sockets are good though can handle the press For home I have a 150 piece halfords proffesional set.

Registered: 14th Sep 10
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28th Jun 12 at 21:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by RyanCorsa99
Originally posted by ash10
is bluepoint some thing to do with snap-on?

Snap-on and blue point were rivals (i think) but then snap-on bought out blue point.
Blue point is pretty much the same quality as snap on but i dont think its a lifetime warranty, although ive never had a problem returning anything.... unlike halfrauds

[Edited on 27-06-2012 by RyanCorsa99]

Bluepoint still has a lifetime warrenty.

Registered: 11th Jun 08
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28th Jun 12 at 21:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by baza31
Originally posted by scunnylad
Was a hgv mechanic i broke 2 'breaker bars, 7 sockets and 2 spanners from the halfords pro/advance just over a month. No socket was covered as they just said it was impact gun use, they never saw an impact gun. The 2nd time i broke the breaker bar they said it was excessive force and no good for me so just refunded my money

I now use snap on, facom, mac and signet. I wont touch clarke, halfords teng or any of that crap as i've seen all the cheap stuff bend and break like cheap plastic.

At the end of the day it isn't a cliché you do pay for what you get

Teng crap? Have you ever had any? Lifetime warranty ? Quality stuff. I don't bother with snap on after buying a 600 mig welder that burnt out in two months . When I googled it I found numerous complaints and evidence about the welders been manufactured in china and the factory sell exactly the same one branded in their own name for just over £200. I'll find the site where they compare side by side . Fuck paying 3 times for a sticker

yes i have used teng,

all we had at our specialist hgv college was teng and 90% of it was shite, sockets starting to wear and round bolts of, impact socket splitting, srcrewdriver blades spinning in the handle, all pants tbh

Where as the porsche learner garage had everything snap-on as the techs training there repaired cars for actual dealers and they only wanted the best.

Welders are different to a long handled ratchet really, snap on are the only manufacturer wherew u can stick a 6 foot tube on and tighten a hub bolt to 900nm without it breaking. the only 2 what come near are facom and mac tools

Registered: 9th Nov 07
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28th Jun 12 at 21:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Sean
...did buy a Bergen plier set for £20 and they were shit so bought a snap on set for £90 and they were a million times better

Although I do agree that the prices are excessive, this is the kind of point I try to make whenever anybody knocks Snap On/ Bluepoint and the likes quality - those Bergen pliers equivalent could probably do 95% of everything that the Snap On ones could but the feel and design of the latter is just a million times better which makes your job that little bit easier. Knowing that I'm going to be able to turn something with the tip of a pair of needle nosed pliers without them just splitting and fucking up, along with hundreds of other daft little examples like that make me go for 'reliable' brands with tools I know I'll be using a lot.

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