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Author Possible reasons against using Ecotec pipe with C20XE throttle body?

Registered: 17th Oct 00
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19th Dec 04 at 22:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by muppetsport
wel, is it????

in all honesty, if its costing yo power, why bother. if the engine is designed a certain way to make the 150-156bhp like it does, why change it and accept it instead of taking 5 mins with a pair of tin snips to your bulkhead.

you cant actually really see anything of where you have cut anyway once all the wiper linkage cover is back on.

the way i see it is, the sfi box works as a resevoir of air, ready and waiting for you to open the throttle. regardless, the ecotek pipe might fit better, but its restricting the flow to the small initial throttle butterfly. by changing the original design of airflow into the engine, remembering there are no turbos present to aid forced air, it will reuce the power output of the engine. not a great deal admitiedly, but enough in my opinion to make the engine not run as well as it would with the original design.

obviously, the solution is as the link above somewhere, throttle boddies.

My plans are not to keep the standard air intake on the car long enough for 5 or even 10bhp to be much of a worry - anything less than 5 is negligible.

I also agree the ecotec pipe is wank.

Registered: 17th Oct 00
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19th Dec 04 at 22:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by muppetsport
Originally posted by Siberia
vaux did not design the engine to go into corsa's though.....

i think for the amount of difference the ecotek pipe will make to performance its alot better than cutting the bulkhead for the power cap or cutting away half the car to fit the sfi box...

when i put a c20let into me nova, i didnt just fit an f20 because it was easier, the engine was designed to have a 6speed, so with a bit weld, cutting and measuring, made a mount to fit it. id rather keep things the way they intended to be. if you go to the trouble of fitting the engine, whats a quick 5 mins with tin snips going to hurt you???????

So you'd never have non-GM engine management on a set of DCOE throttle bodies? Or fit anything other than a paper air filter element to your airbox?
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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19th Dec 04 at 22:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

fair do's then. im not trying to say people are wrong, these are just my opinons on the matter.

if your fitting it for quick easy solution to swapped for greatness like tb's etc, grand. i wouldnt want to restrict things though for a very long time. less air flow, restricted, still fueling the same, can kill engines.

its like the nova, i wouldnt put 30mil boost pipes on just because they were easier to fit. take the time to put it all together properly instead of suffering consequences for cheaper way round solutions in the long run.

remember, my opinions, not trying to annoy anyone, sorry if it seems to have been worded such ways
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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19th Dec 04 at 22:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

quote - So you'd never have non-GM engine management on a set of DCOE throttle bodies? Or fit anything other than a paper air filter element to your airbox?

thats not what i mean and i think you know that. im talking about restricting things over std, not improving things. ive ran aftermarket managment before on a twin 48'd nova xe and its a 100% improvement over the old mk2 cav dizzy and coil

no offence to anyone.

Registered: 17th Oct 00
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19th Dec 04 at 22:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Nah, no opinions have been taken badly.

The airflow with the Ecotec pipe and an induction kit should be around the same as OE airbox with SFi box - the only difference being the throttle response should be better with the SFi due to the greater volume of air at the throttle body when the butterflys are open.

Once they're open airflow is determined by the source of air and any restrictions along the way - the ecotec pipe still has a substantial diameter (around the same as the OE intake pipe and the air mass meter) so there's no restriction once air's moving.

Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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19th Dec 04 at 22:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

exactly, once full throttle is achieved, the actual travel of the air into the engine, is, well, almost the same.

your original post questioning the pipe etc and when throttle opens, is an excellent argunment and i agree with you fully. only othher things really to take into account is heat soak etc from exhaust. exhaust wrap round the manifold will make more of an imporvment than any air filter can.

basically, air flow and density is a big factor with any engine and an important thing to try to over come. standard set up vs throttle boddies etc etc

Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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20th Dec 04 at 00:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by muppetsport
exactly, once full throttle is achieved, the actual travel of the air into the engine, is, well, almost the same.

your original post questioning the pipe etc and when throttle opens, is an excellent argunment and i agree with you fully. only othher things really to take into account is heat soak etc from exhaust. exhaust wrap round the manifold will make more of an imporvment than any air filter can.

basically, air flow and density is a big factor with any engine and an important thing to try to over come. standard set up vs throttle boddies etc etc

Why thank you

Heat soak shouldn't be much of an issue once the car is moving - but I agree with the manifold heatwrap. Simple preventative measures at the source of the heat are better at keeping the air intake cool than by trying to just shield the air intake itself.

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