Registered: 19th Jul 04
Location: Northampton Drives: VW Bora 1.9TDi pd130
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Thats the good stuff - she is ready for the picking
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
might take her out tonight for a 'drive'
i got football tho, decisions
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
User status: Offline
Football? What football?
Where do you go driving? I might come and follow you.
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
football on thurday nights, playing
hmmm i dno wher il take her, ive run outa car parks
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
User status: Offline
Drive to Reading, I once drove to Croydon in my Punto GT, I'm not sure why. It was a dump.
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
im not coming to reading full of students 
Croydon is ok, if u know the majority of people there
Registered: 10th Jan 04
Location: Hartlepool Drives: Cossie
User status: Offline
i met my ex last nite for a bit of fun
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
User status: Offline
Sassy FFS when are you gonna meet up with me and let me do stuff with you?
Registered: 10th Jan 04
Location: Hartlepool Drives: Cossie
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Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
i dont need to say that ollie, its there if i want it
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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no chance im ever bringing any female to PVS
Registered: 22nd Jun 03
Location: Northamptonshire
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Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
woo u scared me
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by sassyminx
Serious? I'm deffo gonna finger you if thats ok with you?
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Ojc
quote: Originally posted by sassyminx
Serious? I'm deffo gonna finger your ass if thats ok with you?
shoudln see it being a problem
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
User status: Offline
corker of a thread 
AND PMSL @ Ollie u dogger
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
just now, about tonight:
05/05/2005 17:49:49 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea hows lil david
05/05/2005 17:50 5 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty big david to you
05/05/2005 17:50 7 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty im ok
05/05/2005 17:50:12 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty u?
05/05/2005 17:50:18 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea yeah im cool
05/05/2005 17:50:22 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea tired tho
05/05/2005 17:50:38 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea had sum crazy, energetic dream
05/05/2005 17:50:41 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea
05/05/2005 17:51 3 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty haha
05/05/2005 17:51 9 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty at the gym were we?!
05/05/2005 17:51:13 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea yeah
05/05/2005 17:51:30 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea wat u dun 2day then
05/05/2005 17:51:33 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty errrrrm
05/05/2005 17:51:36 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty iiii
05/05/2005 17:51:47 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty went to the post office
05/05/2005 17:51:54 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty sainsburys
05/05/2005 17:51:59 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea fun
05/05/2005 17:52 0 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty ur old shop
05/05/2005 17:52 3 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty boots
05/05/2005 17:52 7 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty n home
05/05/2005 17:52 9 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty oh
05/05/2005 17:52:12 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty and post box
05/05/2005 17:52:19 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty that it
05/05/2005 17:52:29 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea arrrrr
05/05/2005 17:52:44 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea funpacked day then
05/05/2005 17:53:14 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea out 2nite
05/05/2005 17:53:48 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty mmm
05/05/2005 17:53:50 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty im not sure
05/05/2005 17:54 0 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty whether i should go to football
05/05/2005 17:54 7 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty or get some other kinda of excersie
05/05/2005 17:54:12 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty excercise
05/05/2005 17:54:19 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty oh however u spell it :@
05/05/2005 17:54:31 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea wat ova kind of exercise
05/05/2005 17:54:46 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty mmm i dno
05/05/2005 17:54:51 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty how did ur dream go?
05/05/2005 17:55 3 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty u said that was energetic
05/05/2005 17:55:12 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea well that was very energetic
05/05/2005 17:55:26 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea duno if u could handle it
05/05/2005 17:55:29 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea ???
05/05/2005 17:55:59 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty never had any trouble before/
05/05/2005 17:56 0 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty ?
05/05/2005 17:56:15 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea o but things change
05/05/2005 17:56:17 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea hehehe
05/05/2005 17:56:33 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea who u havin this exercise session wiv then
05/05/2005 17:56:47 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty wel
05/05/2005 17:56:51 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty seems u know all about it
05/05/2005 17:56:59 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty i can only think of one person
05/05/2005 17:57 4 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea me?
05/05/2005 17:57:25 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea
05/05/2005 17:57:35 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea im at me daddys 2nite
05/05/2005 17:57:56 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea but could b bk by 10ish maybe
05/05/2005 17:58 8 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty ohhh
05/05/2005 17:58:13 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty i finish football at 10
05/05/2005 17:58:15 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty butttt
05/05/2005 17:58:25 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty i b sweaty
05/05/2005 17:58:29 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea errrrrrr
05/05/2005 17:58:40 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea go home n shower stinky
05/05/2005 17:58:58 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea where am i gona c u anyway
05/05/2005 17:59 5 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea ahhhhhh im 2 scared
05/05/2005 17:59:17 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty fine if ur a scardy cat
05/05/2005 17:59:28 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty but i thought i wanted some fun
05/05/2005 17:59:33 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea i do
05/05/2005 17:59:33 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty *u
05/05/2005 17:59:38 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea but im still scared
05/05/2005 17:59:57 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea rnt u
05/05/2005 17:59:59 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea a lil bit
05/05/2005 18 0 1 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty maybe thatl add to the excitement
05/05/2005 18 0 2 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty mmmm
05/05/2005 18 0 5 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty not scared
05/05/2005 18 0 7 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty curious
05/05/2005 18 0:15 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea curious about wat
05/05/2005 18 0:26 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty who knows lol
05/05/2005 18 0:34 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty how can u answer that hayley
05/05/2005 18 0:44 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea u can
05/05/2005 18 0:53 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea like curious wat it will b like do u mean
05/05/2005 18 1:12 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea where we gona go
05/05/2005 18 1:19 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty where u wana go
05/05/2005 18 1:23 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea i duno
05/05/2005 18 1:53 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea its only my mum in 2nite but depends wat time she goes bed
05/05/2005 18 2:10 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea ahhhh this is soooo bad
05/05/2005 18 2:16 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty haha
05/05/2005 18 2:22 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea it is
05/05/2005 18 2:31 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty dont do it if its so bad then
05/05/2005 18 2:52 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea yeah but i think i wana
05/05/2005 18 3 2 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea u 100% do
05/05/2005 18 3 5 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea ?
05/05/2005 18 3:13 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty 99%
05/05/2005 18 3:21 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea 1% doubt
05/05/2005 18 3:22 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea hmmm
05/05/2005 18 3:42 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty 1% doubt is nothin compared to 99% yes
05/05/2005 18 3:52 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea hehe i suppose
05/05/2005 18 3:57 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty
05/05/2005 18 4:15 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea wel shall i txt u wen im bk from me dads
05/05/2005 18 4:28 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea n c how were feelin
05/05/2005 18 4:42 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty yeh ok
05/05/2005 18 4:46 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty
05/05/2005 18 4:55 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea
05/05/2005 18 5 6 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea well il speak 2 u lata
05/05/2005 18 5:14 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea if we do meet where we gona go
05/05/2005 18 5:17 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea seriously
05/05/2005 18 5:36 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty im sure wel sort somethin
05/05/2005 18 5:51 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea the main fing im worried about is u tellin sum1
05/05/2005 18 6 0 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty i have no need to
05/05/2005 18 6:13 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty itl cause as much of a stir for me as it would u
05/05/2005 18 6:23 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea ok
05/05/2005 18 6:29 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea talk 2 u lata
05/05/2005 18 6:30 burty Dave | Well played Chelsea xx
05/05/2005 18 6:36 Dave | Well played Chelsea burty k xxx
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
Registered: 3rd Sep 03
Location: Canvey, Essex Drives : Corsa Sport
User status: Offline
LOL love it dave Legend!!!
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
ohhhh boysssssssss, im so fucking excited:
burty says:
u gona come show me then
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
if u wanted me to
burty says:
well if u want to
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
thats not answerin the question
burty says:
i do if u do
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
thats still not an ansnwer
burty says:
but gota wait 4 me mum 2 go bed
burty says:
yeah i do
burty says:
burty says:
burty says:
burty says:
o yes
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
im sure we can work somethin out
urty says:
im not, just dnt want u to fink im easy
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
u might be thinkin im easy
burty says:
its different coz weve been there n dun that
burty says:
just refreshing our memories
burty says:
thats all ay
burty says:
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
nottin wrong with that
burty says:
no maybe there aint
urty says:
will u really come mine if she goes bed soonish
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
burty says:
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
burty says:
ahhhh im xcited
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
wot dont u want me to?
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
thats ok then
burty says:
but shes still awake
burty says:
wat times that offer stayin open till
Dave | Shes A GOOOOOLDD, Digger!! says:
burty says:
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: Nottingham Drives: VW Tiguan
User status: Offline
u biffed her yet dave?
Registered: 3rd Sep 03
Location: Canvey, Essex Drives : Corsa Sport
User status: Offline
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
User status: Offline
Update dave.
Did u do her i nthe wrong un 
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
User status: Offline
still waiting for her mum to go to bed, n im gona go round there and do her, is 3 condoms enough? thats al i got
Registered: 8th Aug 02
User status: Offline
wounder if he is doing her dry?