Registered: 30th Aug 08
Location: flintshire
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haha, i five finger discounted the fuel pump out ov that corsa in jacksons!! small world ay!
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
haha i walked out with a set of clocks down my pants peckets full of relays and filler caps and a morrette lamp lol fella must of though i had a fat weird shaped cock lol
Registered: 31st Mar 08
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
looking nice mate, thought i heard a redtop fly up my road yesterday, was that you haha?
Registered: 28th Jan 09
Location: Tullibody, Clackmannanshire
User status: Offline
nice work there looks thousand times better with that few man hours in it
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
yea mate probably dont know if you were in though? was going to stop and say hi but your car wasnt there lol.
cheers knox.... still got plenty more man hours and pennies to throw at it going to get it looking sweet
Registered: 3rd Jan 07
Location: County Durham
User status: Offline
looking great mate
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
thanks mate
Registered: 15th Aug 08
Location: Port Sunlight, Cheshire
User status: Offline
lol it deffo was tom flying up your road mate we both had a few go's up and down till tom sent me white locking up the brakes haha tut tut
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
hahahaha that was just brake test phase 1, needed to brake them in a bit after being sat so long ha ha ha
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
found a guy who lives around the corner who has a mint red gsi with a redtop in hes taking the redtop out and puttin it in his nova so the shell is being split!! iv aquired some red skirts arches new front wings and bonnet and boot front seats and smooth doors piks up on the weekend when i collect it all
Registered: 24th Apr 05
Location: Pensby, Wirral Drives:Golf mk4 GTI
User status: Offline
did he accept your cheeky offer for everything then?
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
car may be going very soon, nova time again
Registered: 24th Apr 05
Location: Pensby, Wirral Drives:Golf mk4 GTI
User status: Offline
get on msn and spill the beans
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
haha not sure what to do yet
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
gsi bumper is now off the car and getting prepper for painting along with the skirts and arches also have a few other suprises waiting to be fitted.
Havent updated for a while as have been spending a bit of time on project number 2 matt black rattle canned 1.0 12volt 
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
Righty the gsi front bumper has been removed today and has been prepped ready for painting, it was origionally smoke grey and has been painted (badly) red, paint was cracked and peeling scratched etc so needed mega sandage and also needed to plastic weld and fill a crack by the drivers side headlight.

Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
Finally got around to picking up all my bits for my car!!! GSI bumper was painted and i put the splitter and fogs back on and fitted it along with my 2 minty wings and bonnet as my wings were rotten at the bottom and bonnet was dented, also picked up a new boot as i had a little dent and i dont have any piks yet but i have just this second got in from spraying my GSI skirts and archers which i will be fitting tommorw but for now here the piks of todays work 
as you can see heres the clips we had to plastic weld on

bumper all laquered up 

out with the old....

in with the new 

Registered: 9th Dec 05
Location: Oxford Drives:Corsa B C20LET
User status: Offline
Looks really nice fella!
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
thanks mate, archers and skirts are going on tommoorow, drying as we speak
Registered: 9th Dec 05
Location: Oxford Drives:Corsa B C20LET
User status: Offline
Did you spray all the bits yourself?
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
yea my mate who helped me do the bumper used to own his own body shop so he showed me how to do it all as iv only ever painted things like wheels before. so after he shown me the bumper i did the arches and skirts, ran out of paint to do the back bumper so will do that in the week some time. really happy with how well its turned out though, the finish on it all is great! going to g3 the whole car so it matches the new paint
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
User status: Offline
coming along nicely mate
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
thanks mate, going to go and bond my newly painted skirts and arches on when i can be arsed gettin out of bed lol
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
Location: Wirral
User status: Offline
Finally got off my ass and bonded the arches on left them for a good 4 -5 hours before i did the skirts as i wanted them to be sold as it would be a twat to get the skirts on whilst everything was wet, anyways heres the piks: im really happy with it just need to paint the back buper now and get some better rimzzzzz
