Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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....yes, but the wages are good so it evens out
Registered: 16th Jun 05
Location: Fife, Scotland
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quote: Originally posted by AK
....yes, but the wages are good so it evens out
Yeah that's true.
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by AK
Norway would be a brilliant place to live.... I'd really like to live there at some point. Spent a lot of time in Stavanger in the past (almost half my time for 3 years). Stavanger, Bergen, Oslo and Kristiansand (or sund... the northern one!) this year but not long stays.
Yes - its pretty expensive to live there BUT you get pretty damn good wages and you can see what the taxes are used for. Nice place.... and if you are single... get there asap 
sund is 'up North'
sand is 'daan saarrrf'
That's how I remember it 
I was in Stavanger during freshers week. So. Many. Hot. Girls.
A lot of Swedes too, apparently they all flock to Norway to work in the hotels & restaurants. Yet to have an ugly waitress yet
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by AK
Stavanger is nice.
I managed to get banned from the Mexican restraunt on the harbour front for about half a year In the same place Fee thought it would be a good idea to order cocktail shaker after shaker (something called a short walk in a long field or the other way around). £50 a pop and it was on my bloody expenses card :O
Loads of good bars and such on the weekend - not much nightlife during the week. Warmer than Scotland in the Summer, more wintery than Scotland wet winters too (i.e more crisp snow). Close to good skiing.
If you move to Norway for any length of time you'd need get your self a boat (to drive to the pub) and a log cabin in fjords for the weekends - its the done thing.
Little Mexico? Yeah i've been in there & also spent a fortune There's also a nice mexican a little further back from the harbour called...
"The Adventures of Harry Pepper, the telephone man, on his way to Mexico. Since 1986"
Great name. Very catchy They have someone who is soley responsible for mixing fancy tequila mixes after your meal. And I'm not takling about a Wetherspoons type cocktail. This was some serious gourmet shit
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
User status: Offline
Harry Pepper rings a bell, up near the bowling alley ??
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Kind of, the place next to the bowling alley is Phileas Fogg's. Kind of a travel themed restaurant. Pretty nice actually
Harry Peppers is further from the harbour. If you know where all the brighty coloured shops are it's dead close to that
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
User status: Offline
Foggs is next to Papirazzi (or used to be anyway)... 1 steet behind the front on the end of that road full of bars etc.
Isnt the bowling alley just round the corner from Cardinal?
Registered: 12th Apr 02
Location: Lanarkshire
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Matt H what is it you do?
Watson - What's your job / position with Subsea7?