Registered: 19th Jun 06
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Comparing him to gaddafi is a joke in itself. He should seek legal advice for that imo.
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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quote: Originally posted by chr15barn3s
People cry about anything these days. Bunch of pussies.
he does it all to get attention anyway and it's worked, isn't the first time his said something on tv where people complain, he bloody loves getting complaints and "letters"
Still a nab for saying it on live tv, kind of deserves some punishment for being a bit of a boon.
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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Some one on Twitter said something along the lines of isn't it ironic the people that are complaining about Clarkson saying to shoot people, want him shot.
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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People have opinions, and people will joke about them. Albeit sometimes badly, but don't people want freedom of speech? Communism I tell you.
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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If anyone deserves a removal from the media its this witch
Registered: 15th Oct 04
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It was a publicity stunt imo.
Good thinking tbh, the dicks that compained would not buy his dvd anyway....
I thought it was quite funny
Rick Draper
Registered: 10th Feb 01
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The man is a utter cunt, he should be shackled by his ankles to the rear of a car and dragged along the M6.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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How was your day off yesterday Rick?
Rick Draper
Registered: 10th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by Nath
How was your day off yesterday Rick?
Sadly I was in work. Got my striking done with last year
Show Staff Organiser: South Wales Premium Member
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quote: Originally posted by Mike B
Coming up to Christmas, he's got a new DVD out, why wouldn't he cause a bit of controversy to get his name about? His fans all know he's having a laugh so it's not going to stop any of them buying his DVD, but it may well remind them that he's got a new one available. It was pure marketing, and quite clearly it worked.
Especially when you then publicise it for him too 
How much is he paying you for your work Mike?
Registered: 8th May 11
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tbh i agree with him, even my other half who works for the nhs didnt walk out she went to work, and even she said ppl want to be grateful theyve even got a job as if she was in charge with the spending cuts that are coming they would be first out in her opinion
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
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quote: Originally posted by tom_simes
quote: Originally posted by Mike B
Coming up to Christmas, he's got a new DVD out, why wouldn't he cause a bit of controversy to get his name about? His fans all know he's having a laugh so it's not going to stop any of them buying his DVD, but it may well remind them that he's got a new one available. It was pure marketing, and quite clearly it worked.
Especially when you then publicise it for him too 
How much is he paying you for your work Mike?
Lifetime supply of Irn Bru
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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you mongs agree with taking someone outside and shooting them in front of their family for having a day off? get a grip you utter plebs
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Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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didnt watch the one show last night, so the first I heard of it was this morning on the News. Watched the clip and tbh, its a typical Clarkson gag!
Typical of the politicians, jumping straight in there and on Clarkson's back. Basically trying to score points and redirect attention... which is working!
If Clarkson is pushed, then so should those who got us all in this shitty mess in the first place!
pew pew pew pewwwww
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Labour went m8 at the last elections
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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quote: Originally posted by Jake
you mongs agree with taking someone outside and shooting them in front of their family for having a day off? get a grip you utter plebs
Of course they don't agree with having them taken outside and shot that was quite clearly a 'joke' from Clarkson... They just agree with him about not agreeing with them going on strike...
[Edited on 01-12-2011 by moka]
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Butler
If anyone deserves a removal from the media its this witch
What the fuck is going on with her mouth? But yeah, she is a complete oxygen thief. Should be pushed down the stairs at the next opportunity tbf
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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quote: Originally posted by moka
quote: Originally posted by Jake
you mongs agree with taking someone outside and shooting them in front of their family for having a day off? get a grip you utter plebs
Of course they don't agree with having them taken outside and shot that was quite clearly a 'joke' from Clarkson... They just agree with him about not agreeing with them going on strike...
[Edited on 01-12-2011 by moka]
whats the facepalm all about? the people on here agreeing with him are the ones taking his comments literally
Registered: 11th Mar 06
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quote: Originally posted by Jake
quote: Originally posted by moka
quote: Originally posted by Jake
you mongs agree with taking someone outside and shooting them in front of their family for having a day off? get a grip you utter plebs
Of course they don't agree with having them taken outside and shot that was quite clearly a 'joke' from Clarkson... They just agree with him about not agreeing with them going on strike...
[Edited on 01-12-2011 by moka]
whats the facepalm all about? the people on here agreeing with him are the ones taking his comments literally
The facepalm is all about you thinking people agree with Clarkson saying 'they should being taken outside and shot'. I know most people on CS are pretty fucked up but they're not that bad 
[Edited on 01-12-2011 by moka]
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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course not, there are a few spiteful urks on here
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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I pissed myself laughing when I saw it last night. (one show was only on as I was eating my tea )
The look on the face of that stupid cunt of a Woman that presents it was absolutely priceless.
I find Clarkson, thoroughly, thoroughly entertaining and amusing thus I must be a simpleton 
The Fact people are getting their backs up about it and its all going a bit "Y so seriouz" is even more amusing.
[Edited on 01-12-2011 by SetH]
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I LOL'd when I heard the unions want to sue him.
These people would be better putting their efforts in to finding jobs they liked.
Note how the number of complaints has gone up significantly since it's been all over the news - which initially reported I think that that had been no complaints?
Better make some then eh because obviously everything he says must be taken literally at all times.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Guy needs knighting tbh.
Registered: 8th May 11
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quote: Originally posted by Jake
you mongs agree with taking someone outside and shooting them in front of their family for having a day off? get a grip you utter plebs
i dont agree that they should be shot, no, But i do think they need to be grateful for even having a job right now, as from what i see the dole queue is getting bigger everyday
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
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Just seen this again on the news but the clip they showed puts it in context compared to what most people have seen.
He quite clearly added the 'shoot them' part on purely to try and get a laugh, after saying how the strikes were a good thing.
Who would possibly take time out of their day to complain about something that, quite clearly, was not his view at all