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Author Out growing cars..

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10th Dec 12 at 13:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Maybe I'm unusual. Old cars don't appeal to me, possibly with the exception of the DB5.

Because if I bought a tatty old Porsche or Ferrari, I would know that 9 out of 10 people would think, look at that heap of junk. I think the same when I see old cars, regardless of what they are.

Perhaps I'm not a true car enthusiast if I've got this opinion.

Registered: 25th Oct 07
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10th Dec 12 at 13:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by James

Apologies - I wasn't considering 25 year old Ferraris.

Surely someone wouldn't go out and buy a 25 year old hunk of rust just so they can say they own a Ferrari?

25yo ferrari's are very very very rarely a "hunk of rust"
400i's are just fuck ugly and undesirable

Originally posted by Robin
Pip, how much is a head gasket for a 400i? Or a rear shock, or a headlight switch?

depends where you get bits from. a lot of ferrari parts are from other makes and models.

i.e ferrari 308's starter motor from ferrari is £495 whereas if you but the exact part from fiat (same one is used on a tipo) its sub £100. only difference is the box.
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10th Dec 12 at 13:35   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
Its the same type of choice, but on a different scale.

Imagine an internet ferrari meet, with numerous 360s and 430s all parked next to each other, no one cares about each other cars, they all think theirs is the best, despite them being all pretty much the same thing.

Now a guy turns up in his old 1970's ferrari, might of cost a fraction of a brand new 430, but i bet all the modern ferrari owners would flock around and ask questions, rather than walking up to a 430, taking a photos and the only question the guy can answer is how much he paid for it.

I have trouble explaining my thinkings without sounding mad, but i have a go

Its like bringing a mint nova to a corsa meet
I kind of get what you're saying. People buying and modifying M3's are doing it for attention, but in reality they should buy an old sports car as it would give them more attention?

Except that buying a Corrado is possibly the sanest decision any human can make, I'm still really unclear on the point of all of this!?

Am I right in thinking that you assume that people buying modern sport models (M's, ST's, VXR's etc) and modifying them are doing so as a combined result of some form of internet peer pressure and a striving of a form of false superiority based on their "top of the range" car, which in reality is now a mid to low price range family transport past it's heyday?


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10th Dec 12 at 13:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
Originally posted by LiVe LeE
Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
Is the M3 his daily car?? Or does he have a 2nd car??

Originally posted by TaylorBooshD
He rarely uses the ///M3 as he simply doesn't need a car.

I seen that bit, but then i seen the comment about not wanting a 2 seater as he has a kid and GF. Can't imagine them walking everywhere so would assume he had a 2nd car, but was a bit confused as to why he couldn't get a 2 seater.

They have a Nissan note too, when I say barely uses I mean 2k a year.

Also if I had a weekend car, id want it to be able to fit my family in. Or would you leave your 4 month old at home alone?

Registered: 25th Oct 07
Location: Basingstoke Drives: Audi A4 Avant, Mk1 Caddy
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10th Dec 12 at 13:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by James
Maybe I'm unusual. Old cars don't appeal to me, possibly with the exception of the DB5.

Because if I bought a tatty old Porsche or Ferrari, I would know that 9 out of 10 people would think, look at that heap of junk. I think the same when I see old cars, regardless of what they are.

Perhaps I'm not a true car enthusiast if I've got this opinion.

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10th Dec 12 at 13:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

And ffs this thread isn't about ferraris
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10th Dec 12 at 13:36   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
Having a Ferrari and not needing it or barely using it, to me, sounds like its for cool points.
Who needs a Ferrari?

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10th Dec 12 at 13:37   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by James
Maybe I'm unusual. Old cars don't appeal to me, possibly with the exception of the DB5.

Because if I bought a tatty old Porsche or Ferrari, I would know that 9 out of 10 people would think, look at that heap of junk. I think the same when I see old cars, regardless of what they are.

Perhaps I'm not a true car enthusiast if I've got this opinion.

I had that problem (with other people) when I had my mk1 Golf. People used to think it was an old banger

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10th Dec 12 at 13:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Old cars are great. You've just got to know what to look for when choosing and have enough cash in the bank to cover the cheques you may or may not have to write

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10th Dec 12 at 13:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Corsasport21, you seem to know a lot about john-d...

Perhaps its actually you who is he.
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10th Dec 12 at 13:38   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by taylorboosh
And ffs this thread isn't about ferraris
Sell the car if you need the money freed up and/or don't enjoy anymore. Simples.

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10th Dec 12 at 13:40   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Balling
Originally posted by taylorboosh
And ffs this thread isn't about ferraris
Sell the car if you need the money freed up and/or don't enjoy anymore. Simples.

substitute Ferrari for "911 like toms, a c3 Corvette, an escort cosworth or a 3 door sierra cosworth.

and selling a prestige car isn't always that simple especially in this market

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10th Dec 12 at 13:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To answer the OP's question though. I felt I'd grown out of cars with small engines and felt my sensible car consumed too little fuel, so it was time for an upgrade.

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10th Dec 12 at 13:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've forgotten what john-d was saying at the start of this thread

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10th Dec 12 at 13:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Also a quick bit of maths:

£60k pa is £5k per month. Knock off 20% tax so £4k a month. Say a £1k a month mortgage (which btw would get a lovely 4 bed detaches up here) , £3k a month left.

So say sky, food, gas, petrol, electric, main car etc comes to £1k (way overboard) they would still have £2k left....

Yea no way could you run a Ferrari on £24k free cash a year...
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10th Dec 12 at 13:44   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by mwg
I've forgotten what john-d was saying at the start of this thread
He was rambling about himself in third person. Crazy lad...

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10th Dec 12 at 13:45   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by taylorboosh
Also a quick bit of maths:

£60k pa is £5k per month. Knock off 20% tax so £4k a month. Say a £1k a month mortgage (which btw would get a lovely 4 bed detaches up here) , £3k a month left.

So say sky, food, gas, petrol, electric, main car etc comes to £1k (way overboard) they would still have £2k left....

Yea no way could you run a Ferrari on £24k free cash a year...

Lol maths.
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10th Dec 12 at 13:45   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To mirror ed and answer the question:

I've grown out of small cars, hatchbacks etc and I need a reliable, image related car for work BUT to keep my petrol head side alive, I'm looking to buy a kit car or track car after I've finished the house, something I can work on/build myself

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10th Dec 12 at 13:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Balling
Originally posted by taylorboosh
And ffs this thread isn't about ferraris
Sell the car if you need the money freed up and/or don't enjoy anymore. Simples.

I don't enjoy my CORSA but the threads not about me mate. Its also not a case of doesn't enjoy or need cash. Like I said I think cars are a waste of cash... The thread was about this.

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10th Dec 12 at 13:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by taylorboosh
Also a quick bit of maths:

£60k pa is £5k per month. Knock off 20% tax so £4k a month. Say a £1k a month mortgage (which btw would get a lovely 4 bed detaches up here) , £3k a month left.

So say sky, food, gas, petrol, electric, main car etc comes to £1k (way overboard) they would still have £2k left....

Yea no way could you run a Ferrari on £24k free cash a year...

Never wondered why more people don't own Ferrari's then?

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10th Dec 12 at 13:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

That's some good maths going on there.

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10th Dec 12 at 13:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by taylorboosh
Also a quick bit of maths:

£60k pa is £5k per month. Knock off 20% tax so £4k a month. Say a £1k a month mortgage (which btw would get a lovely 4 bed detaches up here) , £3k a month left.

So say sky, food, gas, petrol, electric, main car etc comes to £1k (way overboard) they would still have £2k left....

Yea no way could you run a Ferrari on £24k free cash a year...

For starters, £60k is £3,464 per month after deductions.
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10th Dec 12 at 13:49   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by taylorboosh
Also a quick bit of maths:

£60k pa is £5k per month. Knock off 20% tax so £4k a month. Say a £1k a month mortgage (which btw would get a lovely 4 bed detaches up here) , £3k a month left.

So say sky, food, gas, petrol, electric, main car etc comes to £1k (way overboard) they would still have £2k left....

Yea no way could you run a Ferrari on £24k free cash a year...

knock another 10-15% off that for your monthly to account for NI and assuming she's training to be a nurse which will be a lower wage job at first, I would assume John will be on £40k plus so his earnings will be subject to a higher tax code as well.

Where's the allowance for the child in your sums? I genuinely have no idea what a child costs to run/service/tax etc.?

Registered: 13th Apr 08
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10th Dec 12 at 13:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by taylorboosh
Corsasport21, you seem to know a lot about john-d...

Perhaps its actually you who is he.

Nice bit of misdirection John, i like your style.
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10th Dec 12 at 13:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Regarding the 'not being able to run a Ferrari' bit, my brother in law's brother bought a F355 when they were about £50k, so what, 6-7 years ago?

He's the director of a haulage company and is on considerably more than the £60k mentioned here.

He ran it for 3 years and sold it as it was so ridiculously expensive to service, repair and run.

Shocks are a grand each, discs are £800, the clutch is about £3k, everything is mental, even an oil filter (if you want to do it properly) is about £45 FFS.

Kidding yourself that it's affordable is settin yourself up for declaring bankruptcy.

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