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Author Do You Really Hate The Police?

Registered: 11th Aug 01
Location: Pontefract Yorkshire
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19th Aug 03 at 22:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

think yor giving the whole british police force a hard time here lads.
yes, one or two can be power hungry, but on the whole they are a great service, i want to be one and i know a hell of alot of respectable and popular ppl who are in the force.

I refer to the lads who say all police are dicks, NPAC or sumat.....

is the pc who got knocked over and killed chasing a burgular, leavin a wife and family, a dick??????


english police are a damn sight better than other countries.

Maybe the police pull you coz they are the sh1t car finding crew NPAC

Registered: 29th Mar 02
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19th Aug 03 at 23:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

would rather they were their on the streets than they wern't, don't mind getting pulled up, doesn't happen often but its nice to know they do check details out... as far as they know, i could be anyone driving the car!
Used to get pulled up a fair bit when i was 17/18 but stopped after a while...
Anyway, there are traffic police about to do the traffic jobs, and there are others to check out the robberies, murders etc.... just depends on what they are assigned to do at the time... just cos 1 pulls u up doesn't mean the entire force are just pulling people over for dodgey numberplates

I think they do a great job considering the environment and people they have to deal with!

As liam said


Registered: 17th Jun 01
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20th Aug 03 at 07:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i said claire that i blame the politicians that make the laws and hence odnt hate the police! - argh read what i say and you will see that i am the don when it ocmes to putting forth a good argument - except of course when it comes to why i hate e-type jags, i just do - lol


Registered: 13th Aug 03
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20th Aug 03 at 10:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

All my experiences with traffic police have been bad, and no I dont go round ragging a corsa round town, nor do I give any lip.

I've had my car(s) broken into plenty of times - the result? they wont even come to look, they just fob you off with a crime number, and thats the last you hear. I'm sorry (this might be regional) but the police when it comes to car theft/damage are completely useless, theyve let it spiral to such a level that they have basically given up.

I once had some old bloke go up my arse while i was stationary on a roundabout. He refused to give me his details, and so called the police, they took no less than 45 minutes to turn up, by which time this bloke had long gone. So gave them the reg plate and description, and that was the last I hear. I try chasing up "oh we're doing the best we can". So I end up having to fork out for some old fucker ramming me up the arse.

I have absolutely NO faith in the police at all. They are A1 useless tossers.

Speed Cameras dont help, they cause heavy breaking etc, and are pretty pointless if you ask me, just there to earn money for the police who do FUCK all day.

rar rar rar fuckin hate em lol

oh yea, the fine for having a mis-spaced number plate is higher than what someone who breaks into your home would get. its all fuckin wrong.

I lost my licence for speeding twice within my first 2 years, lost my licence, lost my job, company car, and nearly my flat cos of it. While I hold my hands up to speeding, the resulting punishment was HUGE and ruined my life at the time... yet I didnt actually cause ANY harm to anyone... yet theifs etc walk away free all the time, and rarely get caught. again, its all fuckin wrong.
Romford Astra

Registered: 13th Aug 01
Location: Romford, Essex Drives:Honda S2000
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20th Aug 03 at 16:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by XLR8
I lost my licence for speeding twice within my first 2 years, lost my licence, lost my job, company car, and nearly my flat cos of it. While I hold my hands up to speeding, the resulting punishment was HUGE and ruined my life at the time...

but not as much as say a little girl who gets knocked down and killed by a speeding motorist...well not just a little girl, but anyone who gets killed by a speeding driver 5 minutes late for meeting mates down the pub/work meeting/dinner at home.

Registered: 11th Apr 02
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20th Aug 03 at 16:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the world is based on "what-if's"

we all have to stick to the rules tho, like it or not.

or at least make sure u don't get caught

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