Registered: 1st Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
think im meant to be bothered
Blimey, thats hard!
Darren M
Registered: 22nd Mar 01
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yes... or why would you say you were not going to come on here then come back
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
think im meant to be bothered
Registered: 8th May 02
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
think im meant to be bothered
I must say the layout of the site is better than CS, more things to look at.
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
I write to confirm the decision to terminate your employment on the grounds of continued incapability 
can they do that when u are on sick?
yeah they can if you are not fit to work....But I thought they hadd to give you a % of your salary for so long..Pension u off on the sick so to speak..this what happens at my work..
But if you have been off for so long they will not continue to pay you...If you are unfit to work then thats that....But u still have rights if been there for 4 years...
Registered: 7th Jul 03
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tbh i can't blame em coz im sure there gunna want someone reliable in the position. And from what ive read youv'e already had a meeting about coming back etc. but still havn't, so mabey there just fed up and want to get someone reliable in.
Hope you get a new job all sorted out though and this dont affect it! Btw how have you managed to live without being paid for 15 months!!!!!
Darren M
Registered: 22nd Mar 01
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its called shit loads of support money.....
why we pay so much fcuking tax
Registered: 7th Jul 03
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Yea but she has been getting pished and spending money on her car, i struggle to do that with a job
Registered: 10th Apr 02
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does anybody really actually care if kerry hasn't got a job anymore??
Sorry luv, it seems to have been hard for you in the past but you are just looking for sympathy as usual, plz G T F
The Meaty Pie
Darren M
Registered: 22nd Mar 01
Location: Luton : Drives : Vectra B Sri
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quote: Originally posted by the_legend_of_yrag
Yea but she has been getting pished and spending money on her car, i struggle to do that with a job
exactly mate i do a fcuking 40 hour week plus travelling...and i cant afford to go on the piss every weekend, put 18's and other bits on my car. Makes me fcuking mad.
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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quote: Originally posted by Meat-Pie-SRI
does anybody really actually care if kerry hasn't got a job anymore??
Sorry luv, it seems to have been hard for you in the past but you are just looking for sympathy as usual, plz G T F
The Meaty Pie
doesnt affect me, but her post has made me aware of a few things
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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quote: Originally posted by Darren M
quote: Originally posted by the_legend_of_yrag
Yea but she has been getting pished and spending money on her car, i struggle to do that with a job
exactly mate i do a fcuking 40 hour week plus travelling...and i cant afford to go on the piss every weekend, put 18's and other bits on my car. Makes me fcuking mad.
actually just to set u straight on a few things........
i do not have a mortgage
i do not have a bank loan
i do not pay monthly for over priced insurance premiums as im a 26 yr old female driver
i own my car so dont have finance to pay
i dont pay board or wot ever u have to pay to ure mummys and daddys
i have 2 children for which i recieve x amount of pounds each month for of thier fathers hard earned money
i sold a 55k house 2 months ago
i recieved x amount inheritance of my fathers hard earned money when he passed away
do u see any of ure wages/tax there?
perhaps u should think before u jump to wot can be very hurtful and far from the truth conclusions

Registered: 19th Oct 02
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quote: Originally posted by VenomTurbo
doesnt affect me, but her post has made me aware of a few things
Same as^
Kerry, did you like southend?
Registered: 2nd Dec 02
Location: Blackpool
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
do u see any of ure wages/tax there?
i do not have a mortgage i get a Council house 4 free
i do not have a bank loan dont need one get family credit
i do not pay insurance premiums
i own my car so dont have finance to pay got it on disability for free
i dont pay board your mummys and daddys pay their taxs for my council house
i had 2 children so i could recieve x amount of pounds each month from thier fathers
i sold a 55k house 2 months ago and spent the money quick so i was still intitled to benifits
thats where you taxes are well spent

Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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   damn u sussed me luke  
yes i enjoyed southend thanks colin saw loads of people and had a good laugh with tracey and bravo
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why dont u all let it drop! i think that kerry is a sound bird and i think that any1 who wants 2 bitch about sumin they no fuk all about shud get a life!my parents support people al of their working life! they have paid tax to keep wankas like my next door neighbour happy yet my dads in a worse state than him! simple as lifes harsh! life doesnt always go ur way! just think b4 u make childish "im payin taxes to keep kerrys ass off the street" comments pls!
[Edited on 26-10-2003 by Dicky_Morris]
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
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and these people wont be moaning when they are in shit,
i fucking hate people who stick there noses in where its not wanted and make hurtful comments on peoples personal lives, not everyone has a rich mummy and daddy, so u can G T F and leave kerry in peace.
Registered: 28th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by the_legend_of_yrag
Yea but she has been getting pished and spending money on her car, i struggle to do that with a job
to be fair your entitled to certain rights when your employed. now if your sick you get sick pay. wither this is statatory or more is up to the company. if you can surviveon it then thats good. if you can struggle to live a decent fun life with the money you earn then thats your fault for having a job that pays not very much money. I suggest you take your underpaid job and GTF with your moaning
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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and another thing, sick pay doesnt come from tax it comes from the companies bank account
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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sick pay actually comes from national insurance too and u have to pay into it at some point to get it back out