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Author Astra GSI or Honda Civic type R

Registered: 20th Sep 02
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5th Oct 05 at 15:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

gsi all the way, newer nicer interior, better ride, faster, nice phase 1 chip and you have 240bhp, will run rings the type r!!!


Registered: 19th Feb 04
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5th Oct 05 at 15:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
Originally posted by Cybermonkey
Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
I reckon the CTR looks a "little" nicer then a corsa (can of worms succesfully opened)
Those who have mentioned the Audi S3 - in the real world, they arent that quick (maybe off the line.) CTR will keep up with them happily. unless you chip the S3 of course, as we all know its easy to get silly power for little cash with turbos. a chipped S3 would see quite a few cars off i reckon

read the thread title, im sure it says ASTRA

Read Matty Gs post - im sure he says the CTR is ugly, and his avatar tells me he drives a corsa. My response was to him not to the original thread title. Much like the part about the S3.

Yep the CTR is ugly, Astra gets my vote

Registered: 10th May 02
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5th Oct 05 at 15:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cybermonkey
Originally posted by CorsaControl
Originally posted by Cybermonkey
Originally posted by SJW
Originally posted by CorsaControl
Originally posted by rustyarchs
lol shows how uninformed you are,,

they run superchargers usually made by jackson or tts performance and im afraid they run rather reliably!!

you should get a few of the jap mags and read up on what the little blighters are capabale of when they have been fettled with

point scored...yassss

There is no bolloking way a supercharged type R will do 12 sec. 1/4... !!!

Not without ALOT of work!!! and alot of money!

there are plenty of Astras that are hitting 13/14's which is where the SC civic is likley to be ....

agreed i have only ever seen one ff car do sub 12's 1/4

a corsa on here got a 12.8

Yes but Lucky b's was mental and had a lot of money spent on it...

no wasnt luckyb's, it was about a month ago someone posted up their time from the pod, used N2O though.
Muppetsport should see 12secs easy when running full power. he got a 13.5 on standard power

At PVS 2004 i saw a purple standard looking one that ran a low 13 think ...2.0L Throttle boddied and NOS... that was impressive..


Registered: 19th Feb 04
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5th Oct 05 at 15:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by CorsaControl
At PVS 2004 i saw a purple standard looking one that ran a low 13 think ...2.0L Throttle boddied and NOS... that was impressive..

Thats the one

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5th Oct 05 at 15:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i thought it got into the high 12's?

Registered: 10th May 02
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5th Oct 05 at 16:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well the fastest FWD car is like 11 secs!!

Read this on google searching ...His 11.514 @ 117.35 MPH (1.686 60') positions him as the fastest FWD Regal GS on the planet.

Registered: 29th Aug 04
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5th Oct 05 at 17:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i love this place lol remember totb??it only happend a few months ago

fastest ffwd car at totb, 1. 1/4m Class Winner FWD – Paul JOHNSON FIESTA RS TURBO 11.86s 124mph

there was another 4 ffwd cars that hit mid 12s one being a fto which ran a personal best of 12.40

and ohh look here is the a 12sec civic ran at santa pod lol

i also used google to find this btw

next time boys please do your homework before posting up shite

[Edited on 05-10-2005 by rustyarchs]

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5th Oct 05 at 17:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by CorsaControl
Originally posted by rustyarchs
lol shows how uninformed you are,,

they run superchargers usually made by jackson or tts performance and im afraid they run rather reliably!!

you should get a few of the jap mags and read up on what the little blighters are capabale of when they have been fettled with

point scored...yassss

There is no bolloking way a supercharged type R will do 12 sec. 1/4... !!!

Not without ALOT of work!!! and alot of money!

there are plenty of Astras that are hitting 13/14's which is where the SC civic is likley to be ....

who said anything about money or work

ohh and guess what you have been bollocked

please may i have your next pointless post so i can prove you wrong again

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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5th Oct 05 at 18:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sum1 plz explain the comparisson between a bread van and a CTR, seriously, the CTR is soo aerdynamic and sleek

Registered: 8th Jul 05
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5th Oct 05 at 19:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

pmsl look what comes up in the search google images for breadvan, (top pics)

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5th Oct 05 at 20:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the ferrari or the bently??

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5th Oct 05 at 20:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

that other thing looks like a sooty van (not the focus btw lol)
hoggy a

Registered: 5th Oct 05
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5th Oct 05 at 21:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well guys less go for it flame me if you want but too read some of these comments has just made me piss myself,well if you have not gessed iam off the civic type r forum and to read these post that you are writing i just cannot beleve what crap you are talking about,but to compare cars that you are talking about you must at least drive the pair of them before you give commentyes your astra is not a bad car,200bhp and turbo'ed this has a great base for doing something good to,but to be honest the ctr has 200bhp and is quicker 0-60 and a faster top speed with no turbo,this also drives like a proper car with no modding needed,so come on guys give it a try before you slag it off with some shitty comments,and as for the leon do not underestimate them as these will beat the pair of us with no problem at all

Registered: 5th Nov 03
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5th Oct 05 at 21:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Most people on here flame the CTR... there have been so many posts its a joke!

My 2p... as a former CTR driver I cant understand how anyone could pick an Astra GSI over the CTR... the CTR won all the 'awards' and ofr a very good reason... those would be the same reasons why it outsold the GSI by something like 10:1!! IMO (and I owned one so can comment fairly) its generally faster and can be tuned just as easily as a GSI, nicer inteior... better seats (despite the astra having recaros) and I absolutely loved it!!

Registered: 5th Nov 03
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5th Oct 05 at 21:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

OOps... robbo here posting as natalie briefly :$

Hoggy, I used to use the CTR forum... Rob S
hoggy a

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5th Oct 05 at 21:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Natalie
Most people on here flame the CTR... there have been so many posts its a joke!

My 2p... as a former CTR driver I cant understand how anyone could pick an Astra GSI over the CTR... the CTR won all the 'awards' and ofr a very good reason... those would be the same reasons why it outsold the GSI by something like 10:1!! IMO (and I owned one so can comment fairly) its generally faster and can be tuned just as easily as a GSI, nicer inteior... better seats (despite the astra having recaros) and I absolutely loved it!!

agree with you mate but no comparisment between the both,astra nice car to drive day in and day out but has not got the feel and driveability of the ctr
hoggy a

Registered: 5th Oct 05
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5th Oct 05 at 21:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Natalie
OOps... robbo here posting as natalie briefly :$

Hoggy, I used to use the CTR forum... Rob S

get yourself back on and pay everybody a vist you no we will have missed you and you no how freindly we all are

Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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6th Oct 05 at 01:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by hoggy a
Originally posted by Natalie
Most people on here flame the CTR... there have been so many posts its a joke!

My 2p... as a former CTR driver I cant understand how anyone could pick an Astra GSI over the CTR... the CTR won all the 'awards' and ofr a very good reason... those would be the same reasons why it outsold the GSI by something like 10:1!! IMO (and I owned one so can comment fairly) its generally faster and can be tuned just as easily as a GSI, nicer inteior... better seats (despite the astra having recaros) and I absolutely loved it!!

agree with you mate but no comparisment between the both,astra nice car to drive day in and day out but has not got the feel and driveability of the ctr

driveability?!?! having to drop 2 gears to get it in the power band, when the astra will just take off in any gear with its superior torque?
Jazzy Jefferson

Registered: 30th Sep 05
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6th Oct 05 at 08:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cybermonkey
Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
Originally posted by Cybermonkey
Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
I reckon the CTR looks a "little" nicer then a corsa (can of worms succesfully opened)
Those who have mentioned the Audi S3 - in the real world, they arent that quick (maybe off the line.) CTR will keep up with them happily. unless you chip the S3 of course, as we all know its easy to get silly power for little cash with turbos. a chipped S3 would see quite a few cars off i reckon

read the thread title, im sure it says ASTRA

Read Matty Gs post - im sure he says the CTR is ugly, and his avatar tells me he drives a corsa. My response was to him not to the original thread title. Much like the part about the S3.

surely thats just personal opinion? many think the CTR looks like it should be round the back of Simmons Bakers, but thats all personal opinion too

absolutely spot on - it IS personal opinion and in my opinion, the corsa looks sh!te in comparison the to CTR. just because i think different to some people, i can still "voice" my opinion.
Jazzy Jefferson

Registered: 30th Sep 05
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6th Oct 05 at 08:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cybermonkey

driveability?!?! having to drop 2 gears to get it in the power band, when the astra will just take off in any gear with its superior torque?

That's just being lazy mate. make an effort and change gear and you're away!

Registered: 8th Jul 05
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6th Oct 05 at 08:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

im not saying the ctr is a crap car, i dont like it that my personal opinion, and from my point of view i dont think its a very good setup, isnt as quick as ppl make out and lacks torque, but the amount of muppets that drive them lets them down also

also the fact that these muppets think they are some kind of jap beast also makes me more inclined to say they are wank to bring them down a peg or two, probably very unsuccessfully mind

i remember the twot who came on here from that CTR forum raving how he can get up in the morning and have 200 ponies under his right foot! still aint very fast and lacks torque

this is a prime example of the typical ctr driver

[Edited on 06-10-2005 by SJW]

Registered: 10th May 02
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6th Oct 05 at 08:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by rustyarchs
i love this place lol remember totb??it only happend a few months ago

fastest ffwd car at totb, 1. 1/4m Class Winner FWD – Paul JOHNSON FIESTA RS TURBO 11.86s 124mph

there was another 4 ffwd cars that hit mid 12s one being a fto which ran a personal best of 12.40

and ohh look here is the a 12sec civic ran at santa pod lol

i also used google to find this btw

next time boys please do your homework before posting up shite

[Edited on 05-10-2005 by rustyarchs]

OMG Sorry, but you are a fcukin idiot! Thats a CLP Racing demo car

If your gonn a go off no money limits, and mod limits...Then dont make me bring out Regals old demo coupe is phase 5, FMIC, Uprated pistons, Manifold and lots more - RR'd @ 323BHP.

I was talking about this chappy who "Realisically" could mod the car. I said you can't just get a 12sec type R without massive money

"We had just fitted our new turbo kit and wanted to try out the 1/4 mile potential of the new setup. After a few runs of getting used to the power delivery we made a run with a time of 12.51 seconds at 121mph. This is certainly the quickest and fastest Civic Type R in the U.K. "

OMG! All your doing is showing me the quickest type R in the UK?????? Whats that gonna proove!?

Plus its 279BHP The Regal 323BHP Astra would piss on it...

You didn't really proove much there did you amigo?? Apart from how sarcartic you can be TBH sons?
Jazzy Jefferson

Registered: 30th Sep 05
Location: Santos Albos - Herts
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6th Oct 05 at 08:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

SJW - the majority of CTR drivers are alright people who arent wankers. HOwever as they have now come down in price there are a lot of chav types buying them and bringing the name down so to speak.
AS for lack of torque - Torque pulls caravans. BHP wins races.

The CTR IS a fast car for what it is. 197BHP and capable of 6.4secs to 60. from a standard 2.0 16v. i'd say that is quick. not quick in terms of cars on the whole, but for what it is, its quick.

may i ask why you dont think its a good setup? im curious. thanks

Registered: 8th Jul 05
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6th Oct 05 at 08:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i think every ctr must come with a free injection of testosterone in the after care pack

Registered: 8th Jul 05
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6th Oct 05 at 08:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
SJW - the majority of CTR drivers are alright people who arent wankers. HOwever as they have now come down in price there are a lot of chav types buying them and bringing the name down so to speak.
AS for lack of torque - Torque pulls caravans. BHP wins races.

The CTR IS a fast car for what it is. 197BHP and capable of 6.4secs to 60. from a standard 2.0 16v. i'd say that is quick. not quick in terms of cars on the whole, but for what it is, its quick.

may i ask why you dont think its a good setup? im curious. thanks

you really are clueless, you have been reading the fast and furoius guide to tuning pmsl, BHP is useless without torque, BHP is more gainful for top end speed, more torque is better for acceleration, its a crap setup because of its power band rev range, and i dont think traction it to clever in them also

[Edited on 06-10-2005 by SJW]

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