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Author Jeremy Clarkson Does It Again
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1st Dec 11 at 22:38   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Jesus Christ, ministers involved, shouldn't these people be running a country or doing their jobs in opposition opposing.

Probably too busy having the day off
Dr Pepper

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1st Dec 11 at 22:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Couple of people have said he only did it to get attention and promote himself and his DVD. So its ok if someone employed by the BBC uses another BBC show to say something deliberately controversal to make money for himself? I dont really think a prime time family show is a good place to make brainless comments for attention...especially if you then dont even stand by the joke - hes apologised for it for fucks sake - what a pussy...all because he might get sacked and lose his job, and ability to be such a big star. If he gets sacked over this you really think Cameron is going to have him round for Christmas dinner again? He wouldnt be allowed near Cameron because he would be an embarrassment. Pretty funny watching Cameron on tv today saying his mate had been 'stupid'. He may do ok on ITV...But he will lose the stature he enjoys at the moment on the BBC.

The idea that the BBC cant sack him because Topgear is a commercial success is not correct either. Unlike commercial TV the BBC does not have to chase profit - thats why its of a higher standard than any other channel in the world. If they feel he is over the mark they could easily sack him.

Top Gear may well be the most watched show in the world ...but McDonalds is the most popular restaurant, The Sun is the most popular newspaper and JLS are the biggest selling UK act this year ........just becuase something is popular doesnt make it any good. Top Gear was far better when less people watched it and it was aimed more at the audience that actually wanted it to exist.

I like offensive jokes if they are funny, and if they are made by someone who is actually ok, and doesnt really hold those views....people like Franky Boyle, Gervaise ect..... Clarkson just seems like a bit of an all round arsehole.....what he said wasnt really a good joke - he was just asked about a group of people he is politically opposed to and reduced the programme to the level of a toddler by saying the most stupid thing he could come up with.

He wont get sacked though(I would sack him either over this - I just wouldn't renew his contract) and he probably wont get in too much trouble. Firstly most of the media is conservative. The Daily Mail, Sun and Times wont go for him like they did Jonathon Ross or Brand,.... The Daily Mail went for the jugular on those two because they are liberals. Guarantee you there will not be a week long campaign in the Daily Mail to get Clarkson out and the BBC disbanded for being offensive.....those papers basically agree with what he said - and want the strikers portrayed as scum.

Secondly he is best mates with Cameron... so im sure he will look after him - just like he looks after his pals in fleetstreet and finance.

[Edited on 01-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]

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1st Dec 11 at 22:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Clarkson for PM

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1st Dec 11 at 22:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

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1st Dec 11 at 22:45   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think the country is just happy to have something else to moan about, the Euro zone crisis was getting a bit complicated for most people.
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1st Dec 11 at 22:46   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just need fads view now

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1st Dec 11 at 22:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dr Pepper

hes apologised for it for fucks sake - what a pussy...all because he might get sacked and lose his job,

[Edited on 01-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]

so you wouldn't apologise if it ment losing your job that pays you millions of pounds?

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1st Dec 11 at 22:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

He's said sorry & they have dropped legal action.

Smart move by him.

Stupid move by everyone who took it seriously. My betting 90% of them are public strikers, i mean wankers, i mean workers.
Dr Pepper

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1st Dec 11 at 22:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by mike56gte
Originally posted by Dr Pepper

hes apologised for it for fucks sake - what a pussy...all because he might get sacked and lose his job,

[Edited on 01-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]

so you wouldn't apologise if it ment losing your job that pays you millions of pounds?

I wouldnt have said it

You ever heard Franky Boyle, Carr, Anstell or Gervaise have to apologise for a controversal joke on the bbc? They dont have to apologise because they are funny, their jokes are made to an audience expecting to hear that kind of language...and because they believe in what they are doing. They are not doing it to get attention and sell a dvd about cars.

What Clarkson has done is go on a family show to promote himself and his product, and then made a brainless comment about people he hates without putting too much thought into it. Then when people inevitably complain he claims it wasnt meant like that and apologises.

Gutless. If you all agree with him so much, and apparantly he has so much support out there....why not stand by what he said - tell us all it was a joke and get over it? I would have more respect if had of done that
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1st Dec 11 at 23:02   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think this needs to be put into perspective so here goes.

A man made a joke, there's not really anything to argue. One thing I have noticed though, all these public sector workers are back in work today after their strike, yet still have the time to send in their complaints because a man told a joke... Maybe a lot of these jobs should be re-evaluated if so many have time to take out of their day to waste time sending emails about nothing stories.
Dr Pepper

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1st Dec 11 at 23:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Mike B
I think this needs to be put into perspective so here goes.

A man made a joke, there's not really anything to argue. One thing I have noticed though, all these public sector workers are back in work today after their strike, yet still have the time to send in their complaints because a man told a joke... Maybe a lot of these jobs should be re-evaluated if so many have time to take out of their day to waste time sending emails about nothing stories.

You think nurses or teachers sit around all day dossing? Or that maybe we should get rid of some paramedics or doctors. People are talking about the public sector like it is a drain on the country or that its full of lazy, greedy communists. Its there to help us, we have to pay for it - and if you want good people caring for you and cleaning up after you then you have to entice them into it.

I completely agree that local government is a joke - its a bottomless pit for wasting money and employees there get it too easy there.

I work in the private sector and its tough, but its tough for those who work in the public sector as well. They pay taxes the same as us - and many of them do a more important job, for less money with more qualifications than I have. Much of the public sector works extremely hard - they dont deserve to be demonised by people who are less qualified, contribute less to society and earn more money for the privilege. People are seriously talking like everyone who went on strike is greedy scum ..... its not a black and white simple issue like Clarkson would like you to believe

People have genuine reasons for being unhappy - Cameron is a man who is surrounded by friends who helped get us into the mess we are now paying his arse out of. You cant just hammer the public sector and let companies like Vodaphone off millions of pounds of tax owed to the taxpayer. Cameron doesnt give a shit about the public sector....and if you earn less than £50k in the private sector he doesnt give a shit about you either...his concern is protecting the super rich in this country - I can see more than just public sector going out on the streets in the coming years

Its a question of fairness in my book - the way this debt is being paid off is extremely unfair..not just on the public sector ...its about time a stand was made against these politicians who are in bed with big business and finance...rather than everyone blindly doing what they are told and paying off debts that were nothing to do with most of us

[Edited on 01-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]
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1st Dec 11 at 23:21   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm relating more to councils etc. My Mum worked for Warrington council up until August and for the last few months, regularly came home, telling us how the whole office had been sat twiddling their thumbs all day as there was no work for them, yet yesterday, they all had the audacity to go on strike because they're so badly done to, even though their job shouldn't exist, because there simply isn't call for it.

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1st Dec 11 at 23:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Never before have I seen Dr Pepper get it so wrong.

What Clarkson said was hilarious, and it was just to balance out his saying that the strikes were brilliant.

People who complained should be shot, imo.

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1st Dec 11 at 23:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by adiohead
Never before have I seen Dr Pepper get it so wrong.

What Clarkson said was hilarious, and it was just to balance out his saying that the strikes were brilliant.

People who complained should be shot, imo.
Dr Pepper

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1st Dec 11 at 23:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Mike B
I'm relating more to councils etc. My Mum worked for Warrington council up until August and for the last few months, regularly came home, telling us how the whole office had been sat twiddling their thumbs all day as there was no work for them, yet yesterday, they all had the audacity to go on strike because they're so badly done to, even though their job shouldn't exist, because there simply isn't call for it.

Yeah I have had dealings with selling appliances to local councils and money management and the wastage is unreal .... but that doesnt mean a nurse who has to pay £30k to go through uni, who then earns £20k a year untill they are in their seventies and retires to a tiny pension shouldnt have a right to complain ...especially as the only reason these cuts are happening is because people like cameron gambled our money away.

It wasnt the public sector that got us in this mess....It was outright greed in the Private sector and upper levels of government. The same kind of greed that Clarkson portrayed yesterday

[Edited on 01-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]
Dr Pepper

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1st Dec 11 at 23:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by adiohead
Never before have I seen Dr Pepper get it so wrong.

What Clarkson said was hilarious, and it was just to balance out his saying that the strikes were brilliant.

People who complained should be shot, imo.

almost as hilarious as when he said Gordon Brown was a 'one eyed scottish idiot' ...... pretty funny making jokes about blindness, especially when that blind man had a blind son. Would he have made a joke about someones disability if it wasnt for the fact he opposed them politically and his mate was cameron.

I just dont think hiding behind 'jokes', when you are actually not really joking is a good thing. Much rather have someone like Bernard Manning who didnt apologise for his views however much people disliked them. The man is a disgrace imo - but millions love him, so never mind.
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1st Dec 11 at 23:38   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It was you who mentioned nurses, I just commented on how all these complaints have been made even though everyone's back at work after the strikes.

Also, at no point have I said that the public sector have got us into this mess, you're just creating your own arguments for the sake of it.

As I said, a man made a joke, it happens everyday, get over it.
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1st Dec 11 at 23:39   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dr Pepper
Originally posted by adiohead
Never before have I seen Dr Pepper get it so wrong.

What Clarkson said was hilarious, and it was just to balance out his saying that the strikes were brilliant.

People who complained should be shot, imo.

almost as hilarious as when he said Gordon Brown was a 'one eyed scottish idiot' ...... pretty funny making jokes about blindness, especially when that blind man had a blind son. Would he have made a joke about someones disability if it wasnt for the fact he opposed them politically and his mate was cameron.

I just dont think hiding behind 'jokes', when you are actually not really joking is a good thing. Much rather have someone like Bernard Manning who didnt apologise for his views however much people disliked them. The man is a disgrace imo - but millions love him, so never mind.

It quite clearly was a joke
Dr Pepper

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1st Dec 11 at 23:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Mike B
It was you who mentioned nurses, I just commented on how all these complaints have been made even though everyone's back at work after the strikes.

Also, at no point have I said that the public sector have got us into this mess, you're just creating your own arguments for the sake of it.

As I said, a man made a joke, it happens everyday, get over it.

No - not everyday does a personal friend of the prime minister, who is payed millions out of license payers money - go on a family license fee funded show and say much of its audience should be shot in front of their families...then bemoan his train was delayed because someone jumped in front of it and exploded

That doesnt happen every day

whats your point...How long does it take to write an email - 20 seconds? There were more complaints made to the Daily Mail about Ross and Brand than there has been over this...and that was mainly Daily Mail readers who work in the private sector..... were you saying they had too much time on there hands and should take a wage cut or lose their jobs.

Im bringing up nurses ect because the public sector isnt just local government .... and even the money that has been wasted in councils is dwarfed by the money that has been gambled away by big finance, and it also pales into insignificance to the money that should be received from certain companies and individuals which is stolen from our pockets ... we are not in this together im afriad

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1st Dec 11 at 23:48   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Feel sorry for everyone back in today who had to work harder because they missed a day.

Or not.
Dr Pepper

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1st Dec 11 at 23:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Mike B
Originally posted by Dr Pepper
Originally posted by adiohead
Never before have I seen Dr Pepper get it so wrong.

What Clarkson said was hilarious, and it was just to balance out his saying that the strikes were brilliant.

People who complained should be shot, imo.

almost as hilarious as when he said Gordon Brown was a 'one eyed scottish idiot' ...... pretty funny making jokes about blindness, especially when that blind man had a blind son. Would he have made a joke about someones disability if it wasnt for the fact he opposed them politically and his mate was cameron.

I just dont think hiding behind 'jokes', when you are actually not really joking is a good thing. Much rather have someone like Bernard Manning who didnt apologise for his views however much people disliked them. The man is a disgrace imo - but millions love him, so never mind.

It quite clearly was a joke

Wasn't a very funny, or well thought out joke if it was...or he wouldn't be apologising for it today.

You don't hear many comedians having to apologise for their jokes

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1st Dec 11 at 23:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I dont agree with the strikes they hould be grateful to have a job in these times, but clarkson is still an idiot im not a fan of him.
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1st Dec 11 at 23:54   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My point is a man told a joke. I thought I'd made that quite clear
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1st Dec 11 at 23:57   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dr Pepper
Originally posted by Mike B
Originally posted by Dr Pepper
Originally posted by adiohead
Never before have I seen Dr Pepper get it so wrong.

What Clarkson said was hilarious, and it was just to balance out his saying that the strikes were brilliant.

People who complained should be shot, imo.

almost as hilarious as when he said Gordon Brown was a 'one eyed scottish idiot' ...... pretty funny making jokes about blindness, especially when that blind man had a blind son. Would he have made a joke about someones disability if it wasnt for the fact he opposed them politically and his mate was cameron.

I just dont think hiding behind 'jokes', when you are actually not really joking is a good thing. Much rather have someone like Bernard Manning who didnt apologise for his views however much people disliked them. The man is a disgrace imo - but millions love him, so never mind.

It quite clearly was a joke

Wasn't a very funny, or well thought out joke if it was...or he wouldn't be apologising for it today.

You don't hear many comedians having to apologise for their jokes

Many people make jokes that aren't funny and aren't well thought out. I've never actually heard him claim to be a comedian
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1st Dec 11 at 23:58   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dr Pepper
Wasn't a very funny, or well thought out joke if it was
I laughed, I thought it was an excellent way to very clearly satirise the entire situation.

He could have said striking won't actually do anything because the government are i) in a situation they want to change and ii) democratically elected to change it and that these silly people have merely lost a day's pay but the good news was that the roads were quiet for the rest of us.

But he instead chose that line. Still makes the point.

If there's such a wealth of public opinion - how did they get in and what more will Labour do when they return?

You can thank him for bring it further in to the public eye. These liberals might get mad enough to actually have a party that gets a majority vote at some point*

* - if they hadn't lost most of their support after the last election

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