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Author Phoenix Autosport Flocking Services - Our latest work on Page 4
Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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7th Mar 12 at 00:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote
the latest project a nissan pulsar dash in for repair, modification and flocking

the dash as recieved, has had a hole cut in the front for a guage that the customer wants filled, customer has made a start on fitting a guage pod by cutting away the vinyl to expose the plastic structure of the dash on the top where the pod is to be fitted, also the dash has several areas of damage to be addressed.

first pieces of damage were at the back left side of the dash

both repaired with cyanoacryalate resin and skim filled to restore the correct shaping

next was some pretty major damage to the front edge of the dash

again repaired with resin and filled to restore shaping

more damage to the tray on the top of the dash

repaired and refinished

guage pod location as we recieved the dash

cleaned up the mounting surface and cut out underneath the pod to allow easy routing of wires / pipes

guage pod fixed in place with cyanoacryalate resin also the edges of the vinyl were consolidated with resin, this helps to stop any cracks from starting from the edge, once cured excess was sanded away

dashboard was set level and space around guage pod filled with epoxy and left to cure

pod was then filled and blended in to give a nicer final finish, grooves in the sides of the pod that were originaly to allow 2 screws to be used to fit the pod were also filled as they served no purpose now and looked out of place

hole in front of the dash when we recieved it needed filling

we moulded a round puck of epoxy to fit the hole and then shaped the face to match the shape of the dash front and beveled the edges to allow it to be bonded in place, it was also backed by plastic reinforcement behind on the inside of the dash

face was then skim filled to resore the dash's original shaping

dash was flocked earlier today, will add more pics once it has cured and the excess flock has been removed

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[Edited on 07-03-2012 by Phoenix Autosport]
Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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9th Mar 12 at 22:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

pulsar dash now flocked

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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12th Mar 12 at 23:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

we had a modified centre dash panel for a focus mk1 in for flocking today

Registered: 9th May 10
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13th Mar 12 at 13:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

that pulsar dash looks amazing!! fair play you dont half to a good job!!
Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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13th Mar 12 at 22:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by harvey_1066
that pulsar dash looks amazing!! fair play you dont half to a good job!!

cheers mate i never accept any work i wouldnt put in one of my own cars
Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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16th Mar 12 at 20:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

we had a modified dashboard for a renault 5 in for repair and flocking this week along with some door trims to go with it

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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23rd Mar 12 at 20:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

a few images sent in by a customer, loving the way it matches the wheel

[Edited on 23-03-2012 by Phoenix Autosport]
Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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29th Mar 12 at 19:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

we had some more parts in to go with the modified dashboard we did for the renault 5

a common problem with getting these sort of dashes flocked is things like the switches jaming up due to companies flocking where is convenient rather than putting in the effort to make sure everything will work as it should, carefull masking and finishing to remove excess flock is the name of the game.

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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1st Apr 12 at 20:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

we have decided to offer our custom mix graphite grey flock at the same price as normal colours due to demand meaning we are able to mix it in larger quantities and hold as a stock colour.
due to it being made from a mix of different greys and black it has a slightly sandy / grained appearance which gives a realy nice effect. some images below of graphite parts and of a dash we have done in 2 tone black and graphite grey

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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3rd Apr 12 at 19:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

a few of todays endeavours and triumphs.
first up a gauge pod for a corsa b made from a tray found in low spec cars and vans that didnt come with teh TID display, i cut down and grafted a twin pod onto it and smoothed it in for a seamless finish

next up an astra g centre console that i have modified by moving the TID display down to the lower din slot freeing up space up top for a double gauge pod

last up a pair of renault 5 turbo rear quarter trim panels in a flock colour matched to the original trim fabric
Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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5th Apr 12 at 20:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

astra centre console now flocked

we also had in a megane mk2 centre console for flocking in royal blue

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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20th Apr 12 at 20:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

some parts we had in this week, a set of interior parts from an astra 888 coupe that the customer wanted done in flock colour matched to the alcantara used on the seats centre panels

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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26th Apr 12 at 20:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

something a bit different, an old school leather ford wheel, stripped, sanded and flocked.

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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9th May 12 at 21:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

some mk2 door cards stripped and flocked in black, sorry for the terrible pics, it hasnt stopped raining for days so havent managed to get pics in natural light, these taken under 1600w of floodlighting the cards are actualy a uniform jet black
Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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11th May 12 at 21:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

our latest a 6th gen toyota celica dash from a gt4 in black flock.

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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17th May 12 at 19:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

a corsa c dash we have had in, customer had modified it to fit around their roll cage, we did some finishing work to the modifications and flocked it in black.

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
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18th May 12 at 20:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

another modified dash, this time for a mk2 astra we did some minor repairs to the edges of the dash where the compressed card that it is constructed from had started to break apart, we stabilised the structure using cyanoacryalate and then preped it and flocked it in black.

a few images of the repair work done on the dash, this was repeated in many places over the dash but i didnt want to bore everyone

and some images of the final result

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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26th May 12 at 23:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i decided to make a custom centre console for my renault 5 turbo as i wanted to fit a more modern stereo but i wanted to keep the car looking period and simple inside so i put my original centre console into storage in case i want to change back at any time in the future and started work on a new one.
basicaly im going to graft in a mk1 clio stereo cover to hide the more modern stereo from prying eyes.

1) how cover looks in the open position

2) and how it looks closed

3) first thing was to remove the plate sticking up at the back as this will just get in the way going into the 5

4) top edge finished neatly and straight with a sanding block

5) view from the back, the top edge of this will fit against where the bottom of the ashtray screws in in the 5

6) because the fixings for the ashtray are recessed a spacer was made from a couple of layers of plastic bonded together and shaped to fit into the recess, 1mm pilot holes were drilled in the correct place for the fixings

7) after trial fitting into the car to get positioning correct the spacer was bonded to the clio stereo cover pilot holes were drilled through into the cover and pegged with wire to keep allignment right

8) top edge was finished flush

9) the first of 2 donor centre consoles, this one will form the basis of the new console it came from ebay with a broken top mount but as this is not needed the bargan price was a plus

10) console now cut out for ready for grafting in the clio stereo flap, as this will sit slightly forwards of the original possition the switches will also need to move forwards so the mountings are cut out and will be relocated later

11) front on view of the console

12) after fitting the console into the car and offering the clio cover up to the ashtray mounting point the 2 were tacked together to ensure correct possitioning

13) rear view showing pieces of plastic temporarily tacked in to hold position correct

14) the second centre console, again an ebay find in with a job lot of other parts had holes cracks and front vents broken out and has been sprayed with black dye but will do nicely as a donor to take sections from, the front section was cut out for grafting into the new console to form a new front edge

15) section was trimmed to fit and cut in half as moving it forwards requires it to be a couple of mm narower side to side, pic shows first side bonded into place, note a strip has also been bonded in the back edge of the switch hole as the front section will fit to this area, also the sides of the clio cover has been cut away as the sides will need to be reconstructed to match the lines of the console

16) close up of the first section grafted in

17) plate bonded inside to provide a base

18) section cut from the other console bonded on to form the side also a plate bonded inside along the front to add strength

19) plate on side filled with cyanoacryalate and finished to shape inc fine filling of some of the previous parts

20) next section of side bonded in place along with another strengthening platre inside

21) right hand front section bonded in place

22) switch panel section was cut from the other centre console along with the curved side profile as i want to angle them slightly so that it leads into the stereo area rather than there being a big step up to it

23) section was cut out and replaced with part from the other consoles switch area in order to form an extra 2 switch locations for a future mod

24) plates bonded front and back to strengthen the join between the parts

25) 5 switch recess ready to fit

26) switch panel tacked into place

27) front view of switch panel tacked in place

28) switch panel bonded in all round on front and back and skim filled to get final shaping

29) started work on the other side of the console

30) got the right hand side up to the same stage as the left, also filled the top sides either side of the stereo opening with cyanoacryalate to make them good and solid, gone over the entire front end filling any joins, nicks and screw holes from a previous owners additions, then sanded everything forwards of the stereo opening to give a good base for the flock to adhere to

31) trial fitted the console to check the back edge as i had to alter the angle of the top section slightly to keep the stereo angle correct so as to miss the heater assembly, as i expected this has left a gap at the back of about 3mm so i will have to fit a plate along the back then refit the part that fits the recess where the astray fixings are

32) how it will look with the cover in place

33) in order to rectify the small gap between the rear of the stereo surround created when i had to angle the surround to avoid the stereo hitting the heater assembly behind where it fits the rear edge needed remodeling, to do this i first removed the locating piece i had previously fitted on the back and sanded back the surface so that a plate could be bonded on to it to fill the gap

34) plate now bonded in place left slightly oversize so that it can be finished flush along top and sides once the sides have been finished

35) locating holes were drilled through from the front so that the locating piece could be refitted in the correct position again using wire guides

36) both sides were completed structuraly with plastic and sanded to shape

37) fine filling done to give final surface smooth for flocking

38) to prepare the cover flap the plastic section was first removed from the metal frame

39) to allow for the extra thickness of the flock coating whilst allowing the flap to operate smoothly without catching i removed approx 1.5mm from each side of the flap using a sanding block

40) edges were then reshaped to get rid of the sharp corners and restore the original shape, also the surface was keyed ready for flocking

41) like most renault 5 centre consoles the mounting lugs had seen better days and whilst they were still functional with washers i decided to sort them before they got any worse

42) plates bonded in place to the top of the damaged mountings and slots made using a dremmel and a small milling cutter

43) opening the flap by hand would just be far to 1991 for my liking so im mounting a servo to do the job for me, bracket has been made from a section of plastic crafted to fit the underneath of the back where the flap stowes when open

44) bracket will be bonded into the console once link rods etc have been made to the correct length, extra blocks have been glued on where the screws fit to give them a good thickness to fit into securely

45) shaped control rod made from plastic, this may be changed for metal at a later date but for development purposes its far easier to cut, bend, glue and modify a bit of plastic to get the right shape and length, proper fixings are substiuted with wire at the moment to allow me to pull apart and put back together in second rather than minutes

46) slot at the back of the surround cut to allow the control rod to pass through

47) rods attached and servo/bracket held into place at this point the final servo attachment hasnt been made so there is a rod joining the servo centre point and the arm to allow me to work out where parts will fall as the servo moves and determine the angles of movement required

48) servo bracket now fixed into place and arms trimmed to length to give the correct amount of movement, joints still pinned with wire at the moment until fixings arrive

49) side view of mechanism


50) bottom right - small holes for springs that normaly hold the flap open or shut have been filled and sanded as they are no longer required. middle left mounting screw holes are also surplus to requirements

51) screw hole shown from back top left of stereo opening

52) screw hole blanked with plastic on the back

53) screw hole filled with cyanoacryalate from the front

54) filled screw hole ground back to a smooth finish using a small milling cutter in a dremmel

55) bracket for the servo was touching the heater assembly and lower edge of dash when fitted to car and would not allow the console to quite fit into place properly so the shape of the back edge was revised to give the required clearance

56) areas that were modified have been etch primed so that any imperfections can be seen easily. all imperfections filled.

57) sanded back and blown over sanded areas.

58) front view

59) top view

60) top mounting holes opened up to correct size for fixing screws, as these will locate where the bottom of the ashtray mounts the fixing screws will need to be conciderably longer than the originals.

61) holes countersunk so that screws can be fitted flush, as well as being neat this is also required to avoid the flap getting caught on the fixings.

62) checking fixing sits flush

63) rear of console with fixings in.

64) console now flocked

65) front view

66) close up of side

67) flap re-assembled however best laid plans and all i didnt allow for the cover when i made the arm meaning it catches where the cover overhangs the bracket

68) a little re-shaping to give some more clearance

69) now allows arm to move further to allow for the cover when fully open

70) all re-assembled

71) comparison to the original console with flap open

72) comparison to the original console with flap closed

And a video of testing the machanism all functions correctly after re-assembly

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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30th May 12 at 21:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

some more parts in this week, an astra gauge pod that the customer wanted colour matched to his cars A pillar

and some more interior trims for a previous customers megane flocked in royal blue to match the previous parts he had done

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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1st Jun 12 at 19:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

some images of the megane parts back where they belong

and a mk2 astra sunroof cover stripped and reflocked in black

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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8th Jul 12 at 21:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Had a customer send in some renault 5 door cards for refurbishment and a bit of modification so that he could fit his aftermarket speaker grills into them instead of the original plastic grills.

1) these are the grills that the customer wanted fitted into the door cards

2) lower edges of the cards had a fair bit of water damage so section at a time they were clamped flat and painted with a thinned resin so that it penetrated the card and then set in the correct flat shape

3) cracks and surrounding area impregnated with cyanoacryalate to restore original strength

4) again area impregnated with cyanoacryalate to restore original strength

5) this area had 2 cracks, distortion to the shape and a missing fixing so it was clamped in place for teh repairs to be done

6) area surrounding cracks and where the fixing was missing were soaked in cyanoacryalate, fixing was then clamped in place to set

7) bolster on one side had started to collapse but damage was only in the surface layer of the card with the main structure being intact

8) cracked area set with resin to prevent any further cracking occuring

9) to mount the aftermarket grills i cut some rings from mdf sheet

10) mounted the mdf rings in the back of teh door cards so that they sit slightly below the level of the normal speaker aperture

11) view from the top, speaker grill tabs were already missing so it saved me a job removing them

12) edges of the speaker holes had seen better days and were crumbling

13) edges soaked with cyanoacryalate to make them good and solid

14) edges sanded down and filled as required to restore shaping

15) blocks fitted to the back of the rings to give something substantial for the grills fixing screws to fit into

16) close view

17) speaker grill surround trial fitted, internal edges refinished as required

18) refinished edge

19 close view with surround in place

20) cards coated in a layer of thinned epoxy, this soaks into the surface ensuring good adhesion and allows refinishing of the card surface to improve the quality of finish

21) surface refinished

22) close up of speaker area after refinishing

23) door cards flocked

24) with the aftermarket grills fitted

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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5th Aug 12 at 20:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

had some peugeot 206 bits in to us recently, parts needed a fair bit of cleaning as they had been previously painted, all parts were cleaned down by literaly scraping every last bit off by hand then steam cleaning, once dry they were then sanded and etch primed before flocking could be done

drivers a pillar had a pod fitted, when i sanded the surface back i found a combination of fibreglass and filler that was cracking away from the plastic of the pillar

close up of the pod, decided it would be more viable to strip it back to the bare pillar and build from scratch

pillar stripped bare and holes cut to give access to the back of the new pod

close up of hole to allow maximum access, it wasnt possible to remove the part across the centre as there were mountings for the pillar attached here

the gauge pod i used was cut from one of these universal pillar pods

cut and trimmed to fit the shaping of the 206 pillar

edges fine trimmed by repeated fitting and sanding of edges

rear view of fittment

pod now bonded in place, majority of adhesive is on the inside edge of the pod all the way round giving a firm fixing whilst the outside is kept neat, adhesive on the outside sanded around edges to give final shaping between the pod and pillar (no fibreglass and no filler to keep everything neat and prevent cracking)

rear view

front view

now etch primed and flocked in black

rear view

front view

over exposed image so that detail can be seen (black flock is a bugger to photograph due to the way it absorbs light

rear pillar

close up

the full set of pillars

b pillar and rear hatch trim

b pillar flocked and insert colour coded

rear hatch trim
Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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21st Aug 12 at 11:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

had a customer after a astra g centre console with 3 gauge pods replacing the TID display and asking for them to angle towards the driver.
starting point was one of these gauge pods

and from the rear

pod was cut and trimmed to fit the top of the console, also grooves were machined into the front and slits in the top so that with a little heating the front could be bent along each groove to curve the front

top view

donor astra centre console

top section cut away where the pod will fit

pod was then tacked into place angling towards the drivers position

any gaps had plastic plates bonded into place for strength and all joins were filed and smoothed

left edge of pod follows down into the upright of the console

view from the right hand side

on the left the most angled pod overhangs teh dash slightly so the pod has been sculpted to clear the dashboard

close view

flocked up in black

Phoenix Autosport

Registered: 9th Oct 11
Location: Cambs / Northants
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21st Aug 12 at 20:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Renault 5 dash we had in for some repairs and modification then flocking

all re-assembled


Registered: 10th Sep 12
Location: Middlesbrough
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10th Sep 12 at 23:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have to say, oh my god! That R5 centre console looks factory, what a fantastic job!!

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