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Author Covid-19 - medical aspects
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13th Apr 20 at 20:11   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH

* Appears to be most people on social media, glued to sky news. In fact on my walk yesterday I walked past many houses where I can see the TV from the road. guess which channel was on?

Not sure if I posted about this already but I've been told to stop getting all my information from the media, rather ironic being I only now have a TV because my missus already had one and its actually broken and doesn't receive live TV

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13th Apr 20 at 20:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

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13th Apr 20 at 20:13   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

In other news, smog map of Lombardy and Madrid -


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13th Apr 20 at 20:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
So presumably the H1N1/ARDS diagnosis was all later on? Like that GP who turned up didn't know there any hypoxemia until they measured it and the first time he saw it was when it was already tanking?

Yeah. My local hospital were quite sure that I had influenza of some sort, but the timescales available to them didn’t allow enough time to test me. They had to do their best to keep my going until the ECMO team came and picked me up the following morning.

Once I was at Glenfield, I was placed in isolation in the unit until they tested me, to reveal the H1N1. There were 5 of us with the same virus, all on ecmo. According to the stats, at least one of us should have died (maybe even two of us). But we all came through. Some of the other survivors have ongoing issues though, such as kidney damage.

[Edited on 13-04-2020 by Aaron]

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13th Apr 20 at 20:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What causes the Kidney damage? the virus or the treatment/meds?

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13th Apr 20 at 20:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
In other news, smog map of Lombardy and Madrid -

Lends some support to the theory we were discussing a couple weeks ago right?

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13th Apr 20 at 20:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
What causes the Kidney damage? the virus or the treatment/meds?

It’s often the first organ to fail Due to lack of oxygen in the body, and if caught too late, there’s no going back.

I remember being asked by the doctor shortly after arriving at the hospital “have you had a wee today?”. That’s a quick assessment to see What stage I’m at. I was in the early stages of septic shock, but thankfully it was caught early.

Amazingly, I’d seen a GP earlier that week and was prescribed some antibiotics for what they thought was just a small infection. I was told to come back after 4 days if they weren’t working. Waiting 4 days would have put me right on top of Christmas. Thankfully I went back after two days and they agreed to see me again. If I’d waited the 4 days, my wife would have probably woke up next to my body, which would have been blue!

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13th Apr 20 at 21:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Jesus Christ, you really went through it. I will have to take a look at your book.

I guess H1N1 would not have even been on that GP's radar.

Thank you for sharing with us

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14th Apr 20 at 06:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

No worries. Much appreciated.

The book reads OK. The content is of course the main part (every word of which is the truth), but as i'm absolute novice writer at best...there are errors and areas where grammar could be improved.

The story starts with an odd/dry cough which alarmed me. I had zero symptoms at that point, and it ends with me being driven home from my local hospital (once off ECMO, i was moved back to a local hospital, onto their infectious diseases ward). Everything that happened to me is between the start and end point. The main topic (other than my life being saved) is all the mental dreams that I had. Kidnapping, attempted murder, being tortured and an Iranian Embassy style siege by some retired members of the SAS are the main ones.

I was considering writing another story to explain how things have been in the year since it happened but i don't think i have enough content.

[Edited on 14-04-2020 by Aaron]

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14th Apr 20 at 09:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Iranian Embassy style siege? I bet that was a good one though, like being in a film

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14th Apr 20 at 09:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
Iranian Embassy style siege? I bet that was a good one though, like being in a film

Yep. The hospital wouldn’t let me leave. I believed that my holiday insurance wouldn’t pay for my treatment (I’d had to cancel a holiday to NYC when I became ill) and the hospital were holding me as collateral. Armed police turned up first and took up positions all around the hospital. They couldn’t do any more, so the army turn turned up in a chinook. I was sure, at the time, that a black-clad soldier with an MP5 was hid just around the corner Where my bed was.

None of this actually happened of course

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14th Apr 20 at 13:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm sure I had Swine flu but clearly got very lucky by comparison.. During the outbreak I was the sickest I've ever been (which has been trumped now by E.coli) - I swear that if someone had knocked at my door offering me £10 MILLION I wouldn't have been able to get down stairs to claim it.

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14th Apr 20 at 14:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If a Lady boy started coming up the stairs to impregnate your ass would you have found the energy to jump out of the window or just taken it like a man?

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14th Apr 20 at 15:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think I'd have just laid there like a bitch..


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14th Apr 20 at 15:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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14th Apr 20 at 17:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by DaveyLC
I'm sure I had Swine flu but clearly got very lucky by comparison.. During the outbreak I was the sickest I've ever been (which has been trumped now by E.coli) - I swear that if someone had knocked at my door offering me £10 MILLION I wouldn't have been able to get down stairs to claim it.

Yep, the very same happened to me in 2009, and I also wouldn’t have made it to the door.
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15th Apr 20 at 19:11   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
What causes the Kidney damage? the virus or the treatment/meds?

Ad Aaron said below plus the medications can contribute as well. A lot of them are processed and excreted by the kidneys. Something we are having to be careful of at work with a lot of the ill patients. Plus many have under lying renal issues anyway.

Aaron good to hear info from someone with first hand experience and glad you came through it all unscathed. Good to see you got a quick treatment pathway sorted in the nick of time. Easy to get missed when it isn't on the radar as much as it is now.
I hope you continue to keep well

Glad I popped back on here a few weeks back, don't get to hear interesting tales like this on facebook. I have given up with it as it is a continuous loop of uneducated drivel and scare mongering....

[Edited on 15-04-2020 by gavin18787]

Drives supercharged Tec with torque

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16th Apr 20 at 22:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So locked down for another 3 weeks, expected I guess. Very tempted to start a new thread on the consequences of this as they are potentially severe and not to be underestimated.

what has really pissed me off is that the government have not provided any high level details of an exit plan, no ballpark dates or anything. After over a decade in professional project management I for one know that you can always produce a plan, no matter the risks, no matter the unknowns etc. you can always produce a conditional plan with caveats, to give the UK public absolutely nothing after we have been obedient citizens for 3 weeks its disgusting. Other countries have been able to do it, they could have at least provided indicative timescales of a phased lockdown liftings but nothing...

I was reading a report today on the increase in suicide rates in France, seemed fairly legitimate and had data to quantify. Then I read an opinion piece about how Americans are very proud of their freedom and the constitution and that they would not tolerate extended lockdowns. I can really see social unrest coming to the surface very soon.

I went outside tonight to join my neighbours in clapping for the NHS front line workers, it feels a bit mongoloidish clapping at the sky but I'm a citizen on the sidelines unable to do anything so at least I try to show some support for clinicians. I was not clapping for NHS policy makers or the government, I am sick of them drumming it in to us to 'stay at home and protect the NHS', NO UK government, thats your fucking job, you've been decimated the NHS for over a decade.

Not happy at all. Also the site I shared has been updated today, it hard to ignore the expert advice from so may world renowned scientists that don't support the official narrative.

Two things clear as fuck to me right now

1) the UK government was too slow to react - FACT
2) The projects of death rate % and total numbers were absolutely hysterical, ridiculous beyond measure, now proven so by all the data. - FACT
3) PPE - need I even say anything here?

Go and look at the research I posted if you are still invested in what those manipulated jewish cunts at Sky News are telling you.
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17th Apr 20 at 01:03   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There have apparently already been protests in America, did see a video link earlier although didn't have the time to watch it.

1) Yes but might it be that the delay was deliberate so as to get the immunity ball rolling. Even if they withdrew the herd policy largely I would think down to public opinion and not actual pragmatic tackling of the exit plan.

Note how they have published (leaked?) advice to Police forces that driving for exercise is OK, whereas the previous feeling (not sure where I got it from) was that you couldn't do that.

I would guess outdoor work will follow as per Spain who have re-opened building sites and doing things which I interpreted to be exposing some of the healthier working population to it to see what the numbers do and whether you can herd immunise your builders and then some other sectors later throughout the working age population.

I think that'll come in the UK bearing in mind they have pretty much exempted all the older/at risk people by already having written to them telling them categorically to stay the fuck in for months.

The "fitter"* people they will sacrifice first to watch the data.

* - unfortunate people who appear like they'll cope but die and/or those living with vulnerable people will be unlucky.

2) yes but political, they can't be seen to ignore data. Imagine the tears if they'd have said that data is shit, we're ignoring it. Then it turned out to actually be sound.

3) yes disgraceful, did also read about a bit of faffing obtaining ventilators although the conspiracy nut job changed his story from having stock ready to go that the government said they didn't want so they sold them to someone else, to having imports read, to having build slots in a factory. Sounded like the Chinese ones the government had already said they weren't buying because they're shit. Guy also said the same company had 50m tests which to me sounds like either that's a complete lie or they are also the apparent shit ones that we turned down.

I do have a mate works for a contractor who supply materials for government contracts, said they wanted PPE for road repair / water board etc. and they got told to fuck off because the government had been in and bought it all up to give to the NHS. Although probably too late given the delay in getting it out there. He also said although its not his area but some of the projects that they procure for were actual NHS property like working inside hospital grounds and they can't have PPE to work there because its all been bought up. So the medical staff have it but you'll be sharing the corridor with an electrician who doesn't for example.

Which leads me on to a gripe which I should check which is Hancock saying that people who die in service could have caught it somewhere else and not while they were working. Which is a fucking disgraceful thing to say to someone who has died having worked in a hospital that they could have caught it down the shops.

That page you linked was very interesting, actually made me feel loads happier. I've said all along that if it turns out to be a load of shit I'll have no problem being wrong and overstating it. I'd far rather that than go in thinking it was nothing and it get serious when its out of hand.

Exit plan as I see it -

Vulnerable already locked away - done and they can tell us

Herd immunity policy will come back in through the side door and they won't directly say we're exposing you cunts to see who dies, they'll say we can now let you go to the park look happy. But it'll be clearly a herd immunity policy but obviously they can't say it because the public will call them all Tory murderers.

All the new hospitals will get used, I reckon the goal is to fill every one of these new ones to the brim with equipment and staff that they've had time to organise.

Meaning they'll be working their way through large areas and killing a few people.

Bit more blame game for the second peaks when they do lift the lockdowns but it'll be done in such a way that they can still go on TV and say you shouldn't have visited family etc. even though the guidance will hint that its acceptable.

Any extra deaths will be attributed to the public's actions.

Then we'll turn a corner and they'll start asking for money back off people. Notice how there are enough gaps even inside of each community so that they can turn on each other. Like self-employed people, some got 10 grand for their premises and 80% of their wages which will seem like a great deal to sit on your ass. Some who work at home and pay themselves in dividends get very little. Those are the people who will turn against each other even though they might be in the same sector doing similar work. Meaning tax rises and the like will be acceptable because the people who missed out won't object.

There is provision in all the handout legislation that if it turns out you didn't need it, they'll have it back.

They'll also bring us round slowly to the idea of paying it back, my view is certain policies will get lots of support from those who are currently suffering.

But there is definitely a plan, don't be mistaken by not hearing it from the government. They know what they can and can't say!!
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17th Apr 20 at 01:24   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To expand on the grant situation, three people, all self-employed.

Guy who has my old workshop, which is for rates purposes is valued at about 4000 I think. So being that is under 15k he gets the grant of 10k in to his bank. This is to pay for premises costs, which when I was there was 200 quid a month for the building an about the same a quarter for the electricity. As you can see 10k must feel like Christmas, that's 37 months of premises paid for.

He also won't be alone - there is no lower limit to rates valuations so you could have an RV of even less and still get it. The only exceptions were stuff like if it was a car parking space or a phone mast you wouldn't get it. But if it was a premises such as a small office you were paying a few hundred quid for you'd still be eligible. There will be people paying 150 quid a month for their office who now have 10k in the bank.

Then you have the other people.

Guy A renting an office off guy H. H rented the floor off J who owned the building. Now H had the whole floor assessed as one unit for rates purposes. So didn't have a premises of his own because all of the offices on that floor were rented by guy A, guy B, guy C etc. Because the floor is the rateable hereditament, Guy H got the 10 grand. Guy A, B, C, etc. got zero despite them having a rates contribution in their rent! When the guy they were paying "rates" to was actually getting 100% discount because his rates bill was under 12k. Obviously guys A, B, C etc. are pissed. Guy H still asking for rent off A, B, C etc. despite receiving the 10k.

Guy in a garage rated at 15250, limited company director paying himself in dividends. Zero for the premises, very little PAYE because that figure will have been below his personal allowance. Now I had limited sympathy for this position initially because fuck that guy, he's avoiding tax. Whereas actually some people would do it because they have a basic salary but actually don't know how much they're going to earn. Hence when they have a good month they'll take a dividend. Now none of those good months are covered. Meaning the payment will be far below the 80% that a sole trader will get, even if the take-home was similar as an aggregate amount over the time period in question.

Not to mention the other categories although they are mostly because you are too wealthy so I've not really championed those causes

Although they all now have a grievance which I think will manifest itself in higher taxes for those who did OK.

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17th Apr 20 at 17:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

good reply and insights Ian, cheers
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17th Apr 20 at 19:49   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Its nice to get it out without fear of being called a Boris bummer
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18th Apr 20 at 00:01   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

West Mids Police just posted that there is a morgue set up at Birmingham Airport.

Venue Cymru temp hospital.

Manchester MEN.

Excel London.

Probably more, all empty just now. I'm convinced that's the plan, build a shit load of capacity and although it looks just now like we're not going to use it, lift the lockdown bit by bit just enough to keep these new facilities topped up with throughput and those who make it out will be immune.

Again coming here because Facebook is fucked and you can't have a conversation.

Government policy was always and will continue to be herd immunity because that's better than locking down for 18 months. You'd have more deaths from suicide and violence than covid and no money to run the healthcare system. They've literally no choice but to kill people now and save more later.

But obviously they could never say it!

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18th Apr 20 at 10:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s leading epidemiologists and an advisor to the Swedish Government.

Quite the list of points here :

1. UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based
2. The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only
3. This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product” The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better
4. The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact
5. The paper was very much too pessimistic
6. Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway
7. The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown
8. The results will eventually be similar for all countries
9. Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.
10. The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%
11. At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available
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18th Apr 20 at 16:15   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I am changing my view somewhat, can't really argue with any of the above.

Only point 2 though, my misses classed as frail with diabetes, how does that affect my ability to work. So point 2 is really old, frail and anyone who lives with etc. Which actually won't look dissimilar to lockdown opened up to "strong" first like re-opening schools/uni/young working age etc.

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