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Author Corsa Merit C18XE - 1/4mile pics and vid pg5

Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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4th May 12 at 15:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


One of the local lads up here runs a standard 1.6 16v GTI engine in a base spec 106. He's running 15.2second quarters so the Corsa is going on a weight loss programme. Lighter wheels (less rotational mass), remove radio and speakers (I never listened to it once on the way to and from Crail), remove glove box and it's contents (apart from the screw driver, bits and tie wraps) door pockets will get launched, some brackets may get removed and a hole saw may make an appearance for use in areas that dont affect the safety of the car in the event of falling off the road, Seats will be removed and Cobra seats fitted, etc, etc. You get the idea.

On the note of lighter wheels I'm going to see which of my wheels are the lightest between GTE 14", Sport 15" Steels and the 15" irmscher twin spokes. I'm not keen on going for super lightweight comps etc so I will have to go with the resources I have.

Now that it's had some hard use there are some issues that have been highlighted.

1) Engine fan isn't working - As a temporary measure it was wired up to a switch just 8hrs before leaving for Crail.

2) Heater isn't working - it's ****ing cold inside the Corsa, it gums up easily in the rain and the heater would help getting some of the heat out of the engine. Maybe it's the Matrix or the routing of the pipes. This will need to be investigated.

3) Then engine seems to be running hot. Even with the fan on it was still sitting in the red following a 1/4 run and waiting in the queue for another run. Proper flush and point 2 may help.

4) The fuel tank leaks when full. I've not been under it to see if it's the seam or the filler neck but given the price of fuel I'd rather be burning it via the engine that pissing it onto the ground.

5) Another drain plug in the spare wheel well is showign signs of rusing out. Get the welder out.

6) Some of the underseal applied to the welding for the 2011 MOT has chipped off. Wire wheel and more underseal needed.

7) Springs in the wiper arms are shot. The wipers thamselves work fine, they just dont hit the screen and clear it at 69mph+

8) There is bound to be more that I've not thought of

9) I'm sure more will turn up once 1-6 are investigated.

So realistically that's a fuel tank, a new / 2nd hand matrix, some engine temp sensors, some wiper arms from the scrappy and some welding. Thankfully that doesn't work out to be a big outlay. Need to keep this one cheap and cheerful as my money priorities are not the Corsa at present.

Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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4th May 12 at 15:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oh and for anyone interested the alternator pully hitting the chassis leg has been cured.

The remedy - 1 x 5lb lump hammer, 1/2 an old 106 Torsion bar, 1 x Ivan

Worked a treat although using black hammerite instead of red hammerite was "rough" according to Ivan. I've some red hammerite at home to sort that though.

Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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4th May 12 at 15:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Found a couple more pics

Lining up with Gary's mates 106 GTi

Warming the tyres haha!


Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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4th May 12 at 15:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


A couple of quarter mile videos for your viewing pleasure.

Excuse the crappy music that Crail play. What a load of pish!

First race against Rick in his C25XE Astra

Getting totally blown away by Daz and his C20LET Astra

And some serious multi tasking against Rick for a second time :lmao:

[Edited on 04-05-2012 by MELV14]

Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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18th May 12 at 11:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

New fuel tank ordered today. £55+VAT.

Need to get that painted, undersealed and fitted this weekend. Also intend on draining the cooling system and replacing the radiator with one I have in stock. Just can't remember if it's a new one I have or only a good 2nd hand one. Hopefully the former.

Unfortunately cutting compound and my evenings is my vision for the immediate future too Bloody hate flame red for that!!

Registered: 21st Sep 11
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18th May 12 at 18:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i saw the at crail at total vauxhall i was wondering what engine it had lol. keep up the good work

Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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21st May 12 at 23:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cheers Tommy.

Changed the fuel tank at the weekend

Exhaust off. No I didn't clean it while it was off, it's only going to get dirty again.

Disconnect the pump stuff

2 x 13mm nuts and the tank straps are undone.
3 clips and the hoses are off.
A bit of awkwardness lying on my back then trying to manoeuvre a tank with 20L of fuel out then

Add one new tank, painted with a good coating of Hammerite silver.
Swap over all the clips.
Spray glue on the padding.
Refitting is a reversal of removal.

New heater matrix is on the way too.

Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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27th May 12 at 10:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Today was a productive day.

Went to the scrappy around 1 to investigate the routings of coolant pipes on some of the Corsa's there. After undoing batteries and getting various bits and pieces out of the way on 2 seperate Corsa's (a 1.2 16v and a 1.4 SPi 8v) I found that none of them were the same as the C18XE coolant pipework :lmao:

Found a X20XEV Mk3 Astra sport estate which looked slightly similar bar one extra hose. I started stripping away at some of the engine to get access to the 2 pipes coming off the matrix and had them.

Came home, slung them on the Corsa, had to do a little cutting and shutting then took it for a spin.

I have heating people! On one of the hottest weeks of the year so far which is bloody pointless :lmao: but I have heating!!

So that I remember

Driver heater matrix to head (under coil pack)
Passenger heater matrix to the outlet on the straight piece of the plastic water pipe that goes round the back of the block
Underside of coolant bottle to the outlet on the corner of the plastic water pipe that goes round the back of the block
Drivers side of coolant bottle to beside the thermostat
Passenger side of coolant bottle to passenger side top of radiator

[Edited on 30-05-2012 by MELV14]

Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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30th May 12 at 21:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Touch wood I've found all the slight drips now from the pipes I changed over to fix the heater matrix. The bit of cardboard I put under the Corsa is dry anyway.

Went totally against the grain tonight............

Washed the Corsa and started getting going with the G3. Tailgate, roof and bonnet have had G3, Auto Glym polish and then Collinite way.

No half and half pics or any of that bufty spec UV lamps here though. Just two pics.

First to show the colour of the red

The second to show the reflection

Only the bumpers and sides to be done tomorrow then add more coats of way to the front in an attempt to save so many bugs sticking :lmao:

Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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4th Jun 12 at 23:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Rolling road was a good laugh. Well apart from the bit where I only made 123.5bhp as it was running lean :face::face:

RR operator suggested the AFM so I swapped it with one of the three I took with me :lmao: Made no difference.

Flashed the codes and code 13 came up. o2 Sensor. I have a spare somewhere so I will change that along with the fuel filter incase it's clogged with crap after changing the tank.

Decided that I better take some pics of it being clean and polished. First location was beside the Forth Bridges and the second was in the middle of Aberdeenshire about 20 miles from home.

Oh, handbrake cable snapped while I was at the Forth Bridges taking pics. Cable tied the cable that was flapping about until I got home. :lmao:

Enjoy the photo whoring


Registered: 2nd Feb 09
Location: Keith (NE Scotland)
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11th Jun 12 at 12:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

New o2 sensor just ordered from the guys at Autovaux. As always they are great to deal with over the phone and I've no doubt that the part will be here ASAP.

Low cost Vauxhall parts, Vauxhall spares and Vauxhall accessories - Autovaux

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