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Hes got the receipt for postage so is refunding me and claiming on them so thats alright 
Just need to find one now that fits and hope that its the root of the problems as its begining to fuck me off now 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 22nd Jan 06
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has ure clutch gone? or did i imagine this? mine just has...i have a vts also...just had a strange noise so popped the coilpack off to check the sparks...1 not even screwed in ...ALL loose...thread that helicoiled...then 1 1/2 hours later my clutch was on the floor...£190 to replace with labour...just thought id let u know incase ure has gone mate
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Clutch is fine actually 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 6th Dec 06
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quote: Originally posted by gavin18787
Clutch is fine actually
Famous last words
Registered: 14th Nov 00
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You have gone and done it now.
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Until its next track outing 
gearbox is the suposadly weak point and its been nice and quite 
Still working on the idle issue 
Checked for airleaks
Found a small crack but after sealing it over its still the same

Just need to test the brake servo diaphram to see if thats leaking maybe

Also need to look into the battery as I have been informed they should be at least 640amp and mine doesnt look like it is

Checked over the main fuses and they all seem fine too

Hate niggles would rather the car just broke properly as at least I would know what it is then 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Rich H
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It's French, it'll never be 100% - there'll always be a niggle somewhere lol.
Registered: 22nd Jan 06
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mine has allways had a niggle on the go...but its soooo much fun to drive in garage getting its clutch done in next few days...i hate it now...but know as soon as i drive it i'll love it again
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Same here like today when its idling all over the place when stuck in traffic I hate it.
But as soon as I take it on a drive down some lanes or something I know I will be grinning from ear to ear again 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Highland
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I used to have the love/hate with the XSI.
All hate with the GTI though, ive never liked it really, only bought it because it was equal-ish to the XSI, and cheap.
Selling it soon anyways.
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have you tried cleaning the throttlebody and all sensors within that area? y it works ai dnt know but i had the same problem on my polo and my saxo vtr and just cleaing the tb and all the sensors fixed it.
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yer that was the first thing I did
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Fitted a differnt coil pack today so I will give it a run and see how it goes.
Although after telling the seller to pack it well so it didnt get broken they posted it in a carrier bag 
Cracked the wiring plug but it still seems to work ok
Out with the old

In with the "new"
note the careful packing material 

Back together

Drives supercharged Tec with torque
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Hopefully you might find this problem, would annoy the fuck out of me.
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Already annoying the fuck out of me 
Would rather it just break then aquire niggles.
Hopefully selling the civic interior tomorow so will have more money for the new car/saxo toys fund 
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Ooh whats next on the list?
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Well once I am sure the problems have been ironed out
Lower mount and new gear box mount to try and get rid of the loose clonk noise on gear change
If I can find some springs that wont change my handling I want to go 50mm. Currently 35mm on faulkners and grp-n bilstiens.
Pug gti rear bar
get a spare box and rebuild it with a quaife
Strip, cage and buckets
Cams and tb's if I still like it by this stage
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
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Location: Basildon, Essex
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also are front lower braces worth a look? As I always thought if you stiffened the front of a car it became understeery. Which isnt what I want
Feels nice and neautral at the moment with a light back end which is nice. Just want it to feel and bit tighter and stiffer
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
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Front lower brace is a must IMO, it totally transforms the feel of the car. Through corners, at different speeds not just going slow, the car stays totally stiff. No body movement, roll, pitch, anything. Mine doesn't understeer at all.
Regarding springs mine is 60mm on the front, yours are 15" wheels though arent they so 50 would be about right.
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They expensive? also you have issue with bumps? I hear they like to hit things 
Liking the geronimo cages atm local guy to me has one

So switching from 35mm springs to 50mm ones wont fudge up the handling. tbh its only cosmetic but I think it would look 100% better. What springs are good any suggestions?
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
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quote: Originally posted by gavin18787
They expensive? also you have issue with bumps? I hear they like to hit things 
So switching from 35mm springs to 50mm ones wont fudge up the handling. tbh its only cosmetic but I think it would look 100% better. What springs are good any suggestions?
I bought mine off Chris for about £20 I think and if I'm honest it's probably the best thing for the money I've done 
My car is lower than yours and I have no problems hitting objects on normal day to day driving, ocasionally it'l clang off a dead pheasant in the road or something but thats it mine clangs off a fair few back roads up here though as they are mainly stone and very un even. It may hit things but anything other than something fixed to the road and it will be fine. They are really simple to fit, the Peugeot ones are just 2 bolts on the lower arms. You fit it to the back of lower arms, all you need is a socket set to get it off and drop neck 18mm to get it back on, I used an airgun aswell to tighten from the other side which was much easier. Once it's tight there's no movement in it at all.
Here you can see I have around 4-5 inches clearence...

I would imagine going a tiny bit lower would help it handle better, it certainly wouldn't make it worse anyway. I have Jamex springs on mine which are good, pretty stiff aswell but when I have the cash I'll be investing in some coilovers as they will be far superior to standard shocks and lowering springs, if you have the cash I'd go for coilovers.
Registered: 6th Dec 06
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Theres no way im getting a lower brace on the new xsi, its too bloody low
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might keep my eyes peeled for one then 
Drives supercharged Tec with torque
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
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That cage looks good mate.