Registered: 12th Jan 07
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I guess they like the life style, loads of clubs and bars, places to show off their riches.
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
Location: Wigton, Cumbria
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Registered: 25th May 01
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Like fuck id live in London, so overcrowd and too much to do. No escape
Would feel like im living in disney land at peak season, full of randomers all rushing to get places, no manors, no crack. Not in a million years. Nice to visit for the weekend. Nothing more
I like northern cities, used to live in eccy road in sheffield and that was good, nice suburb, lots of nice places, nice people
Newcastle os equally as nice, york is a bit over expensive and full of tourists a lot of the time.
Leeds is good, still a bit dirty. Manchester i could never feel at ease, too many kids trying to be oasis.
Lakes and cumbria is nice but nowhere to work
Scotland has the best of everything, so that would be right up there, outskirts of edinbrough are nice indeed
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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So in summary Sheffield wins.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Matt H
So in summary Sheffield wins.
never. Northern folk pretending to be southern tbh. Fucking south yorkshire
Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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Anywhere on the Dorset coast for me 