Registered: 8th May 11
Location: West Yorkshire
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wow too much seriousness in here lol,
whether it was a joke or not, end of the day ppl are striking wanting a better deal, its us that gets our taxes put up to pay for it, so surely they are just arguind for more money for them to pay more taxes, this country is greedy, with money, with food with power! them ppl who were on strike do want shooting as they should be grateful for having a job in this economic downturn, something else, if your child misses school you can end up in jail or pay a fine, SO when teachers cant be arsed to work should we all sue the school or the goverment direct for our kids not getting proper education, if a family member died whilst these ppl are on strike would you fight for compensation because all they cared about was abit more money! about time everybody in this country took a step back and stop screwing the arse out of it as it aint going to acheive anything longterm! and anyone who went on strike yesterday what did it really acheive for you! absolutely fuck all, if i was in charge of those that were on strike they would be losing there jobs! remember the mining strikes of the 80's no mines now is there! because everybody tries to screw the system, asylum seekers and all those sat on their lazy fat arses claiming the dole or whatever that would all stop! maybe if the goverment sorted that mess out they wouldnt need so much money for the national debt in the first place!
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
I think the country is just happy to have something else to moan about, the Euro zone crisis was getting a bit complicated for most people.
Nail, Head
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
quote: Originally posted by Dr Pepper
Wasn't a very funny, or well thought out joke if it was
I laughed, I thought it was an excellent way to very clearly satirise the entire situation.
If there's such a wealth of public opinion - how did they get in and what more will Labour do when they return?
You can thank him for bring it further in to the public eye. These liberals might get mad enough to actually have a party that gets a majority vote at some point*
* - if they hadn't lost most of their support after the last election
So you liked the joke - so I take it you are disappointed by his apology, and the BBCS apology on his behalf....either he stands by his words and actions or he doesnt?
This government doesnt have anywhere close to a majority - they got in because the liberals have an ego maniac in charge...who is actually a conservative....and the Labour party fucked up because it wasnt a labour party...it was the best conservative party we ever had.
I really couldnt care less about any of the parties - they are all in bed and owned by big business and finance...and until we as a nation start expecting a bit more from all politicians - and forcing them to do better by us it wont matter which one is in downing street.
We have had liberal parties in charge before ... we will have them again....more positive things have come from liberal politicians than have ever come from a neo-conservative.
Registered: 8th May 11
Location: West Yorkshire
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labour would still be in if they had tony blair, but no they had that idiot gordon brown! who fucked it up for them
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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The apology was token.
Stand by his words? I don't think he actually meant it you know.
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
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quote: Originally posted by Lee_fr200
wow too much seriousness in here lol,
whether it was a joke or not, end of the day ppl are striking wanting a better deal, its us that gets our taxes put up to pay for it, so surely they are just arguind for more money for them to pay more taxes, this country is greedy, with money, with food with power! them ppl who were on strike do want shooting as they should be grateful for having a job in this economic downturn, something else, if your child misses school you can end up in jail or pay a fine, SO when teachers cant be arsed to work should we all sue the school or the goverment direct for our kids not getting proper education, if a family member died whilst these ppl are on strike would you fight for compensation because all they cared about was abit more money! about time everybody in this country took a step back and stop screwing the arse out of it as it aint going to acheive anything longterm! and anyone who went on strike yesterday what did it really acheive for you! absolutely fuck all, if i was in charge of those that were on strike they would be losing there jobs! remember the mining strikes of the 80's no mines now is there! because everybody tries to screw the system, asylum seekers and all those sat on their lazy fat arses claiming the dole or whatever that would all stop! maybe if the goverment sorted that mess out they wouldnt need so much money for the national debt in the first place!
There is having an opinion
and then there is just talking rubbish about something you quite obviously have no idea about. I agree with your point that people need to not be less greedy for this country to improve.... but im not sure why you think the greedy ones are miners or teachers .... I havn't heard about many multi milionaire miners gambling away the countries money. The debt we are paying off isnt there because we over spend on public services with the money we are spending bailing out the richest people in this country we could have the greatest hospitals, schools and policeforce in the western world.
The government has no intention on sorting out dole claimants .... it doesnt care about youth unemployment or lack of jobs in the north, or lack of industrial jobs being created....its only concern is to protect Londons financial district, and to advance the companies whos lobbyists pay into the parties bank account.. New Labour was no different, and neither was major or thatcher before that....its not greed in public sector or manual labour private industry jobs that is dragging the global economy down.
[Edited on 02-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]
Registered: 8th May 11
Location: West Yorkshire
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i was on about the mining strikes and comparing, in the 80's there were strikes and the miners thought they could constantly get more money, the goverment couldnt afford so they started on other usable energy then the mines started closing down, i was trying to state that greed will only make the jobs collapse
Rick Draper
Registered: 10th Feb 01
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I hope Clarkson dies of Aids.
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
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quote: Originally posted by Lee_fr200
i was on about the mining strikes and comparing, in the 80's there were strikes and the miners thought they could constantly get more money, the goverment couldnt afford so they started on other usable energy then the mines started closing down, i was trying to state that greed will only make the jobs collapse
Your definition of greed is different to mine- Lehman Brothers, Enron, Vodaphone, ect ect .... that is greed in my book.
Not people earning a pittance who are being used as a cash cow to prop up the financial sector in this country. The miners were not greedy - they fought for their industry. They could see what was coming under the Conservatives, the same as NHS workers and Teachers can see what is coming now ...they are going to try and part privatise these sectors. It already started under Blair and Brown(who are both conservatives imo) People will lose their jobs, poor people will become priced out of healthcare and education, and the richest will continue to get richer
It is quite simple - are the lower classes of this country prepared to bend over and bail out the richest 1% of people - in the hope that the ecomonomy can grow again here and globally? We are risking a hell of a lot that paying off this debt and backing the banks will lead us to prosperity ...if they dont recover then at the end of this period of austerity there will be hardly any community groups left, charities will be on there knees, the NHS and school sytem will be sold off for short term savings and long term losses, homelessness and drug addiction will go through the roof, disability and tax credits will have almost vanished, child poverty will be soaring and you will have a generation of young people on the dole - you will also lose all sorts of skills from people not being able to go to uni.
The problem is - the economy grows, the richest 1% get richer, and the rest of us continue to pay for their greed..... I can see far more unrest than this one strike in coming years.... if the Euro goes down I can see out and out civil unrest.
[Edited on 02-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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What I don't get is that if it's so easy to predict that it's all going to shit, why aren't there enough people who agree with you to create a political party who wouldn't do that?
Every striker I've spoken to has very clear views indeed about how they are right and everyone who dares support a change of direction from the previous 15-20 years is the spawn of satan. But they're either not significant enough in number of sufficiently well coordinated to do anything democratically about it.
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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I agree with you Dr. Pepper here, but how do you propose we put the money back into the economy without privatising?
Registered: 26th Feb 01
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I guarantee no one in the public sector works harder then Dr Peppers keyboard, maybe you should give it a rest, get down to speakers corner and give your vocal chords a stretch insead. I'm sure you'll find plenty of like minded anti-capitalists there.
The fact is, the government are desperate to support the banks because, like it or not, banking is our major industry now and London is the worlds financial centre. No one was complaining when for years and years they were keeping the economy going as our traditional industries were eroding. It's also factually wrong to say the working class man on the street is paying for this. The top 10% of earners pay 47% of the HMRCs income and people who earn under £50k a year get more out of the system than they pay in, subsidised by the amount high earners pay. Everytime you see a banker getting a £1 million bonus, it's worth remembering the tax man instantly gets 50% of that, maybe we need more bankers bonuses?
Also, I don't think you could have chosen 3 less appropriate comedians to prove your point. Jimmy Carr has had to make a few public apologies this year, Gervais was in a row not long ago about the word mong and Frankie Boyle made a joke about Katie Prices disabled son wanting to fuck her. Funny jokes but hardly bastions of taste and decency.
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
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quote: Originally posted by CorsaDave
I guarantee no one in the public sector works harder then Dr Peppers keyboard, maybe you should give it a rest, get down to speakers corner and give your vocal chords a stretch insead. I'm sure you'll find plenty of like minded anti-capitalists there.
The fact is, the government are desperate to support the banks because, like it or not, banking is our major industry now and London is the worlds financial centre. No one was complaining when for years and years they were keeping the economy going as our traditional industries were eroding. It's also factually wrong to say the working class man on the street is paying for this. The top 10% of earners pay 47% of the HMRCs income and people who earn under £50k a year get more out of the system than they pay in, subsidised by the amount high earners pay. Everytime you see a banker getting a £1 million bonus, it's worth remembering the tax man instantly gets 50% of that, maybe we need more bankers bonuses?
Also, I don't think you could have chosen 3 less appropriate comedians to prove your point. Jimmy Carr has had to make a few public apologies this year, Gervais was in a row not long ago about the word mong and Frankie Boyle made a joke about Katie Prices disabled son wanting to fuck her. Funny jokes but hardly bastions of taste and decency.
Im not anti capitalist I work in retail and like earning money. What im against is being made to believe that the type of capitalism we have is fair, sustainable or in the interests of any of us apart from the top 1% of earners
Everytime I see a banker get a bonus I know he has got that at my expennse and at the expense of some of the poorest people in the world. I also know it is not a sustainable thing to happen every year - relying on bankers making money out of a global system and paying that money back into the system is a crazy way to run a country, especially when you put next to no checks or regulations on it and dont make it in any way transparent. Companies like Enron and Lehman Brothers were lorded in the states because of the income they created, until everyone realised it was fake profit, it didnt exist, and it was going to take a decade or two to pay back.
I was complaining when for years when finance was becoming our major industry...because it was based on make believe ...it was never sustainable ..and it was never in the interest of this country. It is only in the interest of a small amount of people in major cities.
I dont accept your argument that we need the super rich because they are subsidising the rest of us. That is a myth that has been indoctrinated into the young of this country by neo conservatives. We wouldnt need so much tax money from the top 1% if they paid their workers a decent wage. Look at a company like tescos, or McDonalds, Starbucks ect ect ...... I dont believe those companies should be allowed to pay their workers so little while one or two people at the top become extremely rich ...I believe you should pay your staff in relation to what you are earning.
Im not interested in going to speakers corner .... or forming a party ... its a waste of time. The way to change things is for everyone to be responsible with the way you spend your money. If certain companies or banks act unresponsibly - dont give them any money - its pretty simple - and its far more powerful than your vote. There is no point taking part in the political system, its rigged and all parties are held back by the same problem - they are owned by big business and finance. Consumers and workers have to break that link and put oour elected politicians back in charge of the country - rather than having it run by banks, supermarkets ect.
I also donate to several charities and pressure groups who I believe have the right idea about sorting the mess out
[Edited on 02-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
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quote: Originally posted by Butler
I agree with you Dr. Pepper here, but how do you propose we put the money back into the economy without privatising?
This is my argument - there was never money in the economy. It was lies - based on selling debt to people who were never going to pay it back. Im not interested in putting money into the economy - im interested in putting money into the country, and into peoples pockets.
Rather than giving banks these huge injections of money to keep confidence in the banking system... I would have put it straight in people bank accounts. Or used it to create huge public work systems, or given it straight to small independant business. We are desperately trying to prop up a system that has never worked, and never will.
You have to create jobs, you have to get people working and paying tax if you want a country to grow. You have to get people paying into public services, not just taking out. You dont do that by hammering the poorest people in the country and pushing that money into banks to give them the appearance of having liquidity.
If the private sector is not creating jobs(which it is not) then the government has to do it. Its been the only way countries have ever come out of depression - that or having a war. The trouble is that this government is completely opposed to that idea - they blindly believe that the private sector will sort this mess out. Trouble is - private companies are cut throat - their only concern is there own interest - in times of hardship they are more lilely to do away with workers and make the ones who are eft work harder for less.... the private sector wont create jobs and wealth in a recession - its laughable that any one thinks this will happen.
[Edited on 02-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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Essay day.
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by Dr Pepper
So you liked the joke - so I take it you are disappointed by his apology, and the BBCS apology on his behalf....either he stands by his words and actions or he doesnt?
He had to apologise because the type of people who complained didn't even know what the fuck they were complaining about, and also because they are morons and should be shot.
They probably hadn't even seen the program or the context of how the joke was delivered.
It was more a joke about the unbiased BBC than the strikers.
Clarkson said at the airport "it was taken out of context".
People are idiots. You, on this occasion are an idiot (and should be shot).
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Luton
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I think it boils downs to us not living on debt so we all have to slowly reduce our income a bit
For a teacher to moan about a reduction in earnings when they have a pretty safe job is a bit much for others who are loosing there jobs and all of there income
Yes there will be the lucky ones that dont.
The only thing I'm not 100% happy with is a 5% payrise for those on benefit but that could be a whole new topic
Registered: 6th Oct 08
Location: cornwall
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I clicked on to the Sun today, and he said he is sorry, for saying something about sparrows? Then he was also kind of sorry about wanting to shoot people
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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Registered: 6th Oct 08
Location: cornwall
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'The Top Gear star, 51, had revealed on BBC1's The One Show that he did not like the small birds.
But he told The Sun: "I caused grave offence. I hope people can find it in their hearts to forgive me."
Jeremy also apologised for saying striking public sector workers should be shot in front of their families'
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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These people who complained are what is wrong with this country.
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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DR. Pepper bangs on as if these people with 'important jobs that get paid poorly even though they have more qualifications than he does' are forced into these roles.
They chose to go into that line of work.
Get over it, you're boring.
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by Dr Pepper
Look at a company like tescos, or McDonalds, Starbucks ect ect ...... I dont believe those companies should be allowed to pay their workers so little while one or two people at the top become extremely rich ...I believe you should pay your staff in relation to what you are earning.
[Edited on 02-12-2011 by Dr Pepper]
As a business owner I disagree with this point.
You start a business, you invest a lot of your own money and time, then work like a dog for years earning fuck all to get the business going.
After a few years of working 6 days a week, you have a good business and are in a position to employ a person to work for you so you can have a day off. Why should that person earn the money I now earn? He hasn't invested the time and money I have nor made the sacrifices I have. He comes for the job, I tell him what I am going to pay him, I offer him the job, he takes the job. He has made that choice.
I understand I am coming from a small private business owner point of view but the point of earning a business is for the business to make a profit.
You say you work in retail, you must understand where I am coming from?
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
Location: London
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I understand that point of view and believe you make a completely fair point.
I believe the government needs to adapt more socialist type policies though in order to halt the ever-increasing contrast in social class. I agree with Dr. Pepper. Most rich people are ignorant to the struggle poorer people have, not just to make money, but to make the opportunities to make money. Some people can't help there upbringing and the fairest answer is to force the rich people into sharing the wealth.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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It's not fair to force rich people to share the wealth, poor people should try harder.