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Author Winter Tyres/Wheels, Who will be using them?
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9th Nov 12 at 07:22   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So John, what I can conclude from this is that you think:

a) We can never do anything to improve driving safety. If any new safety equipment becomes available you'll just go "Nah, we didn't need that 3 years ago, so why suddenly now? You're all just brain washed!"
Yet you have stated before that people who use the "not wearing a seat belt saved my life" line are delusional.
When would you say we crossed this barrier of not being able to improve the safety of cars?

b) If you're ever involved in an accident it is 100% your own fault and could have been avoided by thinking ahead.
Fair enough. But do you not think humans, by nature, make mistakes? And that it's beneficial to invest in safety equipment that can minimise the risk of a mistake turning in to an accident and an accident turning in to an injury or death?

c) You believe that the correct footwear has bigger impact on avoiding an accident than the correct tyres.
You must be right in thinking I've been brain washed, because that's just about a Will Doyle style notion to me, that is.

To every one else: Snow? Ice?

Ben J

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9th Nov 12 at 07:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Never have and never will use Winter Tyres.

Both our cars have got plenty of tread on the tyres all round, fronts on both are 2 months old, and if it gets bad enough to start getting stuck or becomes dangerous etc then i'll be staying at home.

Would also cost an arm and a leg to get Winters for my Audi - cheapest on Camskill - £288 a corner

Tyre manufacturers/dealers/fitters must be laughing all the way to the bank this time of year, as everyone jumps on the winter tyre bandwagon.

[Edited on 09-11-2012 by Ben J]
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9th Nov 12 at 07:47   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben J
Tyre manufacturers/dealers/fitters must be laughing all the way to the bank this time of year, as everyone jumps on the winter tyre bandwagon.
Did you know that they last more than one season?

Actually, and this may shock you so take a deep breath, two sets of tyres last me double as long as one set of tyres!!!

Matt L

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9th Nov 12 at 07:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by JonnyJ
Absolute nightmare getting home this morning. Temp displayed 7 degrees and I was wheel spinning wildly everywhere, car just kept spinning around in circles

Luckily the temp eventually rose to 7.5 and I was on my way. Someone was watching over me.

mine was the opposite was 8.5 jesus i was in the hedges constantly .

basically from what i can gather you all drive around on the cheapest tyres as grip means nothing you.
we should really tell people to stop buying premuim summer tyres or track day tyres when £40 tyres will do... people buy tyres based on the conditions they are going to be used in.

winter tyres offer more grip for winter conditions simple as, just because some people choose to pay more for that extra grip during winter months doesnt mean they are wrong, it doesnt mean you are wrong. you are basically saying theres no added benefit to extra grip, yes for the 99% of the summer months i am sure i could drive using the sh*ttest tyres in the world but for that 1 occasion i may need to avoid something or stop suddenly i would much rather have grip hence why i dont buy ditchfinders.

simply some people prefer to buy tyres that offer better grip, not because they necessarily need to but because they want to.

to sum this up as it happens every year, as i said earlier:
I will never convince you they are worth it in the same way you will never convince me they arent.

I am basing my opinions on actually trying them, you are just dismissing them without even trying them

to all the people saying they will stay at home during the bad weather... buy tyres that help in the conditions then you dont need to stop your life just because of bad weather . I dont get why bad weather should affect what i do and how i do it when i could of simply paid for tyres that would cope in the conditions.

[Edited on 09-11-2012 by Matt L]
Ben J

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9th Nov 12 at 07:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Balling
Originally posted by Ben J
Tyre manufacturers/dealers/fitters must be laughing all the way to the bank this time of year, as everyone jumps on the winter tyre bandwagon.
Did you know that they last more than one season?

Actually, and this may shock you so take a deep breath, two sets of tyres last me double as long as one set of tyres!!!

Your argument doesn't make sense? Its still loads more revenue for the manufacturers/dealers/fitters when people start buying winter tyres, on top of the tyres they'd normally use all year round??

And yeah, 2 sets sof tyres last twice as long as 1, but you've still paid for 2 sets, and one set at a stupid price, so thers no saving/benefit there. And afaik winters have alot shorter life due to being a softer compound?
Ben J

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9th Nov 12 at 08:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Does scare me to know tho that for the last 15 years that i've been driving, I've cheated death from Nov - Feb every year.

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9th Nov 12 at 08:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Matt L

to all the people saying they will stay at home during the bad weather... buy tyres that help in the conditions then you dont need to stop your life just because of bad weather . I dont get why bad weather should affect what i do and how i do it when i could of simply paid for tyres that would cope in the conditions.

[Edited on 09-11-2012 by Matt L]

because we get maybe 2 or 3 days a year where the weather is that bad, that does not justify 500 quid on tyres for those couple days
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9th Nov 12 at 08:23   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


A completely uneconomical option for mine as I'd be shelling out around a minimum of £1k for the tyres or a set of smaller wheels or tyres.

Work don't have a policy to change the tyres on the company cars, so will just smash that about on normal tyres as always.
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9th Nov 12 at 09:54   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I paid £120 a corner for my summer tyres and £80 for my winters, winters are cheaper.

On the argument as to why they've become 'fashionable'; I would say its primarily down to availability. My Dad works in Scandanavia, his time is split between the UK and the Lap border. He has used winter tyres for in excess of 15 years because when driving in Scandanavia, he was legally bound to fit them. Combine that with spending between 4-6 weeks in the Alps every winter and it makes sense. They always used to be a special order product and they had ridiculous lead times, however, now you can drive into most tyre shops and have them fitted there and then.

I picked up a set of Jag alloys for £100 with tread still on, I don't see that as a cost as I got back what I paid in what was left on the tyres and when I sell/split/scrap my car, I'll get £100 back for the wheels.

The tyres I've bought are the same as Dad uses and his have lasted 3 seasons so far and around 30k. My summer tyres are lasting around 18-20k so not only are the tyres cheaper but they also last longer. So, the long and short of it is that I'm actually financially better off fitting winter tyres than using summer tyres year round

I fully expect my argument to be void based on John's assertation that I'm a barefoot hippie because I don't conform to his very closed minded view on the world

[Edited on 09-11-2012 by LiVe LeE]

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9th Nov 12 at 09:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Barnshaw, you do realise that the vast majority of standard brakes have the ability to lock up the wheels, there fore the weakest part of the system is the tyres, not the brakes

I would guess stopping distances shortened with better brakes on a dry road from 60 is around 5m shorter at best

With winter vs summer tyres in wintery conditions it could be 30m shorter, in the snow even shorter

[Edited on 09-11-2012 by antnee]

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9th Nov 12 at 09:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

John, you have never been cut up on a motorway or had to slam on your brakes anywhere at any time cos someone starts pulling out?

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9th Nov 12 at 10:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote
Ben J

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9th Nov 12 at 10:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE
I paid £120 a corner for my summer tyres and £80 for my winters, winters are cheaper.

On the argument as to why they've become 'fashionable'; I would say its primarily down to availability. My Dad works in Scandanavia, his time is split between the UK and the Lap border. He has used winter tyres for in excess of 15 years because when driving in Scandanavia, he was legally bound to fit them. Combine that with spending between 4-6 weeks in the Alps every winter and it makes sense. They always used to be a special order product and they had ridiculous lead times, however, now you can drive into most tyre shops and have them fitted there and then.

I picked up a set of Jag alloys for £100 with tread still on, I don't see that as a cost as I got back what I paid in what was left on the tyres and when I sell/split/scrap my car, I'll get £100 back for the wheels.

The tyres I've bought are the same as Dad uses and his have lasted 3 seasons so far and around 30k. My summer tyres are lasting around 18-20k so not only are the tyres cheaper but they also last longer. So, the long and short of it is that I'm actually financially better off fitting winter tyres than using summer tyres year round

I fully expect my argument to be void based on John's assertation that I'm a barefoot hippie because I don't conform to his very closed minded view on the world

[Edited on 09-11-2012 by LiVe LeE]

I get what you say, and I deffo see the benefit and reason for Winter tyres, but not for someone who actually only needs winter tyres for 3 days a year if that.

And winter tyres in a 255/35/19 are silly money.
Ben J

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9th Nov 12 at 10:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by antnee

Not sure anyone is questioning whether they work, its the cost v benefit/need thats being questioned.

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9th Nov 12 at 10:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by antnee
Barnshaw, you do realise that the vast majority of standard brakes have the ability to lock up the wheels, there fore the weakest part of the system is the tyres, not the brakes

I would guess stopping distances shortened with better brakes on a dry road from 60 is around 5m shorter at best

With winter vs summer tyres in wintery conditions it could be 30m shorter, in the snow even shorter

[Edited on 09-11-2012 by antnee]

so you would say a car with standard normal 2 piston brakes would only stop 5 metres shorter then if you equipped the same car with 8 pot ceramic brakes or similar?

someone mentioned earlier its all about safety and you cannot put a price on that, well why dont you all go and buy bigger better brakes then as that 5m which you mention above "might" just save your life on a summer day.

No one has answered me either, what about the nature of the unprdicatable british weather, one week in Feb it can be -7 and then next week it can be 10 degrees, do you switch between the 2? it can then be warm in March and go into minus temps in April again, its completely ridiculous


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9th Nov 12 at 10:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben J
Originally posted by antnee

Not sure anyone is questioning whether they work, its the cost v benefit/need thats being questioned.


Some people need them and some people dont. but we all see there is a benefit.
Nic Barnes

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9th Nov 12 at 10:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Buy an all season tyre then. Sorted.

Edit - in answer to Michael barnshaw

[Edited on 09-11-2012 by Nic Barnes]

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9th Nov 12 at 10:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

thanks nicolas barnes

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9th Nov 12 at 10:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I do not think we have the climate to warrant winter tyres.

Most people seem to change to winter tyres which include new rims to protect their precious alloys from salt etc not because of safety - which again fo r the cost of these alloys I would expect them to wear all seasons of weather and conditions

Having worked in the Nordics over the last few years and the use of winter tyres being the law I can see benefit as the roads end up like ice roads etc

Over here we have a few exceptions but the majority of the time normal road going tyres are fine

I had trouble with the BMW over the last 2 years in which winter tryes may have been an improvement

My main point is - if satety was that much of an issue on UK roads for winters then there would be a law to have them fitted to every car like in the Nordics

Who knows that time may come

[Edited on 09-11-2012 by whitter45]
Nic Barnes

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9th Nov 12 at 11:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by BarnshaW
thanks nicolas barnes
may I recommend a Bridgestone a001

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9th Nov 12 at 11:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

no you may not
Nic Barnes

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9th Nov 12 at 11:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Your loss. They're specifically designed for the type of climate we have. Great grip in all conditions.

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9th Nov 12 at 12:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by antnee
John, you have never been cut up on a motorway or had to slam on your brakes anywhere at any time cos someone starts pulling out?

Yes. I'm not making myself out to be an amazing driver, I'm not. I do understand how things can be avoided if you are reading the road properly and driving to the conditions. Basically, I'll probably crash anyway, but where I would have blamed someone else before, I now know it's probably my fault.
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9th Nov 12 at 12:58   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE
I paid £120 a corner for my summer tyres and £80 for my winters, winters are cheaper.

An upper mid range/premium Winter tyre for mine, new, is between £198 - £258 per tyre... Seeing as they are to improve Safety, I wouldn't consider budget/lower mid range offerings.

Then add the cost of getting them swapped over on top of that.

Cost that I don't want to absorb when there is no legal obligation to do so over here.

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9th Nov 12 at 13:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

John you are like the AI Cortana in Halo 4. You are slowly thinking yourself to death and your thought and speech patterns are degrading rapidly.

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