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Author Astra GSI or Honda Civic type R

Registered: 19th Feb 04
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6th Oct 05 at 12:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by CorsaControl
I love engines with lots of torque, pull in any gear at any speed.. rather than raggint he tits off them to get them moving!

I would agree on that. Whatever I buy next I want it to have useable power rather than having to rev the tits off it everytime I wanted to accelerate. More effortless driving I suppose when you dont feel like wanting to thrash it
Jazzy Jefferson

Registered: 30th Sep 05
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6th Oct 05 at 12:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think that is what appeals to CTR drivers, the fact you have to rev it hard.
I guess it depends if you are a lazy driver or if you know how to drive.
Jason Iles

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6th Oct 05 at 12:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
I think that is what appeals to CTR drivers, the fact you have to rev it hard.
I guess it depends if you are a lazy driver or if you know how to drive.

PMSL how does that statement make any sense

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6th Oct 05 at 12:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
I think that is what appeals to CTR drivers, the fact you have to rev it hard.
I guess it depends if you are a lazy driver or if you know how to drive.

That sounds like a typical ctr driver's attitude to me.

Although I completely agree, to go fast round a track you need revs, torque is nice for driving lazily but a perfect mix of both for me is bit more revs and a slight compromise on the torque

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6th Oct 05 at 12:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

stick to vauxhall , and like fear said ctr's are everywhere , take a look at icys pics and i think you will make your mind up .

Registered: 19th Feb 04
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6th Oct 05 at 12:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
I think that is what appeals to CTR drivers, the fact you have to rev it hard.
I guess it depends if you are a lazy driver or if you know how to drive.

So your saying if you dont like revving your engine hard it means you dont know how to drive?

Think you could of worded that a bit better

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6th Oct 05 at 12:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
Originally posted by SJW

and i dont think traction it to clever in them also

yes, clearly I am clueless but at least I have the ability to form a sentence.
Ok, so torque is better/faster -
a VW golf, diesel. 2.0 (140PS) torque - 320Nm. CTR - 196NM. Which is faster?? hmm....i wonder. well done mate for proving that torque is a winner.

[Edited on 06-10-2005 by Jazzy Jefferson]

0-60 isnt a test for how fast a car is, its a tiny indication of the cars ability to perform. i am pretty sure that a Gold GTi diesel will be faster than a CTR from say 30-70, or 40-90.
To me a car is worthless without torque to match high power. this thread dont matter anyway, once the Astra VXR is released, it will throw down the gauntlet and be better in every way than all other hot hatches
Jason Iles

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6th Oct 05 at 13:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The RS3 will be the leading performer, however the high price tag will let it down

[Edited on 06-10-2005 by Jason Iles]

Registered: 3rd May 00
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6th Oct 05 at 13:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cybermonkey
[this thread dont matter anyway, once the Astra VXR is released, it will throw down the gauntlet and be better in every way than all other hot hatches

The only thing the Astra VXR has got going for it is power and straight line speed (after the wheelspin)

From what all the mags have said the handling is bottom of its class!
Jazzy Jefferson

Registered: 30th Sep 05
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6th Oct 05 at 13:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Matty G
Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
I think that is what appeals to CTR drivers, the fact you have to rev it hard.
I guess it depends if you are a lazy driver or if you know how to drive.

So your saying if you dont like revving your engine hard it means you dont know how to drive?

Think you could of worded that a bit better

hm....yes you are right, i think i could have worded that a little better.

AS for the VXR - Handling is supposedly rubbish. straight line, im sure it will be faster once you get the power down. Arent they 240BHP? bit much for FWD?

Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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6th Oct 05 at 13:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

actually its meant to handle superbly, most mags got a version of the VXR with dodgy pre-spec dampers or something
Jazzy Jefferson

Registered: 30th Sep 05
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6th Oct 05 at 13:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cybermonkey
Originally posted by Jazzy Jefferson
Originally posted by SJW

and i dont think traction it to clever in them also

yes, clearly I am clueless but at least I have the ability to form a sentence.
Ok, so torque is better/faster -
a VW golf, diesel. 2.0 (140PS) torque - 320Nm. CTR - 196NM. Which is faster?? hmm....i wonder. well done mate for proving that torque is a winner.

[Edited on 06-10-2005 by Jazzy Jefferson]

0-60 isnt a test for how fast a car is, its a tiny indication of the cars ability to perform. i am pretty sure that a Gold GTi diesel will be faster than a CTR from say 30-70, or 40-90.
To me a car is worthless without torque to match high power. this thread dont matter anyway, once the Astra VXR is released, it will throw down the gauntlet and be better in every way than all other hot hatches

If a CTR stayed in gear, then im sure the golf would be faster, however, if you drop a couple of cogs in the CTR, then somehow, i dont think the golf will be faster. i never mentioned 0-60. The CTR is faster then a 140PS golf, straight up.

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6th Oct 05 at 13:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

in gear stats for both then

Registered: 3rd May 00
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6th Oct 05 at 13:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cybermonkey
actually its meant to handle superbly, most mags got a version of the VXR with dodgy pre-spec dampers or something

Theres no way Im having that a manufacturer like Vaux would let what is hailed to be the best hot hatch ever go out until it was 100% finished. Some people base their car buying on what magazines say.

Not a chance in France!

Registered: 19th Feb 04
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6th Oct 05 at 13:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Stu
Some people base their car buying on what magazines say.

In that case Total Vauxhall said they beat a Megane 225 or whatever they are called round a track so I'll base my reasoning for the VXR being the best hot hatch on that

Registered: 3rd May 00
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6th Oct 05 at 13:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Why? Is the Megane the best?

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6th Oct 05 at 13:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

no the megane is meant to be average handling

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6th Oct 05 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Stu
Originally posted by Cybermonkey
actually its meant to handle superbly, most mags got a version of the VXR with dodgy pre-spec dampers or something

Theres no way Im having that a manufacturer like Vaux would let what is hailed to be the best hot hatch ever go out until it was 100% finished. Some people base their car buying on what magazines say.

Not a chance in France!

surely you heard about this? especially the bad publicity the VXR got in the hands of Top Gear, and apparently they will be giving it a second run with the release car.

Registered: 10th May 02
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6th Oct 05 at 14:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Its all driver ability and how used you get to the car, if the megane is quick round the track it could be due to driver ability, tyres they were on etc.. i never go off what megazines say, plus most people that by the VXR will probably lower it straight away!

Registered: 3rd May 00
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6th Oct 05 at 14:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah but lowering a car doesnt always make it handle better?

Usually magazine tests are a good thing to go off as they are fair, they have all the cars to hand, they get opinions from more than one person etc etc It would be great if you could 'properly' test every car that you were considering but you cant! Im not talking 15 minute test drives either!

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6th Oct 05 at 14:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Stu, nearly all of those mag reviews were under race track conditions, what are the chances of 99% of VXR owners driving them like they are stolen? understeer problems on a racetrack might not even exist on the open road when driving at 80% rather than 100%

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6th Oct 05 at 14:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cybermonkey
Stu, nearly all of those mag reviews were under race track conditions, what are the chances of 99% of VXR owners driving them like they are stolen? understeer problems on a racetrack might not even exist on the open road when driving at 80% rather than 100%

One of the mag tests I read was the VXR against a standard Focus RS on some country B roads........think it was Evo. they said the Focus RS was better on the road by a country mile aswell, handles potholes, camber changes, remained composed in and out of the bends better etc etc and the Focus RS definitely isnt the best hot hatch out there.

I know what you are saying tho, I prefer understeer on the road rather than oversteer as well. Yet on a track its a completely different story.....oversteer all the way!


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6th Oct 05 at 14:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I usually drive my car to the 100% limit.. only 5% of the time though.. hence why i still have a licence..

I really dont think the Astra would be released unless the hanling was very good... if the Megane is slightly what!

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6th Oct 05 at 14:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Stu
Originally posted by Cybermonkey
Stu, nearly all of those mag reviews were under race track conditions, what are the chances of 99% of VXR owners driving them like they are stolen? understeer problems on a racetrack might not even exist on the open road when driving at 80% rather than 100%

One of the mag tests I read was the VXR against a standard Focus RS on some country B roads........think it was Evo. they said the Focus RS was better on the road by a country mile aswell, handles potholes, camber changes, remained composed in and out of the bends better etc etc and the Focus RS definitely isnt the best hot hatch out there.

I know what you are saying tho, I prefer understeer on the road rather than oversteer as well. Yet on a track its a completely different story.....oversteer all the way!

wasnt the Focus RS meant to be fucking awful on potholed undulating roads?

Registered: 11th Jul 05
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6th Oct 05 at 14:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the only reason the vxr got a bad name because of the 'stig' driving it on top gear.

understeering on the track and i believe that cos i think the stig is a good driver.

back to topic, i would pick ctr. very quick and handle superbly, not to keen on mk4 astra looks compared to it.
my brother has a facelift model in red, 18bhp from an induction kit, turbocharging a ctr for £3.5K would give a standard one 290bhp. no other engine but a VTEC can respond to tuning like that.

Also the CTR must be lighter, i know the bonnet is tiny and weighs very little.


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