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And me.
I can't see how ENGLISH can change in the way its taught it's English now, it was English then, how can the rules change
Jules S
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quote: Originally posted by Robin
And me.
I can't see how ENGLISH can change in the way its taught it's English now, it was English then, how can the rules change
Its the teachers mate.
The post by the teacher I quoted earlier in this thread sums it up in a nutshell.
Rank teaching standards.....If it wasn't so ironic I would be crying not laughing.
A primary teacher comes on here and puts up a critical post about grammar in general, whilst using the sentence construction of a foundation unit attendant.
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In their defence though, they (teachers) must be being told that it's acceptable to begin a sentence with 'And', unless they are a law unto themselves. 
I was always taught to start a sentence with a capital letter, end it with a full stop, and not to start with 'but' or 'and'. (and probably some other words, which I can't remember at the moment).
Another thing which bothers me, which directly affects spelling and grammar, is the lack of reading material at primary schools. My Neice is in her 3rd year at school, and is 7, she is reading at the level of a 10 and a half year old.(apparently they can work it out to within a month. ) The problem is, the school have no books above year 6 level (11 years at most) and when Erin is in year 6, she will be reading the same books she does now, so she won't be learning new words or phrases. The school/government seem to find it acceptable to say "ok, she can read like a 10,5 year old, thats all she needs to be able to do"
It's a farce.
I might become a gorverner at the primary school, so I can say these things when other people are too scared to.
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Paul_J style
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
1) abdus
2) mav
Why me? because I made a few spelling errors when typing on a website, so what....
I got an A in english at school thank you very much.
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mav you put the a in anus
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*whispers* I think they were joking mav otherwise abdus wouldn't be in there.
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And when it comes that I have to watch my spelling and grammar on a website thats when I will leave..Everything I write can be understood and is clear..
On here I type fast without thinking much...
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time of the month
I'm going to delete this now    
Jules S
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Joking mum gave me a book to read when I was on a caravaning trip before you were was an enid bryton brer rabbit book.
That would probably be unheard of these days (mav can advise)
But that was 30 years ago (about) and I STILL remember her saying to ignore the fact that the second sentence started with AND as that was bad grammar.
Speaks volumes about parental influence if you ask me...and to add insult to injury my mum failed her 11+ (ask your grannie about that one)
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if i make a spelling mistake its probably because im on my pda which is incredibly hard to type on
[Edited on 12-10-2006 by Steve]
Registered: 19th Jun 01
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quote: Originally posted by Jules S

Joking mum gave me a book to read when I was on a caravaning trip before you were was an enid bryton brer rabbit book.
That would probably be unheard of these days (mav can advise)
But that was 30 years ago (about) and I STILL remember her saying to ignore the fact that the second sentence started with AND as that was bad grammar.
Speaks volumes about parental influence if you ask me...and to add insult to injury my mum failed her 11+ (ask your grannie about that one)
I remember the book
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quote: Originally posted by Jules S

Joking mum gave me a book to read when I was on a caravaning trip before you were was an enid bryton brer rabbit book.
That would probably be unheard of these days (mav can advise)
But that was 30 years ago (about) and I STILL remember her saying to ignore the fact that the second sentence started with AND as that was bad grammar.
Speaks volumes about parental influence if you ask me...and to add insult to injury my mum failed her 11+ (ask your grannie about that one)
I knew I'd spelt it wrong as soon as I hit 'post new reply' 
My Gran didn't do the 11 plus, but my Mum did
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quote: Originally posted by Steve

if i make a spelling mistake its probably because im on my pda which is incredibly hard to type on
[Edited on 12-10-2006 by Steve]
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mav, excuses in that context did not need to be caps, also there was no space between word and smiley.
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I was shouting
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I bet you looked up everyone of those three words in the dictionary before you posted 
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Bite me
Jules S
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quote: Originally posted by mav
I remember the book
Quality book/story.
Spawned the next generation of shite grammar though
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Enid Blyton, not Bryton...
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FFS why did I not spot that
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Because... you are nearly blind from wanking furiously?
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Being in education myself I feel duty bound to leap to the defence of the teachers. I think starting a sentence with the wrong word is somewhat less significant than the attitude to poor literacy.
I'll say it again - I don't think perfection is the answer. I don't think pedantry is the way to enforce it. I think that people should WANT to communicate well. Many people DO NOT CARE!
This for me is far worse than making mistakes. Mistakes are a side-effect of lack of practice. Deliberate neglect is a bigger issue for education and the country generally.
Its no secret that literary standards are poor amongst teachers - the problem is now so dire that they themselves are a victim of it.
Again, being fair to the teachers, I spent a day last week lying on the floor peering through a 10" gap because some students deliberately broke the lift and stopped it between floors. We were unable to pay our utmost attention to literacy that day.
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Ian sentence....