Registered: 20th May 02
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its just a bit isnt it
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
Location: pain
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Brilliant. Good progress.
Premium Member
Registered: 22nd Feb 07
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any updates on this??
must've done something more on it by now??
Registered: 2nd Jun 08
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Registered: 20th May 02
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[QUOTE=Zzz...Zzz;4225421]Time for a little update...
Had a (new) setback, wich isn't very hard to fix, just extreeeeeamly boring and none motivating stuff to do...
It seems the size of the Tremec3650 and the TKO housing is not as similar as the spec's say they are.. so with the real trans fitted , we did not get the angle of either the engine or the trans right...
Yep, up with the angle grinder again..... :S
This was not the dream stuff to fettle with now as the car is coming together...
The new "lid" getting there....

On the other side you can see the profile of the new centre console, wich will be made out of alu and carbon
Mixed updates.. :
The Dash is getting quite digital, the main 8" instrumet in centre talk to the engine management and other stff trough can-bus, and a 12.2" lcd to the right wich is connected to the cars on board computer, whom will have quite a few tasks on board... you'll see those later , the sound system will of course also be based around the computer as well.

Two channel wide band lamda instrument to the left in the picture,theese two corrected signals are also fed to the engine management, wich in turn also has it's separate wida band lambda sensors. 100% controll on lambda values has got a high priority after many years of engine tuning.

Looks pretty good for a 30 year old for
rear :

front :

details front :
Quite spacious for wheels/tyres at front as well

Fuel system soon complete.

Convenient to be able to let most of the front be able to come off...

Clutch and brake reservoairs in place and plumbed.

Not to happy about doing welding,priming,grinding and painting again...takes its toll on motivaton theese summer days.... :S[/QUOTE]
Registered: 28th Dec 08
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Imagina the insurance, "yes I want a quote on a ford granada...with a koeniggsegg ccx v8 engine" *beep*.
love the thread
[Edited on 02-08-2009 by Root]
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
Location: pain
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Bloody shame about tunnel problems.
Registered: 22nd Jun 09
Location: Dundee
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this is one crazy car, wonder if hed be up for a straight swap 
[Edited on 17-08-2009 by kris1991]
Padock Pig
Registered: 19th Aug 09
Location: FNQ Australia
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G'day Mate.
Greetings from proutes.com Australia
Awesome build,I take take my hat of to you.
Keep up the great work and look forward to seeing the final product.
Registered: 29th Aug 09
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Hi Folks.
Greetings from South Africa !! Anything new on this project....this is surely ashtonishing  
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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not as yet, but hello
Registered: 2nd Jun 08
Location: Lincolnshire
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[Edited on 31-08-2009 by *JonnyG*]
[Edited on 31-08-2009 by *JonnyG*]
Registered: 27th Apr 08
Location: silsden,west yorks.Drive: Astra van
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Any more updates??? 
Registered: 11th Dec 07
Location: Westleigh, Greater Manchester
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any more updates jr??????
Registered: 20th May 02
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not as yet
Registered: 20th May 02
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from the owner
Glad you enjoyed spending time reading about it
Yeah, I wanted something very extreme and very different, guess it gonna be just that..
We have decided to use the small turbos for starters, and get a feeling of the car. They run out of air at about 1750hp.
We actually have put alot of effort of the engine design(heads) in making as "little" torque as possible, instad giving the engine good reving capability with good Hp numbers over the rev range(will rev to 9500) and less torque.
Nevertheless it will produce somwhere -+ 1500nm over a very(almost too) broad range.
Top speed? haha, how fast would you go in a granada shaped car?
Will easily do abit above 300km/h, as I did 296km/h with the YB in it.
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
Location: pain
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Registered: 29th Jan 09
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quote: Originally posted by SVM 286
With a great big smile.
Registered: 15th Mar 07
Location: carluke/braidwood--IRNBRULAND
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quote: Originally posted by jr
We have decided to use the small turbos for starters, and get a feeling of the car. They run out of air at about 1750hp.
I would be quite happy with the small turbos
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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I'd be happy without any turbos tbh!!!!!
I honestly think in 10 years of cars, that this seriously is the most maddest modified car ever to grave the earth.
Jun 1000bhp Skyline in the late 90's, meh, childsplay....
Registered: 29th Mar 00
Location: Turku, Finland
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how much power can it possibly run on the larger turbos?
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
Location: pain
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quote: Originally posted by VXR
I'd be happy without any turbos tbh!!!!!
I honestly think in 10 years of cars, that this seriously is the most maddest modified car ever to grave the earth.
Jun 1000bhp Skyline in the late 90's, meh, childsplay....
I think pro rata, the Callaway Sledgehammer was so far ahead of it's time that it will always be the ultimate for me Daimo
Registered: 2nd Nov 09
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This car has inspired another V8 Granada to be pushed out of the shed, and into the workshop. Nicely done. All that fabrication is top class.
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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Registered: 2nd Nov 09
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quote: Originally posted by jr
Sadly not at this time. It is a Mk2 Granada, Rover V8, 4sp manual transmission. It has been sat idle for years in storage, but my mate promises me he is going to get to work on it... He is thinking of a new turn key 4.6 V8, and ZF auto...