Registered: 2nd Jul 09
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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quote: Originally posted by sc0ott
quote: Originally posted by adiohead
quote: Originally posted by Russ
i dont tell people which hospital i work at because i am an eCunt and would get hunted.
I'm on my way to Norfolk
He doesnt tell,
He just takes pictures
I had all that boarded up to stop mother fuckers breaking in.
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Registered: 12th May 06
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quote: Originally posted by John
I would expect you to be working in a warehouse with BEng, engineering companies will be employing all the MEng people instead.

oh no wait 
i have worked as a Development Engineer, Structural Design Engineer, Lead Production Engineer and back to Development Engineer
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Are you an engineer?
Registered: 8th Sep 06
Location: wigan
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I personally had enough of being in and out of warehouse so applied for the Royal Navy and been in for about 8 months now, just passed my trade training and all's good!
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Wigan Drives:Integra DC5
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I've worked since i was 15, wasn't allowed a paper round when i was younger, area was a little rough that my parents didnt want me delivering papers at 6 in the morning or in the evening.
I've not been out of work since i started at 15, worked in an outdoors store on 15 quid a fucking day 0900 - 1730.
The moved to burger king when i was 16, stayed there until 19 whilst at college and uni, moved to a call centre for a bookies and then into the Horse Racing trader job when i graduated.
I'm now on the railway with a chance at a great career
Registered: 13th Dec 06
Location: Dunfermline, Fife : Drives Astra cdti Sri
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Started part time when I was 15 and went full time at 16.
Worked from then up until last december (26 now) when I got made redundant, lived off the money and got a new job two weeks ago.
[Edited on 23-02-2012 by Seany]
Registered: 28th Sep 11
Location: Gloucester, Gloucestershire
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Part time when i was 16 now Full time 36 hours a week and also on a full time course at college studying graphic design. So basically no lazy days in less i'm lucky
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Registered: 7th Dec 05
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I go to the same place for 8 hours 5 days of the week. Dunno if I would call what I do work but I certainly put in an appearance
Registered: 27th Feb 06
Location: St. Helens
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Ive worked since I was 15. had 2 stints of unemployment. first was 10 months, 2nd was 8 months. both the best times of my live, I was on job seekers and gave up a few luxuries and got along fine. had all the time in the world to do nothing.
couldnt have done it forever as I have certain goals I would like to achieve. I do see how people get into unemployment and never go back again.
if there was any chance I could get away with out working Id go for it. I fucking hate working for a living
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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The 3 people who have put they live off benefits, i hope that was a joke.
Registered: 11th Nov 02
Location: eastbourne Drives:zafira sold now a qashqai
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i have this conversation with people at work most days they resent the fact that i have a council house £320 rent pm and get tax credits £70 a week and child benefit. I earn 25k a yr my missus earns 12k a yr for a 16hr week they hate that they have to pay for my benefits and house etc but do me and my mrs not pay tax aswell. I dont see what i get as wrong and i dont see it as playing the system either my step kids father in the other hand well thats another story.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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They're not paying for your house if you are?
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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That's a good point about tax credits
It's just the tax you pay, credited back
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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If it's someone's ambition to live in a council house forever they are welcome to it.
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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Cheap rent, house for life, no maintenance or repair costs
Don't have to send all your life paying off a mortgage to then sell up because you need to go into sheltered housing or nursing home
I'm up for that!
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Or spend a bit of your life paying it then be mortgage free for as long as possible and have a big inheritance for your kids.
Registered: 11th Nov 02
Location: eastbourne Drives:zafira sold now a qashqai
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quote: Originally posted by Russ
They're not paying for your house if you are?
They see it as their tax subsidises it plus I've lived in this house for 7yrs and my parents in the house next door for 30yrs my sister lives in the house behind me exactly the same house but her rent private is £720 per month she is a benefits scrounger btw. I have the right to buy this house if I ever choose to aswell at around 60% of its full value. Oh and also the council installed solar panels before xmas as well so I also get cheaper electric is that wrong also
Registered: 26th Feb 01
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John would make a great dictator.
Organiser: Scotland Premium Member
Registered: 18th Dec 07
Location: South Ayrshire
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I started working at 14, pissed about at college and still worked p/t til i was 18.
Got my apprenticeship, had a spell of unemployment after that for about 10 months, made the most of my free time, used my savings to make a few quid on breaking cars/tidying up & selling, built myself an XE corsa.
Took some training courses to further my prospects of work outwith my trade (SIA license).
I got by, had enough money to run a car and go out on the piss when i felt like it, had a good time, and didnt sit about all day watching jezza, was more like time out than unemployment.
Took a 6 month forestry job on 25hours to get off JS, landed a part time job at my dads work back on the tools doing motorbikes opposed to cars, then 2 weeks after my temp job finished i got my current job. (Rota allows me to keep my job with my dads work)
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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quote: Originally posted by John
Or spend a bit of your life paying it then be mortgage free for as long as possible and have a big inheritance for your kids.
Can pass it in to a child for their lifetime too
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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Capital gains tax and inheritance tax?
Not sure how they work?
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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You get shafted for them, still better than never having it, then your kids having no ambition either, then the cycle continuing.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
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My daughter has ambitions to park a white rav4, badly
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Daughter must be