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They didn't have 200bhp vw super coupes with fast road mods.
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It's the same as anything, you always have to try your best with what's available to you at the time, the fact things are now available that weren't back then just means you can have an easier life nowadays if you choose to.
Unless winter tyres are made a legal requirement then it's always going to be one of those scenarios where some people will happily use them year in, year out because they've experienced the benefits and feel that they're worth any increase in cost, then there's those that will never use them because they don't feel the benefits are worth paying for.
I think I'll probably give them a try at some point, pretty much just out of interest. For other countries to have a legal requirement to use them and the fact that it seems everyone who has used them once, says they're good and continues to use them, must speak some kind of volume.
I appreciate that there's probably very little chance of them saving my life over summer tyres but to me crashing and insurance claims isn't something I want to be involved with so if some tyres can save me getting a claim against my name which will up my premium for the next 3-5 years, plus the excess which is already higher than the cost of the tyres, then surely buying some tyres which don't necessarily cost more in the long run, is probably a decent option.
Obviously as I said, I've not actually tried winter tyres yet so my opinion may change but they seem like a decent deal judging by the reviews I've heard from people that've actually experienced them, rather than Barnshaw telling us that he's unlikely to die whichever tyres he opts for and for anything less he'll pay his excess and an increased premium for the next 3-5 years.
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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not sure why you specifically singled me out but I can only speak from my own experience and I have never had an accident in the snow or "dangerous" temperatures that we have in the UK, therefore why would I go out and decide to pay all this extra money for something which has never been an issue for me?
I also did not say anything about excess and premiums so you clearly have not read the thread properly
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They may possess some benefits in actual snow, but fucking normal tyres are fine at 5 degrees you weirdos
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
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You've been one of the more prominent names in the thread which is why your name was in my head. I have read the thread properly but clearly I'm not going to waste my time finding the exact person that said something along the lines of 'if I crash, I'm insured' no-one actually mentioned excesses and premiums but obviously when claiming, those are costs that are incurred. It wasn't meant as an attack against you, I was merely trying to get a point across and used the name that seemed most prominent about being against winter tyres.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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some good points made there mike.
the only thing that worries me about these people who put them on their motor and praise the lord as if they're some kind of miracle tyre, is whether they only big them up because they've just spent hundreds of their hard earned cash and are trying to justify the cost.
[Edited on 10-11-2012 by Ben G]
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It seems like another safety thing that people buy and feel invincible until they come a cropper
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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thing is even if you have the best winter tyres in the world on and someone with their summer tyres crashes into you your premium is still going to go up anyway
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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I don't see the point of expensive summer tyres when the budget ones do me fine. £50 a tyre is about as expensive as I go.
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
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I'm not sure I made it clear enough, I've never used winter tyres, I don't intend on using them this winter but at some point, I will probably give them a try. I can see benefits to them if they're as good as people make out but I would like to make my own decision on them rather than just trying to find every possible negative and refusing to even try them and make my own mind up.
If I try them and consider them to be a waste of money, I'll happily post up and tell people my views, because I'll actually have experience to back up my views. Blindly saying, I cope with summer tyres so why would I waste my money doesn't make much of an argument in my eyes.
I bet one day you used to 'cope' with a 17in TV, is that still the case today?
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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quote: Originally posted by Mike
I'm not sure I made it clear enough, I've never used winter tyres, I don't intend on using them this winter but at some point, I will probably give them a try. I can see benefits to them if they're as good as people make out but I would like to make my own decision on them rather than just trying to find every possible negative and refusing to even try them and make my own mind up.
If I try them and consider them to be a waste of money, I'll happily post up and tell people my views, because I'll actually have experience to back up my views. Blindly saying, I cope with summer tyres so why would I waste my money doesn't make much of an argument in my eyes.
I bet one day you used to 'cope' with a 17in TV, is that still the case today?
you really cannot compare electrical technology to a tyre, getting a bit silly now.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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Cancer and tv's, whatever next
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by Ben Gobviously this argument only works when talking about using winter tyres in snowy conditions, which you are. i do understand they work better in cold/wet weather and when the temperature drops below 7c, but you didn't say this
Incorrect you lovely man. I have stated that they work better under 7/8 degrees various times in previous threads. We keep having the same thread every year and get fed up repeating myself.
People also need to be aware that there is a difference between 'winter' and 'snow' tyres.
My local Garage had these Kuhmo things and they were full on tractor tread with massive tread blocks and spaces between them. I could only imagine that with these driving on anything other then snow/ice would be awful. Then you can get studded snow tyres also.
I think with the low mileage I do I will get 4-5 years use out of my continental winter contacts and as I have a 2nd set of wheels it's just 10 minutes to swap them over. I don't have a problem swapping them a handful of times between November and March either as it takes 10 minutes. pretty neutral size as well 225/45 18 which would suit a majority of cars running 18" rims for future use.
The most benefit I have seen through them is on cold & rainy nights where they really were planted compared to FK452's and Conti sport contact 3's that I have run. With the summer tyres I could have simply slowed down and taken roundabouts like a granny but I prefer to be able to push on in all weathers and this is the benefit they give me and I am happy to pay for that privilege.
I don't really give two fucks whether people use them or not but I have used them and have observed the benefits and just sharing that data really.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
It seems like another safety thing that people buy and feel invincible until they come a cropper
Who in here has said that is makes them feel invincible?
That is your ridiculous statement not anyone elses.
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Of course its my statement, because i made it 
Anyway, what I meant was, its just another thing for the idiots to sit in there 5 series BMW's bubbles thinking to themselves they are ok because they have winter tyres and carry on driving as though the conditions were normal
Theres a great theory that people when driving in more dangerous conditions, are actually safer than just driving along on autopilot thinking they are 100% safe
[Edited on 10-11-2012 by Steve]
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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I know your comment is not aimed at me but I doubt people fitting the tyres think they are invincible and would expect they still make 'some' adjustments to driving style.
Due to the fact that most discussions on CS are like a Court room these days with every word, phrase, sentence and grammar picked to pieces for any inconsistencies I will spell it out in the following format:
On a scale of 1 to 10
1 = driving like a learner on their first lesson
10 = driving flat out in maximum attack mode
With Summer tyres in perfect road conditions on occasion I will probably drive up to 8. Gone are the days of being young and reckless and driving flat out.
With Summer Tyres in very cold and wet conditions I will probably drive at a 3-4
With Summer Tyres in snow/ice/slush then like most people probably a 1-2
With Winter tyres in very cold and wet conditions I will probably drive at a 6
With Winter tyres in snow/ice/slush I will probably drive at a 3-4
Thus I still adjust my driving style based on the conditions but the FACT that my winter tyres give me more grip in poor conditions* the adjusts I make are less pronounced then if I were on Summer tyres.
My observations based on 2 cars (both 330's) notorious for poor grip/drive-ability in winter conditions.
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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What next, separate tyres for AM and PM.
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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quote: Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
I don't see the point of expensive summer tyres when the budget ones do me fine. £50 a tyre is about as expensive as I go.
There is a big difference between budget crap and branded tyres though, regardless of how carefull you drive.
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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Steve, what tyres do you have on your puma? did you get the ad08's or 888? did you not buy them as they offer you better grip on a track? how many track days a year do you do that warrented the added expense of these track inspired tyres over normal road tyres?
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That is the worst point so far in this thread
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by sc0ott
quote: Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
I don't see the point of expensive summer tyres when the budget ones do me fine. £50 a tyre is about as expensive as I go.
There is a big difference between budget crap and branded tyres though, regardless of how carefull you drive.
i dunno, i bought the ones VW recommended for the corrado, paid half as much again over the normal firestones i get and i didn't really notice any difference really
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Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
quote: Originally posted by Mike
I'm not sure I made it clear enough, I've never used winter tyres, I don't intend on using them this winter but at some point, I will probably give them a try. I can see benefits to them if they're as good as people make out but I would like to make my own decision on them rather than just trying to find every possible negative and refusing to even try them and make my own mind up.
If I try them and consider them to be a waste of money, I'll happily post up and tell people my views, because I'll actually have experience to back up my views. Blindly saying, I cope with summer tyres so why would I waste my money doesn't make much of an argument in my eyes.
I bet one day you used to 'cope' with a 17in TV, is that still the case today?
you really cannot compare electrical technology to a tyre, getting a bit silly now.
Why not? There's no NEED to own 50in TVs yet people do because they're 'better' than 17in that they used to be restricted too. There isn't a NEED to use winter tyres yet people do because they're better and more available now than they used to be. In what way is that not a fair comparison? They're both essentially a luxury item rather than an essential.
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Id rather have a 50 inch tele than winter tyres.
Organiser: North West and North Wales Premium Member
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: nr. Skipton, North Yorkshire
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I suspected that tbh. A lot of people would but some people would rather have both. None of those people are wrong it's just personal preference. Hence why this thread has dragged on for 8 pages and no-one's opinion has even come close to changing.