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Author Lost Prophets singer pleads guilty
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19th Dec 13 at 14:17   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think she only talks about the tip of the iceberg as well - a way of getting it off her chest. I've seen on several occasions get really upset and physically shaken by it and she's quite a strong willed person - god knows what a lesser strength person would do to cope. She's also sat in on autopsies before which must be particularly bad when you're seeing kids on the table.
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19th Dec 13 at 14:18   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Same for when i was living at home we fostered children that had be subject to abuse at very young ages and reading the document from this case hasn't shocked me as that to some people in the world is tame....
SVM 286

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19th Dec 13 at 14:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE
I think she only talks about the tip of the iceberg as well - a way of getting it off her chest. I've seen on several occasions get really upset and physically shaken by it and she's quite a strong willed person - god knows what a lesser strength person would do to cope. She's also sat in on autopsies before which must be particularly bad when you're seeing kids on the table.

Good grief, she must be extremely tough/strong willed/brave/tolerant.

I can't imagine ever being able to cope with anything like that.

For a woman to deal with it daily in a working capacity is nothing short of amazing.

Your Mother must be an incredibly decent woman who treats her horrific workload as more of a duty or vocation rather than a job.
SVM 286

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19th Dec 13 at 14:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VrsTurbo
Same for when i was living at home we fostered children that had be subject to abuse at very young ages and reading the document from this case hasn't shocked me as that to some people in the world is tame....

It truly beggars belief that people are capable of such abhorrent acts.

There almost isn't a punishment fit for the crime. And there certainly isn't a legal one.

The heartbreaking thing, is that no matter what could ever happen to the monsters that perpetrate such atrocities, none of it can ever alter one jot, what they have already done, or the damage it has caused.

That said, i'm not working at present and would gladly accept the job of this individual's executioner if the law ever changed.
Y869 SRA

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19th Dec 13 at 16:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
Can just imagine the thread full of goths thinking they were the in thing all writing megalolz.


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19th Dec 13 at 16:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Gary
Originally posted by baza31
Physically their undeveloped body's will be damaged .

Any damage would heal fairly quickly i would have thought.

Provided nobody tells them anything they'll lead normal lives. (as normal as can be not knowing where you came from)

It wouldn't . Imagine someone bumming you with something half the length of your body in a place that shouldn't have anything in ( Tom Daley fans need not comment) . It would cause irreversible damage . They should ram a fire extinguisher up his arse see how the cunt likes it.


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19th Dec 13 at 16:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by V931_FEF
Originally posted by John
Can just imagine the thread full of goths thinking they were the in thing all writing megalolz.

Originally posted by John
He looks like a goth + generation strikes me as a goth = goth.
Y869 SRA

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19th Dec 13 at 17:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Had a skim through. Glad I didn't read it all now, fucking sick motherfucker.
SVM 286

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19th Dec 13 at 17:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I think liberal, but not excessive applications of fire, could assist him in his rehabilitation.
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19th Dec 13 at 18:17   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got to the third paragraph before I stopped. That is probably the most horrific thing I have read in my life. There isn't a punishment befitting for him.

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19th Dec 13 at 18:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The rehabilitation aspect brings up a good point here. Prison is for rehabilitation. I'm not sure whether there is research on it or not, but can the bit that's clearly broken in the brain to cause this ever be fixed? If not, he's no use to society, will cost lots of money to feed. He's not denied he's done it, no doubt as to whether the police have got it wrong. Probably a very good example of someone that could be put down.
SVM 286

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19th Dec 13 at 18:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Spot on John.

Preferably not quickly though.

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19th Dec 13 at 18:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm not going to opine much on this...

But, with regards to some aspects that have been brought up, I seem to remember Ross Kemp when he was in the Congo, and a lot of similar issues were being brought up. Very disturbing. Dunno if anyone else saw that episode?
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19th Dec 13 at 18:29   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's no punishment though; I still stand by the fact that where there is irrefutable evidence, that person should be used to benefit human kind through medical science before and after death and be given no pain medication or dignity throughout in accordance with the dignity and pain inflicted on the victim.
Ben G

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19th Dec 13 at 18:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not read it all yet, but don't need to.

That is properly fucked up, especially points 8 onwards.

The 3 of them need hanging publicly.

Thats even worse than murder imo.

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19th Dec 13 at 18:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ben G
Not read it all yet, but don't need to.

That is properly fucked up, especially points 8 onwards.

The 3 of them need hanging publicly.

Thats even worse than murder imo.

See this is what makes me angry. You have part of the coin where rehabilitation gets mentioned, which is fair enough. But where does that start and where does it stop?

Maybe not for this crime, but for others, prison is no deterrent, quite the contrary. In the middle east, some shit like this happens? Bang, you're being put to the gun squad. And for a lot lesser crimes as well, much lesser. Drugs etc

So yet, if we had a stupidly 'harsh' system like they do in the middle east, half the shit wouldn't happen here, it just wouldn't. Maybe being put to the gun squad for burglary is too harsh, but for murder, things like that, if that was the answer, half this shit wouldn't happen as I say. But with the coin turning again, with people who are mentally ill, and don't know what they're doing.... I don't know, the parameters are difficult.

All in all, I wish we had rules here like they do in the middle east. Not a lot of crime going on out there. (ignore terrorism etc)

Just my opinion anyway. I think 'punishments' here aren't strong enough, far from it.

[Edited on 19-12-2013 by p]

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19th Dec 13 at 18:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So tell me p, which states do you reckon have the higher murder rate in America? Those with the death penalty or those without?

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19th Dec 13 at 18:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Can't just go willy nilly amputating and killing people because our justice system gets it wrong a lot of the time, some accidentally, some because those policing it are worse than the criminals.

Those things also still happen, death penalty doesn't actually bring figures down in America.

It's very hard to draw the boundaries so in most circumstances it's better to be safe than sorry.

As much as I'd like to say 'just stone him to death', that's not how it works in a civilised country. Anywhere that still does that will also be a shit place to be otherwise.

FFS should have just done a tl;dr

[Edited on 19-12-2013 by John]

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19th Dec 13 at 18:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by JonnyJ
So tell me p, which states do you reckon have the higher murder rate in America? Those with the death penalty or those without?

Your question seems to acquire the answer. Be that as it may, I personally just think we should have a lot harsher penalties here, that's all. Maybe I'm alone in this thinking, that's fine, of course.

Nothing to do with this topic. But there will be people out there now planning to burgle homes, because they can't be bothered working, or doing the decent thing, and they'll find it easier to steal presents from people who do work hard. If individuals like that get caught, they'll get a slap on the wrist, a short time in prison, and they'll be out, doing it again. Rehabilitation? Bull.

If a sentence for such a crime was very harsh, it would make people think twice. The reason why people don't think twice, is because this country is too, too lenient.

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19th Dec 13 at 19:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So what do you want? Life for anyone who robs a house? How are we going to pay for all this?

People will commit serious crimes no matter what the punishment is, thats what desperate/mentally broken/brainwashed people do. Life in prison/Death/Stoning/ripping their cocks off/setting them on fire/any terrible death you could think of, wouldnt have stopped Watkins or those twats in London.

And then theres the point that people are still wrongly sent to prison, like that poor cunt who has just been released after SEVENTEEN years in jail for a rape he didnt even commit.

You need to put the Daily Mail down for a few minutes, stopped getting enraged by what you read in there and look at real life for a second.

(ignore terrorism) FLOL aye that small misdemeanour.

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19th Dec 13 at 19:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by JonnyJ
So what do you want? Life for anyone who robs a house? How are we going to pay for all this?

People will commit serious crimes no matter what the punishment is, thats what desperate/mentally broken/brainwashed people do. Life in prison/Death/Stoning/ripping their cocks off/setting them on fire/any terrible death you could think of, wouldnt have stopped Watkins or those twats in London.

And then theres the point that people are still wrongly sent to prison, like that poor cunt who has just been released after SEVENTEEN years in jail for a rape he didnt even commit.

You need to put the Daily Mail down for a few minutes, stopped getting enraged by what you read in there and look at real life for a second.

(ignore terrorism) FLOL aye that small misdemeanour.

No. I meant ignore terrorism as that's a whole different ball game, obviously.

I don't know what the answer is. That's part of the problem.

As stated, I personally, in my own opinion, think the deterrent/punishment is no where near strong enough.
SVM 286

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19th Dec 13 at 19:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Whilst they're might be rehabilitation for junkies and alcoholics. There can be no such thing for evil, sadistic monstrosities such as this individual.

There can only be damage limitation.

Prevent them from coming into contact with society.

Obviously there can be no appropriately legitimate punishment carried out on the aforementioned individual, but in an imperfect world, opportunity can and does present itself whilst incarcerated, for other (less constrained by legality) prison inhabitants to dole out illegal, yet appropriate punishment/s.

And a good job too I say.

Here's hoping it happens asap.
SVM 286

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19th Dec 13 at 19:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John

FFS should have just done a tl;dr

What's that John?
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19th Dec 13 at 19:34   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Tbh, as much as I agree that it's our lack of a death penalty that actually makes us a modern society, I'd love for people like Watkins to receive the most horrendous levels of torture imaginable.
I don't believe that there is a place in hell horrible enough for him.
SVM 286

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19th Dec 13 at 19:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Absolutely Eck.

I'm a complete pacifist, but i'm sure with enough booze in me, I could make a career out of harming this man, if there was a wage in it.

Christ, I might even do it for free if the CPS will pay my travelling expenses and buy me lunch.

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