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Not yet.
It MIGHT run tomorrow, if I can be arsed going in on my day off.
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I'd totally lost interest in it, but getting the head back on has given me about 10% of my original love back.
Might tiger stripe it if I keep it
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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Might have to rethink the boost pipes too, the old one from the cold side of the turbo ran across the slam panel, that'd get fucking hot now 
If I run the pipes the other way, turn the top hat round and have the cooled air coming up the cambelt side it'll be a bit better I reckon, should be neater too
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I reckon it would be better if you had a gerbil that took a gulp of air from the turbo, then ran to the inlet and blew the air in, then ran back to the turbo and took another gulp of air, then ran back to th.................................
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I think you're on to something there Ed
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Shimano Gerbiltech.
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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Point the engine at the back wheels and then it can be Shimano Gatebil-tech.
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Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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I now have some bonnet pins (which need fitting) to stop the bonnet flapping about at legal speed.
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does it not need to work before it can do any kind of speed, let alone legal speeds?
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Well yeah, but that might be happening sooner than you think.
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quote: Originally posted by Robin
Well yeah, but that might be happening sooner than you think.
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quote: Originally posted by Robin
Well yeah, but that might be happening sooner than you think.
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Bonnet is pinned, the engine is pretty much back together too 
Cambelt will be on either tomorrow or Friday.
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Pics of the pins, they need a final tweak to sit 100% right though, although I'm not too bothered if it's low at the front as long as it doesn't flip open 
Realised 100% that I need to redo the boost pipes while doing the pins, which is a bit of a setback as I've got to fabricate an adaptor for the top hat to sit the other way round (Ford very kindly put the holes off centre so you can't get it wrong)
Getting there though.
Got a quote for some tiger stripes too
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dark grey and light grey tiger stripes
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dark grey, black and light grey, on silver 
Got some non gay mirrors coming this afternoon, might attempt to remove the sideskirts today too, by whatever method is required. (I'm hoping for the axe)
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I have a chainsaw here if needed
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Will look so much better once the skirts and mirrors are binned 
Tiger stripes and sort the boost pipes then enjoy it for a bit before you get rid again
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Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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No skirts, black mirrors and how the engine currently stands.
It looks so shit at the moment, it actually looks worse without the skirts on and I can't get the tigerseal off 
Can't put the skirts back on either as they came off with some tin snips
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big improvement "dude"
get some standard skirts next!
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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will a toffee wheel etc not work, looks so so much better like that
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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wow, check the collaboration of awesomeness in some of those pictures!
fiesta with a focus rs engine, jamies escort and my corsa PMSL
a toffee wheel would more than likely work, i know just the place to get them from aswell robin! ill get one in the morning for you
[Edited on 01-08-2008 by broster]
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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vanilla wheels are alot better
Registered: 20th May 02
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by broster
wow, check the collaboration of awesomeness in some of those pictures!
fiesta with a focus rs engine, jamies escort
oh my dodgy red corsa is there too
[Edited on 01-08-2008 by broster]