Registered: 4th Jan 10
Location: Gloucestershire
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Congrats on the pass mate 
At least you can keep it now
Looks nice when clean as always!
Registered: 4th Jan 10
Location: Gloucestershire
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Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
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So this is off the road due to the silver one being on, Which gives me time to sort the gearbox, Finally!
Started the day off like....

The offending item

Headlights out

Pas pump and other stuff moved

And then, Oops, Wheres it gone

Ahh, There

Dirty (Only done 5k!) oil and metal filings

And thats how it was left...

I'll get the new box fitted sometime during the week...
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
User status: Offline
What was the matter with the old one? Wouldn't have thought dirty oil and filings would be too much to worry about on a 'box with 5k on it...?
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Sorry I meant the oil has only done 5k. Gearbox has unknown miles but I think around 100k.
Syncro on 2nd was fucked and 3rd was close, Hard to get it into 2nd and a bit of a pain into 3rd.
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
User status: Offline
Ah right sound, thought you were replacing a gearbox with 5000 miles on it thought that it could still be sort of running in which might cause the filings.
Good luck getting it all back together anyway
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Never updated this... Finished it obviously But Since the silver one broke, I've once again been using this....
Got a couple of pics today as I was working on the silver one, Its in desperate need of a proper clean, Although other than the front wheels, the pics make it look clean lol

Its been/being a good daily though, Its got a momumental oil leak atm, Rear ARB is loose ( ) But meh, Its working.
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Well since having the silver one back on the road this has been off the road again, I pulled the engine a good while ago to fix some leaks and do some other small jobs.
It sat for a good while engineless while I did the engine in my limited free time, and then when it was done, the gearbox was nicked. Over the last week I've been collecting the stuff to finally get the engine in.
Yesterday Chris F came down again to help me bolt the engine up and had a play with his 1.8.

And then today I finished it off, got it running etc.... The 6spokes that were on the front had bald tyres so easiest solution was to chuck on my speedlines...

Then refitted the headlights, done a few more final checks and then took it for a test spin, looking a bit mismash.

Plan now is to sort the little problems, and then start using it again, should save a fair amount of fuel compared to the sport.
Speedlines won't be staying on it, No matter how cool they look on it
Registered: 3rd Jun 08
Location: Ballycastle
User status: Offline
Nice to see it back together again 
Registered: 9th May 08
Location: Burnley, Lancashire
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Keep the Speedlines
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
I'm glad its back together, a few little things and it will be ready for the road.
Speedlines are going on the silver one, 12v will go back on the white 6spokes, its a daily pile of shit
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
So this has been back on the road properly for a few weeks again, Used by various people including Chris F 
As silvery is coming off the road I'm going to sort the little problems (Exhaust blowing, Bits of trim falling off) and then hopefully I wont mind driving it as much 
In the mean time...
Kinda boring standard dash with rev clocks and GSI wheel...

But now....

I saw these and Just had to have them 
If anybody else wants any bits done, Let me know and I'll put you in touch with the lad. The finish is perfect 
And Before anybody asks, No this isn't getting a engine conversion this weekend, I can't do one this weekend to match last weekend
Organiser: Yorkshire Premium Member
Registered: 13th Jan 10
Location: Worksop
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Alex can I swap steering wheels with ya? 
Star silver C20XE SXi Project thread
Smoke Grey Corsa GSi Project thread
Registered: 3rd Jun 08
Location: Ballycastle
User status: Offline
Those flocked bits
Chris F
Show Staff Organiser: East Anglia Premium Member
Registered: 26th Dec 05
Location: Newmarket Drives: Escort Van 1.8
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Fit the 1.4 init u bell! Is that flocked?
Registered: 4th Jan 10
Location: Gloucestershire
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Registered: 4th Jan 10
Location: Gloucestershire
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Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
My wheel is fucked Its not leaving my ownership though, Tenner it cost me 
It is indeed flocked . 1.4 isn't being fitted, I am going to see about fitting a non-smokey, non-fucked 12v engine though, Maybe Next weekend lolz
Registered: 7th Feb 08
Location: Plymouth
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not keen on the blue flocked bits, i was hoping they were P/shopped on and werent real. Damn u for having a tidy gsi wheel
Registered: 13th Aug 11
Location: Kent
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Projects looking good I love that colour blue!
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
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After crashing this into a kurb, wrecking a speedline and then repairing it all (Bearing, balljoints, arms) I've now decided to break this.
Parts will slowly be listed over the next few months.
Registered: 3rd Jun 08
Location: Ballycastle
User status: Offline
What a gay , I might need something off it but its a bit tedious so you might not want to. I'll let you know on MSN
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Alternator started overchaging, killed the battery, popped a few bulbs.
Decided I don't want to spend any money on it, As it smokes like fuck, needs money spending on it to get it decent so now breaking it.
Going to go dirty and buy a Clio.
Edges 58
Registered: 30th Mar 10
Location: Nottingham
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Do an engine conversion? Is the shell alright?
Registered: 25th Oct 08
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Shells rotten, Already have a engine converted car, This was just a cheap runaround.