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Author Prometheus (Alien prequel)

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7th Jun 12 at 18:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I feel the same about lost tbh.

I don't want to be spoon fed but lost and Prometheus are too far on the WTF just happened extreme.
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7th Jun 12 at 19:57   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by chris_uk
I want to know why in alien 3 did the alien take days to bust out of her chest when the others only took a matter if hours?

What others? The one in Alien took a long time. We don't really know how long they take in Aliens and the first one in Alien 3 was nested in a dog / cow (depending on version) which makes for a different species hence not comparable. Lastly, the one in Ripley was a queen, so it's likely to assume it needed longer to grow bigger...!


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7th Jun 12 at 23:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thank you Balling
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7th Jun 12 at 23:31   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The one in alien took a matter of hours as they said they were going to have a meal before going to sleep, next scene and it popped out

The one in the cow/dog was the same a couple of hours, i dont think it matters what the host is.

The ones in AVP where just as quick to pop out the longest one being the alien in the predator, again different species yet took a matter of hours.

So why did the queen in ripley take days nearly a week to pop?

But another question entirely, how did a face hugger inpregnate ripley in the firstplace,? The queen jumped aboard the Ship and onto the suloco (sp) but without its egg sack so it couldnt lay any eggs to hatch.

[Edited on 07-06-2012 by chris_uk]

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8th Jun 12 at 06:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Theories floating around that the eggs were always aboard the Sulaco
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8th Jun 12 at 07:11   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by chris_uk
So why did the queen in ripley take days nearly a week to pop?

But another question entirely, how did a face hugger inpregnate ripley in the firstplace,? The queen jumped aboard the Ship and onto the suloco (sp) but without its egg sack so it couldnt lay any eggs to hatch.

AVP is not canon, so I will disregard these.

The egg(s) and facehugger(s) on Sulaco are widely discussed and poorly explained. Either way, it's a bit of a stretch. Here's what some guy on IMDb wrote, which I think sums it up pretty good:

It was never explained in the film how the egg(s) got aboard the Sulaco, but there have been several possibilities suggested as to how it happened: (1) Some believe that the Queen either carried the eggs with her from the hive in Aliens and planted it on the Sulaco or simply laid the eggs there, despite having torn off her ovipositor (the ovipositor being simply the means to lay the eggs, and not the source of the eggs), (2) Others think that Bishop was responsible, i.e., while Ripley was rescuing Newt, Bishop retrieved the eggs and later planted them on the Sulaco, or (3) an Alien warrior planted the eggs on the dropship when Bishop was inside taking care of Hicks and waiting for Ripley. However, all of these possible explanations have their weaknesses, and this is often considered to be a plot hole in the film. The number of eggs present is also debatable. As suggested in the first film, facehuggers die once they have impregnated a host. Some therefore claim that there were several eggs and facehuggers on the Sulaco: one facehugger impregnated Ripley while in hypersleep, a second one cut itself while trying to crack open Newt's cryotube (thus starting the fire on the ship), and a third journeyed with the crew in the EEV (escape pod) and later impregnated a dog/ox on Fury 161. However, in the movie's opening credits, we see only one opened egg, and no version of the movie specifically shows more than one facehugger at any one time. However, the sight of one opened egg does not preclude the presence of other eggs offscreen, nor does it exclude the possibility that a facehugger which carries a queen can only plant one embryo

The most plausible reason for the extended time spent in the womb by the queen is that she is just that, a queen. As the queens are far, far more advanced creatures than the regular Xeno's one must assume she takes longer to be born.

Keep in mind this is a sci-fi franchise, so some amount of imagination is expected on your part.

There are those, I know, who do not consider the third installment canon. Fincher started the film without a proper script and with a team of demanding producers who basically wanted him to remake Camerons Aliens. Fincher brought a lot of new ideas to the table which I personally find fit well with the franchise and appart from the shoddy CGI I really, really enjoy the Special Edition of Alien 3. Fincher was bold enough to kill of Newt and to introduce the religious aspect that helped give the film a completely fresh feel and tone.
The eggs on the Sulaco do seem strange, but I can easily accept that we'll never fully know how they got there.


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8th Jun 12 at 08:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I only remember a dog in alien3, not a cow/ox

Edit - just read that it was different in the theatrical version vs directors cut

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8th Jun 12 at 08:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Watched it last night.

Apart from agreeing 100% about the charecters lacking development/interest I found it very entertaining, beautiful and excellent. Well apart from the silly ending but i was willing to overlook this as a bridge to the next film.

Im not a hardcore Alien(s) fan, I love the first and third movies and enjoyed the others too.

For the record I love Lost, it ended beautifully.

This did leave me with a lot of questions, and if I was being picky the creatures didn't look like they weren't from the trilogy. BUT as a biological weapon that seemed to evolve to surroundings/host to attack etc it kinda made sense.

Oh and I love Fincher, so probably why I enjoyed this so much.

I look forward to the continuation of the story. I can however understand the frustration of the hardcore fans.

[Edited on 08-06-2012 by Jambo]
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8th Jun 12 at 08:37   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jambo
I was being picky the creatures didn't look like they weren't from the trilogy.

What do you mean by this?

Originally posted by Jambo
Oh and I love Fincher, so probably why I enjoyed this so much.

Prometheus was done by Ridley Scott. Don't think Fincher was involved.


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8th Jun 12 at 10:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fincher, WTF jambo

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8th Jun 12 at 10:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Was he not credited? Sorry im not awake today, I may have been confusing it with GWTDT that i watched previously

Whatever, its a good film.

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8th Jun 12 at 11:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I looked at the time of your post and thought as much.

Despite coming across as negative I did enjoy the film, have been thinking about it for a week now (sign of a good movie) and would watch again.

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8th Jun 12 at 11:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I did my ex's media degree coursework all about Fincher for her

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8th Jun 12 at 12:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

your ex is weird.
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8th Jun 12 at 12:38   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What you mean AVP wasnt canon?

You mean cameron?
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8th Jun 12 at 12:46   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by chris_uk
What you mean AVP wasnt canon?

You mean cameron?

I mean AVP is a separate franchise, that is based on but not part of the Alien universe and timeline.

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8th Jun 12 at 12:50   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I realise that but xenos are still xenos.

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8th Jun 12 at 13:06   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by chris_uk
I realise that but xenos are still xenos.

No. What happens in AVP has nothing to do with what happens in the Alien movies. The timeline is different, the universe is different, the creatures are different.

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8th Jun 12 at 14:00   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Look the same to me.. How are they different?

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8th Jun 12 at 16:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Basically those films are not involved in the same universe as the Alien films, more predator universe than Alien it's total bullshit.

I also love Alien3 and to my mind was a perfect ending to the trilogy.

The bishop carrying the eggs back to the Sulaco theory is my favourite and I feel should be explored further.

In Alien3 when ripley turns bishop back on bishop even says "they were with us all the time"
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8th Jun 12 at 16:35   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by chris_uk
Look the same to me.. How are they different?

The Xenos have always varied in design from film to film. The true reason behind this being different visual artists and technology. However, most differences can be explained.

Alien: Original "human with a cock-like head" design
Aliens: Like the original, but with more details on the head. Cameron explains the different appearance with the Xenos being much older and more evolved than the one in Alien ever had the chance to be.
Alien3: Different as it was bred in a dog/cow.
Alien Resurrection: Different as they are not true Xenos but clones with muddled DNA.

AVP: Mix of all previous versions.

What can not be explained is the varying number of fingers from Alien to Aliens.

Again, this is sci-fi. Some unexplainable things are to be expected...


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8th Jun 12 at 18:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Balling
Alien: Original "human with a cock-like head" design


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8th Jun 12 at 18:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Please no further conversation on the abomination that is the A vs P franchise. Same people that wank their little willies off to this are the same ones that fist their mums over transformers.

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9th Jun 12 at 23:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Never seen them

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10th Jun 12 at 12:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I envy you

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