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Author Just bin out in my bro's 20XE Nova in the wet....

Registered: 16th Jul 03
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31st Jul 03 at 01:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeh i would agree that this thread needs to be haulted in its tracks,

the arguments are spoiling everything

Registered: 19th Jun 00
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31st Jul 03 at 01:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The arguments are all bullshit anyway - then again it's funny so keep fighting boys

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31st Jul 03 at 01:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

xr3i lol

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31st Jul 03 at 10:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dan_Corsa
Vauxhall nova 2.0 16v quarter mile in 14.82@93.77mph 2.0 16v standard engine stripped interior 15/09/02 Santa-pod Mike

astra gte 2.0 16v quarter mile in 14.82@94.12mph standard engine and K&N filter 164bhp 01/09/02 Santa pod

explain that mattyb

some how i think your bro's nova is producing more power than your letting on

[Edited on 30-07-2003 by Dan_Corsa]

.......................those figures are, to say the least "odd"......

I mean, firstly, a corsa valver does a 1/4 in what 14.7?? 14.8?.....and ur sayin that a lighter nova valver only does it in the same, dispite the quite noticable difference it weight.........ERM NO.

Secondly, how did the astra get 10-14bhp from a K+N? Smells like bull shit that does.

Thirdly, it proves nothing. Wow, one guy's nova does a slow 1/4........? And some other guy with a astra does a quick 1/4? I would say both times are inaccurate, otherwise that astra is just a pretty damn fast motor, and that nova driver cant drive for shit.

I mean 10bhp does not make up for all the weight disadvantage an astra with full interior has, over a light strippd out nova with 154bhp....NO WAY. That nova should be running 14.4's at least.

Daimo B

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31st Jul 03 at 10:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

An Astra in standard form wont hit 14s 1/4

And 14bhp from an ind kit??? The 20XE engines work terrible with ind kit. Good with those Piper X viper things, but terrible otherwise. U'd need a panel filter and exhaust to get that power.

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31st Jul 03 at 10:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Daimo B
An Astra in standard form wont hit 14s 1/4

And 14bhp from an ind kit??? The 20XE engines work terrible with ind kit. Good with those Piper X viper things, but terrible otherwise. U'd need a panel filter and exhaust to get that power.

yep......he's choosen some real good figures to represent his arguement with

Even if u said that u found figures of a nova that ran a 1.4 in the 15s with a stripped out rear and valver, doesnt mean nowt, coz every1 knows they are lighter and do sub 14.5's.


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31st Jul 03 at 10:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by fordxr3
Originally posted by xedos@hotmail
If something costs £1million, only a few people can buy something. If something is priced at £500,000 then twice as many people will be able to afford one.

You following ? (just try I know its hard)

So, take a nova, produced over decades, made millions, cost pennies, this means that everyone who can afford a penny chew could potentially buy a Nova, and have, so therefore by the masses dictating the market more people have the Nova and have modified it. Getit ? Silly question really. Stick to posing in future lol

TRUE BUT THIINK BOUT IT, every car is almost worthless at one point so is'nt it a waste of money buying £20,000 new cars that only owrht £4000 about 5- 6 years later?????

a nova gsi is faster than corsa gsi????my opinion is that they're about the same, 1.4sri corsa faster than 1.3 sr FACT, i would rather a gsi nova in mint condition unmolested and save the extra pennies that a corsa would cost to buy a manta gt/e,

but i would only ever have a gt/e or gsi nova nothing less,

i like my xr3i's they're equal to a nova gsi speed wise

[Edited on 31-07-2003 by fordxr3]

Standard nova's are slow as

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31st Jul 03 at 10:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by luca2020
i agree with damio, id much rather have a tidy nova than a tidy punto

my 1.4SR was absolutly mint, and kept up with nova GTE's (had a few tuning goddies) and handled like it was on tracks

well your both numbnuts

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31st Jul 03 at 10:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Daimo B
Ok so its a Euro Nova, and it has thiose orrid 14"s, but the guys done this himself.

Never seen a punto as clean, tidy, or well maintained as that!!
Then theres Brett (??) Turquiose green Nova on TB, An amazing car. Also, that SBD 225bhp 2.1 16v, Perspex windows, blue, painted alloys. Also, @ PVS, a yellow Nova, blakc 17"s, bit like the one above, twin chromed carbs etc.

Novas are a passion for a lot of people. Puntos are not liked like that. There are reasons

you talk of shite Daimo. you only know vauxhalls

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31st Jul 03 at 10:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Daimo B
You can buy any shitty car, but it takes time and money to build it Dumb arse

And as for what u say, well, Puntos aint exactly expensive, and theres far more highly modified corsas, built to the same kind of standard as above as there are novas.

No-one wants to do the punto's

And why should something written by such an idiot as yourself (i know im bored, lets try to start winding people up, yeah, nice guy muppet ) be so hard to understand by me. It like reading a comic book your replies

Go back to wonderland my sweet

Again you only know of vauxhalls please do not think that you actually know anything about people who modify punto's.

granted there are corsa's on the roads in this countyr and puntos and there is more tunning stuff around for corsa's in this country.

Registered: 13th Nov 01
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31st Jul 03 at 10:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by fordxr3
Originally posted by xedos@hotmail
If something costs £1million, only a few people can buy something. If something is priced at £500,000 then twice as many people will be able to afford one.

You following ? (just try I know its hard)

So, take a nova, produced over decades, made millions, cost pennies, this means that everyone who can afford a penny chew could potentially buy a Nova, and have, so therefore by the masses dictating the market more people have the Nova and have modified it. Getit ? Silly question really. Stick to posing in future lol

TRUE BUT THIINK BOUT IT, every car is almost worthless at one point so is'nt it a waste of money buying £20,000 new cars that only owrht £4000 about 5- 6 years later?????

a nova gsi is faster than corsa gsi????my opinion is that they're about the same, 1.4sri corsa faster than 1.3 sr FACT, i would rather a gsi nova in mint condition unmolested and save the extra pennies that a corsa would cost to buy a manta gt/e,

but i would only ever have a gt/e or gsi nova nothing less,

i like my xr3i's they're equal to a nova gsi speed wise

[Edited on 31-07-2003 by fordxr3]

Standard nova's are slow as

they are slow compared to larger cars etc, but for hatch backs, they were pretty nippy. well faster than corsa's like for like for a start. unfortunately, as time progressed, so many were cained to bits, that they ended up runnin shit.


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31st Jul 03 at 10:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Sooty
Daimo... your an A class twat

Daimo B

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31st Jul 03 at 10:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So give us some examples then vibrio and stop with the usual "all talk"

And i only know of vauxhalls, to the level i do, yes, i've only owned vauxhalls, and i like them. But i do know various other things about other manufactures.

Although im not a welth of knowledge and praise myself like god like you do

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31st Jul 03 at 10:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Daimo B
I have seen a LOT better quality novas than i have Puntos. In fact, theres been quite a few superb novas, totally show condidtion, that still get track use.

Only high bhp punto i know of is Xedos one. But that kept blowing up?

PErsonnally, i'd prefer a really tidy nova compared to a really tidy (if there is such one been done yet) Punto.

and how many Italian car shows have you been too. anyone can afford to buy a nova and do it up. I do not clean my engie bay or fit shiny things in there cause it serves no purpose. I do not fit body kits cause they look rank. I like speed. my GT is faster than any standard nova, looks better than any Nova modified or not and is worth more, younger and more comfy. Nova's are shite. no matter what you do to the nova is will still be shite

James's car did not blow up and there are other high HP puntos around it's just you don;t know about them.
Daimo B

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31st Jul 03 at 10:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Sooty
Daimo... your an A class twat


Sooty, your still a spotty teenager Go home
Vibrio, well, no comment

Get over me you two, my god, i dred to think what yyou would liek to do with my arse if i was near you. Your constently obsessed with me

Im am obsessed over By 1 little boy and 1 old man.

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31st Jul 03 at 10:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Daimo B
Whats wrong with that. I am putting a personnal opinion down just as he does. OK for vibbers but not anyone else?

But what i put is true. Vibrio may like Puntos more, furry muff, but im saying i haven't seen a punto to the high quality that i have a Nova. There are some immaculate examples, where-as i haven't seen any like that of a punto?

he has to keep it that clean or it will rust


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31st Jul 03 at 10:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by MattyB
Originally posted by Daimo B
Whats wrong with that. I am putting a personnal opinion down just as he does. OK for vibbers but not anyone else?

But what i put is true. Vibrio may like Puntos more, furry muff, but im saying i haven't seen a punto to the high quality that i have a Nova. There are some immaculate examples, where-as i haven't seen any like that of a punto?

i'm with daimo on this one. although i own a corsa, i aint sayin a nova is a good car. But it does come down to personal preference.

Down this way, the only ppl drivin Punto's especially GTs and Sportings are 20 year old kids, mainly jewish, who are under their mums insurance and believe that having a stick on tail pipe, is high modified. They feel that they all have the quickest car around, and get very upset when a nova passes them

This is why i would not own punto, but thats just coz of the image it has around this way, and the fact i DONT like em in general.


my god your a fanny. you don;t like the image of the punto cause it is driven about by 20 year old jews

remind me how old you are, what car you drive and your religion
Daimo B

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31st Jul 03 at 10:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vibrio

and how many Italian car shows have you been too. anyone can afford to buy a nova and do it up. I do not clean my engie bay or fit shiny things in there cause it serves no purpose. I do not fit body kits cause they look rank. I like speed. my GT is faster than any standard nova, looks better than any Nova modified or not and is worth more, younger and more comfy. Nova's are shite. no matter what you do to the nova is will still be shite

James's car did not blow up and there are other high HP puntos around it's just you don;t know about them.

None, i've never seen any advertised like i have the vauxhall shows.

A nova is not sh1te, YOU just think they are sh1t. Everyone ahs an opinion, your just too arrogent and self loving to accept others opinions.

And im still waiting to see some shining examples of Puntos. I can get plenty of Nova ones that are show standard. Can you do the same of puntos and stop shouting your mouth off (As usual)
wayne hiscock

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31st Jul 03 at 10:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

all punto gtt's i looked at had been ranted to fuck and not in good condition.

i looked at 2 gsi's bought the second one

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31st Jul 03 at 10:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i think u2 should get it on

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31st Jul 03 at 10:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Daimo B
So give us some examples then vibrio and stop with the usual "all talk"

And i only know of vauxhalls, to the level i do, yes, i've only owned vauxhalls, and i like them. But i do know various other things about other manufactures.

Although im not a wealth of knowledge and praise myself like god like you do

why what do you care. you don't like punto's.
Daimo B

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31st Jul 03 at 10:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Daimo B
Whats wrong with that. I am putting a personnal opinion down just as he does. OK for vibbers but not anyone else?

But what i put is true. Vibrio may like Puntos more, furry muff, but im saying i haven't seen a punto to the high quality that i have a Nova. There are some immaculate examples, where-as i haven't seen any like that of a punto?

he has to keep it that clean or it will rust

You have ignored everything i have put. Is that because what i say is true?

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31st Jul 03 at 10:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Daimo B
Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Sooty
Daimo... your an A class twat


Sooty, your still a spotty teenager Go home
Vibrio, well, no comment

Get over me you two, my god, i dred to think what yyou would liek to do with my arse if i was near you. Your constently obsessed with me

Im am obsessed over By 1 little boy and 1 old man.

whois obsessed I was mearly agreeing with what sooty said.

P.S I am not old (yet)
Daimo B

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31st Jul 03 at 10:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by vibrio
Originally posted by Daimo B
So give us some examples then vibrio and stop with the usual "all talk"

And i only know of vauxhalls, to the level i do, yes, i've only owned vauxhalls, and i like them. But i do know various other things about other manufactures.

Although im not a wealth of knowledge and praise myself like god like you do

why what do you care. you don't like punto's.

Actaully, after going out in Andys my opinions of them changed. It was a damn fast little motor, esp for a 1.4 8v. Although they still have that awful dash and that tinny effect to them. Engine wise they are very good.

So AGAIN, your basing your opinion on what you THINK you know about me

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31st Jul 03 at 10:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Daimo B
Originally posted by vibrio

and how many Italian car shows have you been too. anyone can afford to buy a nova and do it up. I do not clean my engie bay or fit shiny things in there cause it serves no purpose. I do not fit body kits cause they look rank. I like speed. my GT is faster than any standard nova, looks better than any Nova modified or not and is worth more, younger and more comfy. Nova's are shite. no matter what you do to the nova is will still be shite

James's car did not blow up and there are other high HP puntos around it's just you don;t know about them.

None, i've never seen any advertised like i have the vauxhall shows.

A nova is not sh1te, YOU just think they are sh1t. Everyone ahs an opinion, your just too arrogent and self loving to accept others opinions.

And im still waiting to see some shining examples of Puntos. I can get plenty of Nova ones that are show standard. Can you do the same of puntos and stop shouting your mouth off (As usual)

Nova's are a shit car. just like the uno was a shit car.

provide nice nova's and I will provide nice puntos

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » Just bin out in my bro's 20XE Nova in the wet.... 22 database queries in 0.0298231 seconds