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Author Oil - Please help

Registered: 14th Jul 02
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30th Oct 03 at 23:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This post is basically about Oil in general. For those of you who are fussy about it, and particularly those who have had pre oil-change tappet/cam followers/hydrolic lifter noises that have gone after an oil change.

There are many branded oils that every man and his dog has heard of, eg. Mobil 1, Castrol GTX, Esso, Duxhams QXR, Rock Oil Strata, Repsol, Petrofina etc all made by their own manufacturer. When it comes to oil though am I not the only a little doubtful about vauxhall oil ? Who is it made by ? Well I very much doubt it's GM, and dont you wonder why it is so cheap ? Maybe I'm paranoid but I like to know who makes what I have in my engine like most enthusiasts.

Also, getting to my actual problem I want the advise of a bloke in the know. I have noisey tappets which I have have had in many cars, all of which have been irradicated by a decent semi-synthetic but all my previous cars have been 8valvers. Now I own a 2.0 16valve Ecotec the noise is not curing as easily. My common sense tells me to put say a 5.30 in, instead of a 10.40 as it is thinner and will get around quicker on start up. However, I have seen many posts that say a thicker oil should be put in. Which would you recommend as the sound of metal on metal makes me cringe.

Thanks for reading this, sorry it was so long, just wanted to explain in full. Chris.

[Edited on 30-10-2003 by chris_lee100]

Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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31st Oct 03 at 01:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i dont think there is much u can do to cure noisy tappets that are commonly found with the ecotech engines. i think the fact u have gone from an 8v to a 16v means more tappets rattling around hence it would appear to be louder. u say ure common sense would be to use a thinner oil but mine is tellin me that this would encourage more metal on metal contact.

as far as i know there isnt really anythin u can do other than eradicate any other possible causes for the noise for example if it doesnt quieten when u rev then u may be lookin at knackered tappets. or are u sure its not a noisy injector?

id personally say stick with a 10/40 semi synthetic and keep ure eye on the noise incase it gets any worse

the joys of ecotech engines

Registered: 14th Sep 01
Location: Bath Avon
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31st Oct 03 at 08:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by chris_lee100
This post is basically about Oil in general. For those of you who are fussy about it, and particularly those who have had pre oil-change tappet/cam followers/hydrolic lifter noises that have gone after an oil change.

There are many branded oils that every man and his dog has heard of, eg. Mobil 1, Castrol GTX, Esso, Duxhams QXR, Rock Oil Strata, Repsol, Petrofina etc all made by their own manufacturer. When it comes to oil though am I not the only a little doubtful about vauxhall oil ? Who is it made by ? Well I very much doubt it's GM, and dont you wonder why it is so cheap ? Maybe I'm paranoid but I like to know who makes what I have in my engine like most enthusiasts.

Also, getting to my actual problem I want the advise of a bloke in the know. I have noisey tappets which I have have had in many cars, all of which have been irradicated by a decent semi-synthetic but all my previous cars have been 8valvers. Now I own a 2.0 16valve Ecotec the noise is not curing as easily. My common sense tells me to put say a 5.30 in, instead of a 10.40 as it is thinner and will get around quicker on start up. However, I have seen many posts that say a thicker oil should be put in. Which would you recommend as the sound of metal on metal makes me cringe.

Thanks for reading this, sorry it was so long, just wanted to explain in full. Chris.

[Edited on 30-10-2003 by chris_lee100]

Engine Oil:

What you have to rember is that vauxhall semi-synthetic is what they use when they service the cars, and that the service intervals on a oil change on a corsa is now two years or 20.000 miles. it cant be that shit or they wouldnt use it.


Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: plymouth Drives: Astra Sport
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31st Oct 03 at 08:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

IIRC Vauxhall oil is made by shell in Stoke.

Its definatly made by someone in stoke, might not be shell though

Vauxhall oil is great stuff with a great price. I went to a Cosworth specialist Ford Tuners for a rolling road day last weekend and he had a whole rack stacked up of Vauxhall oil!

If your lifters are knackered then whatever oil you use wont make a difference. You could try using an engine flush type product to try and clean them,, but apart from changing the oil, all you can do is take them out and clean/replace.

Registered: 14th Jul 02
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1st Nov 03 at 00:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well miles, spurrel and kerry thanks for your help, perhaps I was a bit harsh on the old vauxhall oil, i still doubt they put it in the cars that are fresh out the box. Dont get me wrong its never caused me any probs, just thought that the fact that other oils made by their owns names which are more expenise (and lets face it they do have a much higher API spec than vauxhal oil) were to be more trusted.

It turns outs despite my waffling, the cause of my rattling is infact the cam box on my 2.0 eco, its gettin sorted next sat. I suspect its one of the plastic fragments or part of one of the other tensioners/wheels flying about, whatever it is I hope it gets sorted or it will be out with the cally and back to the Corsas. Take care chaps........ Chris

[Edited on 01-11-2003 by chris_lee100]

[Edited on 01-11-2003 by chris_lee100]

Registered: 5th May 02
Location: Liverpool. Drives. Skud vRS.
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1st Nov 03 at 00:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yes I was told by the local dealer it was made by Shell. £8 for 5 litres at local dealer

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