Corsa Sport » Message Board » Regional Groups & Events » South Central » F.A.O All people interested in showing their car at Doncaster show

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Author F.A.O All people interested in showing their car at Doncaster show

Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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12th Jan 04 at 23:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Donny Show
Date - 17th and 18th April 2004
Location - Doncaster Racecourse, Doncaster

Right the time has come to organise the Corsasport stand for the above show. As most of u are aware we were lucky enough to recieve 10 spaces for corsasport at this show so unfortunately this means not everyone will get a chance to attend this one but there are plenty of other events that you will for example both the south and scottish versions of this event we have unlimited space.

Please read the following information before making your decision to put forward your car for the show as we dont really have the time to mess about.

Upon reading and decieding you still wish to show please email me KERRY with a brief spec and no more than 3 pictures of your car

1. you must be available from the friday night (16th) til when they allow cars to leave on the sunday night. no car movement will be allowed on the saturday and sunday especially while the public are around and they are very strict on this (its usually around 5 to 6pm but all depends on the day)
2. when forwarding car specs i want to know how your car is now not how u think it will be as this is what the decision will be based on. no disrespect but not all things go to plan so i think this way it makes it fair on everyone
3. the deadline for applicants will be 31st of january and then shortly after those succesful will be notified and payments will need to be in by end of febuary. anyone not making the top 10 will be put in order on a reserve list and anyone failing to submit payment on time will have their place offered to these people.
4. ticket prices are as follows and are for the whole weekend
show car driver £25
passenger £30
campsite permit per vehicle £20

so good luck to everyone

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