Registered: 25th Mar 02
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Just been paintballing! Joff the bastard got me twice at close range! Quality day tho
post pics of bruises tomorrow no doubt!
leni and rob
Andy Morley
Registered: 2nd Apr 02
Location: South Yorkshire
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lol kerry got shop twice too she said. once by her own team (could be you :lol and once on the wat out lol
Registered: 25th Mar 02
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thats nowt! I counted 21 bruises on Rob
Most by me
Registered: 25th Feb 01
Location: Brdilington, East Yorkshire
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wait until you do it with the army, my mate did and ending up with a great big hole in his leg, nearly hit an archalery. Dangerous, although, i think he did it more on the alsolt course really.
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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no shit. getting hit by a ball filled with paint
Registered: 19th Oct 02
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At one point it looked like someone had poured a pot of paint over rob
Only 6 hits for me One was in the neck tho 
It was a good day & to Joff for sorting it out.
330 miles round trip, time for bed soon.
Registered: 14th Jun 03
Location: Bristol
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the worst ones and the ones that dont explode...especially when one hits you in the ass, soooooo much pain!!
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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I went on friday with work, we always have a game at the end, with all the people with balls left go out v eachother!!
Saw a mate with his back to me so shot him 6 times, and put him to the floor he couldnt get up, and someone else spotted huim and thought he was hiding, so shot him loads of times aswell!!!
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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When i went i had one ricochet off my head and one off my thumb that hurt soooo bad
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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i had one in back of each leg in my calf mucsle at close range and one off my hand kus leni decieded to shoot rob when we was gettin into position to play as he was on opposite team and he turned on her and got me instead that really hurt
then another twice i got shot at close range by some lads when i was leavin the gun room and one was in my kidney and that hurt
out in the games i never got hit other than when predator cornered me and i pretended i was already out and he shot at me as i ran off and he hit my gun
Registered: 9th Jul 01
Location: hull
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I was unshot the first game. second game I got hit in the ear straight on which caused me some pain I jumped forward in shock and got hit so thought bollox to this well stuck in here so gave up. Fourth game me and me 2 mates decided defending wasnt for us so went on a kamakazi run straight through I reckon 6 ambushes and took a few people out but in that I got 4 head shots out of the 21 shots I got on me. ( we walked out pissing ourselves with the marshalls laughing saying that was well funny and congratulating us ) lmao. fourth fifth six seven and eight games unshot. including the last game I held off around 10 people from our base. HAHAHA suckers I actually inpressed myselfs thus why I am buying a paintbal marker and doing it more offen! yippeeeee.
rob- the human 6ft 2" bruise!
Registered: 9th Jul 01
Location: hull
User status: Offline
oh sorry joff
top man well played for organising it
rob - again the 6ft 2" human bruise p.s my ass hurts